Provisional ranking list of 30 October.
Check the provisional ranking list online on your personal page.
Students from Accademia delle Belle Arti are not included in the list yet, since Accademia delle Belle Arti was not able to communicate to Edisu their
students; matriculations. Edisu asks that you not submit a complaint: Accademia will communicate the required data in the next few weeks.
Complaints: from 30 October to 20 November 2020 at 12 o’lock (noon)
Definitive ranking list: 15 December 2020 at 12 o’clock (noon)
To obtain the second instalment of the scholarship, students must complete the credits indicated in the Call by 10 August 2021. These credits must be registered by the University at the latest by 21 August 2021.
20 credits for full-time students of bachelor’s, master’s, single cycle master’s
11 credits for part-time students
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