All posts tagged applynow

The Laura Bassi Scholarship was established in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed. The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in Summer 2024:

Summer 2024
Application deadline: 24 July 2024
Results: 10 August 2024

All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of full-time employment. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the relevant deadline. Further details, including previous winners, and the application portal can be found at:

Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) is an international honors programme of execellence, jointly offered by Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino, designed for top-tier Engineers, Architects, Urban Planners, and Designers. Each year, ASP selects 150 among the highest-achieving Master’s students in Architecture, Design, and Engineering—90 from Politecnico di Milano and 60 from Politecnico di Torino.

The ASP curriculum boasts extra Courses (Residential Schools) and Multidisciplinary Projects. These courses are cross-cultural and build upon the technical expertise that students gain in their Master’s studies, aiming to tackle interdisciplinary challenges of innovation projects across Engineering, Architecture and Design.
Students engage in real-world, multidisciplinary projects, collaborating with universities and external partners such as companiesgovernment bodies, and research institutions.
The official ASP language is English, ensuring a global and inclusive learning environment.

Application Deadline at Politecnico di Torino: October 15th, 2024 at 12.00 pm (noon – Italian time)

What does ASP offer?

  • Tuition fee waiver
  • Free travel and accommodation during ASP courses
  • Financial support for developing the ASP Multidisciplinary Projects

Information about admission requirements, application and selection process: click here.

For further information you can contact directly the ASP office through Ticketing Supprt System.
You can also visit the official website of ASP.

Are you already aware about educational opportunities post-high school diploma? Did you know that there are both university and non-university study paths? Do you know what are the open admission courses and how to enroll?

On 6th September at 15.30 at the InformaGiovani centre, Via Garibaldi 25, there will be the first out of 2 orientation meetings about post-high school diploma opportunities.
The meeting will be attended by all the 7 ITS Piedmont associations and by Studyintorino, of the service Turin University City. If you would like to participate, please fill in the Google form at the link

The applications for ITS courses of information and communication technologies of the two-year period 2022/2024 are now open until Friday, September 16. The courses will take place in Via Jacopo Durandi
10, Turin. The two-year curricula have a total duration of 1800 hours (1200 hours in lecture halls and 600 hours of internship in companies).

In order to be accepted into the course you have to pass an admission test, since the number of available slots is limited.
The applications are now open for the courses of the two-year period 2022/2024 until Friday, September 16.
The courses are aimed to Italian residents who have a five-year high school diploma. People under 35 years of age are given priority.

Click here to see the website of the ITS Foundation for information and communication Technologies. Higher Technical Institutes (ITS) are schools which offer a high specialization in technology, and
they were established to respond to the demand of companies for new and highly technical and technological skills. These schools offer free two-year post-diploma courses which turn their students into higher technicians who are able to obtain a position in strategic sectors of the economic and productive system, bringing their highly specialized skills and innovation skills into the companies they work for.

ITS schools issue a diploma of higher technical specialization, a qualification recognized nationally and internationally. This diploma comes after an upper secondary education diploma and before a
university degree.

The current academic year is about to come to an end and the new one is right around the corner, while we are experiencing a more serene but still very volatile phase of the pandemic.
Some new guidelines concerning the teaching methods for the new academic year 2022/2023 have recently been approved by the University of Turin. These guidelines provide a first look at how the study activities will be organized in the coming year.

The first important decision regarding teaching methods is the fact that classes will take place at university, to encourage active participation of students during classes and foster social relations
among students.

Remote learning and streaming services will be made available exclusively for make-up classes, and only for a limited percentage of the total amount of teaching hours (max 20% of the total number of hours).
• However, laboratory activities and all the other practical activities are excluded from remote learning and streaming services.
• From the beginning of October, unless the government rules otherwise, the exams will also be held exclusively at university, with the sole exception of students who have testepositive for Covid-19 or feel physically debilitated because of it.
More information regarding the matriculation and enrolment processes will be published in the coming weeks, whereas all deadlines will be set one at a time.

The call for applications for this year’s housing services and scholarships, which you can find here, has recently been issued by the Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario del Piemonte – Edisu (Regional Body for the Right to University Education of Piedmont). From 9.30 am, on July 21 st , it will be possible to apply for these services online.

Remember that in addition to the SPID (digital ID) you must meet the criteria of the ISEE (an indicator of the economic conditions of families seeking financial aid from the government) valid for the right to university study. The ISEE must not exceed € 23,626 and it takes into account the income of the applicant in the year 2020 and his/her assets as of 31/12/2020.

What is the scholarship?

It is a sum of money, split into two instalments, which is awarded to the winner of a public competitive exam among university students who are enrolled full-time or part-time at universities in the Piedmont region and meet the economic criteria indicated in the announcement to qualify for the exam.

What are the housing services?
The housing services consist of supplying students with an apartment, assigned by the Edisu body, in one of the university halls of residence in Turin or in other cities in the Piedmont region where university courses take place. The apartment cannot be chosen by students.
The requirements for applying for the scholarship and the housing services are the same. On the other hand, the deadlines for submitting your application and the dates of publication of the rankings are

SCHOLARSHIP AND ACCOMMODATION APPLICATION: 2 September 2022 at 12 pm (Italian time)
SCHOLARSHIP ONLY APPLICATION: 30 September 2022 at 12 pm (Italian time)

The anonymous results of the 76000 candidates who took the difficult medicine entrance test on 3 rd September are online. You just have to access the restricted area on Universitaly website using your own personal code to
see how you ranked.

Candidates will be able to see their own test, score and personal details on Universality restricted area on 24 th September. The national ranking with names will be published on 28 th September.
The anonymous ranking of the entrance test to medicine degree course has been published online. The highest score among the 55.116 candidates (82,4) was recorded at Università degli studi di Insubria in Varese-Como. There are
13.154 spots available for medicine and dentistry in public universities in 2021/2022 and at least 37.3 points are required to reach that position (in 2020 there were 12.362 spots and the minimum score was 39,9).
The minimum score required to access the medicine degree course the first time is 36,9.

As every year, the call for applications for scholarships and accommodation servicesin EDISU halls of residences will soon be published.

The halls of residences of Turin, Grugliasco, Alessandria, Cuneo, Novara and Vercelli are safe and comfortable places. Accommodation is granted by competition: a public call is published every year and the assignment of the beds available takes into account the student’s position in the rankings.

Be ready to apply as soon as the call is published. From this year, not only you must request – from a CAF (Italian National Tax Office) or from the INPS website – the ISEE 2021 Certificate valid for university study allowances, but you also need SPID (Public Digital Identity System) credentials.

If do not own them yet, you have time to request your SPID credentials and ISEE Certificate while you wait for the call to be published.
Remember that Edisu has long activated a Ticketing Service

Every year, the Einaudi University Residence offers accommodation and education courses to more
than 800 University students, skilled and worthy, who wish to develop greater autonomy, new
skills, as well as obtaining excellent results and growing as People, Citizens and Professionals.
The University residence experience not only offers a lively, stimulating and interdisciplinary
environment in which students can study and live, but also a tailored educational path indirectly
linked to the course, completed with tutoring and coaching activities.

For the academic year 2021/2022, the University residence wishes to host again determined and
curious students who are motivated and willing to harness the opportunities arising from a
community life and the complementary education offered.
We remind that the accommodation at the Einaudi University Residence is guaranteed to all
students who will be provided with a single room and a private bathroom. This living solutions
ensure the best security conditions, considering the current health emergency.

Here are the opening and closing dates of the different admission’s procedures:
 Students+ : for students enrolling on the second year of an undergraduate course and
students enrolling on the first year of a postgraduate course

Application period : April 1 st – April 30 th 2021
 1 st year students : for students enrolling on a first year undergraduate course/single-cycle

Application period : June 15 th – August 3 rd 2021
 After graduation : for students enrolled on post-graduate research courses and (post-
graduate) master’s courses, advanced programs and specialization schools

Application period : June 30 th 2021 – June 30 th 2022
 Exchange : for foreign students taking part in mobility programs or internships

Application period : June 30 th 2021 – June 30 th 2022
 International : for regularly enrolled foreign students

Application period : June 15 th – September 30 th 2021

For further information on admissions for the academic years 2021/2022 :

Would you like to enroll on an open admission master’s degree at the University of Turin? Here’s what you need to do:
Submit the preliminary application by following the procedure and the deadlines of the master’s degree you have chosen. The application can be submitted online or on paper, depending on your study course;

Wait for the result. Remember that every application will be assessed and dates for interviews may be set;
Enroll no later than 20 January 2021. You can find all information on the website
