All posts tagged politecnico of turin

The Laura Bassi Scholarship was established in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed. The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in Summer 2024:

Summer 2024
Application deadline: 24 July 2024
Results: 10 August 2024

All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of full-time employment. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the relevant deadline. Further details, including previous winners, and the application portal can be found at:

Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) is an international honors programme of execellence, jointly offered by Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino, designed for top-tier Engineers, Architects, Urban Planners, and Designers. Each year, ASP selects 150 among the highest-achieving Master’s students in Architecture, Design, and Engineering—90 from Politecnico di Milano and 60 from Politecnico di Torino.

The ASP curriculum boasts extra Courses (Residential Schools) and Multidisciplinary Projects. These courses are cross-cultural and build upon the technical expertise that students gain in their Master’s studies, aiming to tackle interdisciplinary challenges of innovation projects across Engineering, Architecture and Design.
Students engage in real-world, multidisciplinary projects, collaborating with universities and external partners such as companiesgovernment bodies, and research institutions.
The official ASP language is English, ensuring a global and inclusive learning environment.

Application Deadline at Politecnico di Torino: October 15th, 2024 at 12.00 pm (noon – Italian time)

What does ASP offer?

  • Tuition fee waiver
  • Free travel and accommodation during ASP courses
  • Financial support for developing the ASP Multidisciplinary Projects

Information about admission requirements, application and selection process: click here.

For further information you can contact directly the ASP office through Ticketing Supprt System.
You can also visit the official website of ASP.

Gender-neutral bathrooms are coming to the Politecnico di Torino. Unisex toilets have already made their first appearance in an Italian university before: in fact, the first gender-neutral bathrooms were first inaugurated last June, at the University of Pisa. In autumn, the feasibility study for these new toilets might already be finished: the students of the Alter.Polis union, who had already brought forward a proposal to improve the university spaces, asked to add gender-neutral bathrooms to the existing ones, but the Academic Senate informed the public that the possibility of simply renovating the existing ones to make them unisex is not excluded.

This morning at the Politecnico di Torino the first graduates in the "Climate Change" orientation of the master’s degree course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering were announced. The first one is Vittorio Giordano, former graduate of the first level at the Politecnico di Torino, who discussed
a thesis on the future prospects of the water footprint of crops in the African continent, with the support as supervisors of engineer Marta Tuninetti and Professor Francesco Laio, currently Director of the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of the University.
The second one to be proclaimed is Yara Hammoud, a student from the Lebanese American
University, who discussed a thesis on the modeling of the role of the cryosphere in the definition of the
ground temperature in the Alpine area characterized by permafrost. Her supervisors were Professor
Jost von Hardenberg and two external supervisors from ARPA Piemonte, Dr. Christian Ronchi and Dr.
Luca Paro.

The master's degree course in Engineering for the Environment and the Territory of the
Politecnico di Torino trains future engineers able to address environmental challenges involving the
interaction between natural components (air, water, soil, biosphere) and humans and to develop
sustainable solutions for human activities. From the academic year 2019/2020, alongside the existing
orientations in Environmental Protection, Natural Hazards and Civil Protection and Geo-Engineering, a
new orientation dedicated to &Change" has been activated. The orientation, is entirely
offered in English, thus becoming the first engineering course in Europe dedicated to climate change,
with the aim of preparing a new generation of environmental engineers capable of responding to the
environmental and social challenges arising from climate change, and to seize the opportunities of the
future labor market.
"Improving the quantity and quality of agricultural production, ensuring sustainable adaptation to climate
change, is one of the major global challenges to facilitate the ecological transition – explains engineer
Marta Tuninetti with reference to Giordano's thesis. While, in relation to Hammoud's thesis,
Professor Jost von Hardenberg notes, "Permafrost degradation represents one of the most significant
impacts in the Alpine area of ongoing climate change, and numerical snowpack modeling represents a
fundamental tool for understanding the phenomenon and developing future scenario projections.

Provisional ranking list of 30 October.
Check the provisional ranking list online on your personal page.
Students from Accademia delle Belle Arti are not included in the list yet, since Accademia delle Belle Arti was not able to communicate to Edisu their
students; matriculations. Edisu asks that you not submit a complaint: Accademia will communicate the required data in the next few weeks.
Complaints: from 30 October to 20 November 2020 at 12 o’lock (noon)
Definitive ranking list: 15 December 2020 at 12 o’clock (noon)

To obtain the second instalment of the scholarship, students must complete the credits indicated in the Call by 10 August 2021. These credits must be registered by the University at the latest by 21 August 2021.
 20 credits for full-time students of bachelor’s, master’s, single cycle master’s
 11 credits for part-time students


Do you know Fondo Rotativo Edisu Piemonte?

Fondo Rotativo is reserved for off-site students applying for scholarships and housing service, who result eligible in the accommodation definitive ranking list and and not assigned as a result of expression of interest.

The application for Edisu Fondo Rotativo for Rent Deposit has been online since 2 October 2020.

What is Fondo Rotativo?

Fondo rotativo is an economic support to cover the payment of the security deposit required at the time of stipulating a lease as an advance payment of the scholarship, reserved for off-site students applying for scholarships and housing service who result eligible in the accommodation definitive ranking list and not assigned as a result of expression of interest.

The amount paid is equal to the one needed for two months and will be fully recognized or in part according to the number of holders, however within the maximum limit set for each contract and cannot exceed € 800,00. This amount is intended as an advance on the scholarship.

For more info go on the Edisu Call but remember that you can submit the application online since 2 October 2020.

EDISU Piemonte published the new version of the 2020/2021 EDISU call.
The deadline for the presentation of the application for the accommodation service is Thursday, 3 September. The deadline for the application for the
scholarship is Thursday, 1 October.
A help desk service will be active from Monday to Friday until 1 October for any problem the students may have regarding the call, e. g. the compilation of the application. Here you will find all the information to request support.

Olivetti Design Contest

It’s called Olivetti Design Contest, the Industrial Design competition promoted by Olivetti, the famous company of Ivrea, protagonist of an age-old history of research and innovation and operating still today in the ICT sector. The contest, which takes place this year for the third time, is addressed to students of some of the most prestigious Italian and international institutes. Among the ones of Turin there are the IAAD – Istituto d’Arte Applicata e Design and the DAD, il Dipartimento di Architettura e Design del Politecnico di Torino.

The contest will award a prize to the projects that will present an original contribution to the realization of a smart chair and/or a fiscal printer. The jury will examine the projects, considering conceptual elements of the work, the quality of the realization and the possibility of development from the commercial point of view, taking of course into account the values of Olivetti: guidance to the client, innovation, experience, excellence and proactivity.

There will be three winning projects, to which, for each one of the two topics will be given a prize of € 2,000 (first place), €1,500 (second place) and €1,000 (third place).

The participation to the contest is free, and it is possible to participate for the design of both topics or just one. All participants have to be students enrolled in the universities and academies pointed out in the 2nd point of the current regulations at the moment of the first sending of materials.

If the project is developed by more than a student, all the team will participate in the contest.

Digital works will have to be sent by email, at the email address

Download  here the public note for all the details.

Test di ammissione per l’a.a. 2019/20 in Cile, Brasile e Perù

The Politecnico di Torino has started the program “TOPoliTO: attracting international Top students at the Politecnico di Torino” , in order to recruit high-quality international students for the inclusion in courses of bachelor’s and master’s degree. The presence of a relevant number of international students in the university is a cultural value for the university and an opportunity for the region and its economic system.

In an always more competitive European and global framework (also from the educational point of view), the program wants to strengthen the ability of attracting talented international students, who can gain access to bachelor’s and master’s degree courses of the university and who will profit from the Italian culture and scientific tradition.

According to the program, in October and November will take place admission tests for the bachelor’s degree courses of Engineering (the candidate can decide to take the test in English or Italian), of Design and Visual Communication (test in Italian) and of Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning (test in Italian), for the academic year 2019/2020 in Chile, Brazil and Peru.

In particular, on 19th October there will be the tests in Santiago, in the Italian School “Vittorio Montiglio”, on 26th October in Valparaiso in the Italian School “Arturo dell’Oro”, on 27th October in São Paulo in the “Colégio Dante Alighieri” and on 9th November in Lima in the Italian school “Antonio Raimondi”.

To sign up for the admission test, interested candidates have to register in the website of the university “Apply@POLITO” and follow instructions on the degree course for which they want to take the test, selecting date and place of the test.

In addition, according to the project TOPoliTO, soon the public note for scholarships for candidates who will take the TIL-I, TIL-D e TIL-P in Chile, Brazil and Peru will be published.

In addition, according to the project TOPoliTO, soon the public note for scholarships for candidates who will take the TIL-I, TIL-D e TIL-P in Chile, Brazil and Peru will be published.

For all the details visit this link

WebPages for international students with foreign degree 

Educational offer

For further information write to: 

Politour Run

The “Giornata di Sport al Politecnico” (“Politecnico Sport Day) will be entirely destined to the promotion of sport, with the possibility for everybody to try the activities offered by the Centro Universitario Sportivo of Turin.

When and where

Today, Tuesday 9th October 2018.

Central court, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi, 24.

At 12.30 am, will start the 10th PoliTour RUN, a mile run inside the Politecnico and the Centro di Ingegneria e Sviluppo General Motors Global Propulsion Systems di Torino, to which have been invited people who maintain relations with the university, General Motors and CUS Torino, athletes of the CUS, students of Politecnico and Erasmus students.

This year, for the first time, there will be a challenge among the structures of the university, because part of the places are for components of departments and services of administration of the Politecnico (teachers, staff, PhD students and students with grants) in order to start a competition inside a competition between departments and structures.

Always during the day the “Polo del Poli” will be given to all first-year students.

