Prepararsi al futuro, the speaking tour conceived by Piero Angela from the awareness of the central role that the science is acquiring today, both in the global and the daily context, will take place once again next Thursday with a new event on the scientific method.

The events of “Prepararsi al futuro”, scheduled from 11th October 2018 to 26th February 2019, in collaboration with Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione per la Scuola, Politecnico di Torino and Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, propose to students an accurate analysis of the present, together with visions and predictions of the future. Through science and research of scientists, sociologist, demographers, doctors and entrepreneurs, the protagonists of the present will try to tell the future.

In the event of Thursday 11th October at 11.30 am, “IL METODO DELLA SCIENZA – Sapere quello che si sa e non sapere quello che non si sa” (THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD – knowing what we know and not knowing what we don’t know”) will take part:

Piero Angela, journalist and writer

Francesco Profumo, President of the Compagnia di San Paolo

Guido Saracco, Rector of the Politecnico di Torino

Fabrizio Manca, General Director of the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Piemonte

Ludovico Albert, President of the Fondazione per la Scuola

Juan Carlos De Martin, rector delegate for culture and communication of the Politecnico di Torino

Piero Bianucci, journalist

Sala Giunta del Rettorato del Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24