All posts tagged design

Alta Scuola Politecnica (ASP) is an international honors programme of execellence, jointly offered by Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino, designed for top-tier Engineers, Architects, Urban Planners, and Designers. Each year, ASP selects 150 among the highest-achieving Master’s students in Architecture, Design, and Engineering—90 from Politecnico di Milano and 60 from Politecnico di Torino.

The ASP curriculum boasts extra Courses (Residential Schools) and Multidisciplinary Projects. These courses are cross-cultural and build upon the technical expertise that students gain in their Master’s studies, aiming to tackle interdisciplinary challenges of innovation projects across Engineering, Architecture and Design.
Students engage in real-world, multidisciplinary projects, collaborating with universities and external partners such as companiesgovernment bodies, and research institutions.
The official ASP language is English, ensuring a global and inclusive learning environment.

Application Deadline at Politecnico di Torino: October 15th, 2024 at 12.00 pm (noon – Italian time)

What does ASP offer?

  • Tuition fee waiver
  • Free travel and accommodation during ASP courses
  • Financial support for developing the ASP Multidisciplinary Projects

Information about admission requirements, application and selection process: click here.

For further information you can contact directly the ASP office through Ticketing Supprt System.
You can also visit the official website of ASP.

On Friday, 7 July 2023 at 5.30 p.m. in Viale Ottavio Mai, the University of Turin will launch a citizen science project with the aim of mapping which languages – besides Italian – are spoken in Turin. All citizens are invited to take part in a real research project to define – through photographs of road signs, store signs and writings in public places, the linguistic landscape of Turin.

The visual testimonies provided by the participants and shared on Firstlife web platform, developed by the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin, will enable us to outline the linguistic and
cultural profile of our city.
How many and which languages are used in Turin, and in which particular area? Which areas are monolingual and which multilingual? A scientific committee, consisting of professors at the University of Turin, will subsequently analyse the data collected from various points of view – sociolinguistic, socio-political, educational, geographical, economic – and will present the results during the next European Researchers’ Night on 29 and 30 September 2023 at the Giardini Reali.

The initiative is part of the UNIGHT project involving Turin – for the second year, during Europe's largest research event – as well as Covilhã, Pau, Chambery and Timisoara, and their respective UNITA Alliance partner universities.
The European Researchers’ Night has always promoted society’s participation in the research process: during the event there are many activities proposed by the University of Turin and Politecnico di Torino as well as by local research centres that focus on the scientific contribution that people can make. In particular, citizen science projects rely on the collaboration with citizens to collect data for a mutual
exchange of knowledge.

This event is part of the Luigi Einaudi Campus’ 10-year anniversary celebrations.

Are you creative? Do you study Engineering, Architecture, Planning or Design at Politecnico di Torino? This call is for you!
The deadline for “Intraprendenti” project is tomorrow, 24 September 2020. It’s a
project for Engineering, Architecture, Planning or Design students.
Those that will be selected will work in teams on interdisciplinary and interactive activities to develop problem solving, always with an eye on sustainability.
There is a limited number of possible participants of 200 students. The project is for students of Politecnico of the academic year 2020/2021.
All info is here.

Olivetti Design Contest

It’s called Olivetti Design Contest, the Industrial Design competition promoted by Olivetti, the famous company of Ivrea, protagonist of an age-old history of research and innovation and operating still today in the ICT sector. The contest, which takes place this year for the third time, is addressed to students of some of the most prestigious Italian and international institutes. Among the ones of Turin there are the IAAD – Istituto d’Arte Applicata e Design and the DAD, il Dipartimento di Architettura e Design del Politecnico di Torino.

The contest will award a prize to the projects that will present an original contribution to the realization of a smart chair and/or a fiscal printer. The jury will examine the projects, considering conceptual elements of the work, the quality of the realization and the possibility of development from the commercial point of view, taking of course into account the values of Olivetti: guidance to the client, innovation, experience, excellence and proactivity.

There will be three winning projects, to which, for each one of the two topics will be given a prize of € 2,000 (first place), €1,500 (second place) and €1,000 (third place).

The participation to the contest is free, and it is possible to participate for the design of both topics or just one. All participants have to be students enrolled in the universities and academies pointed out in the 2nd point of the current regulations at the moment of the first sending of materials.

If the project is developed by more than a student, all the team will participate in the contest.

Digital works will have to be sent by email, at the email address

Download  here the public note for all the details.


An informative day  to visit  IAAD, l’Istituto d’Arte Applicata e Design (Institute of Applied Art and Design) and know better its courses, among which:

Transportation Design
Interior Design
Product Design
Communication Design
Digital Communication Design
Textile & Fashion Design

Social Innovation Design

An opportunity to meet professors, students and professionals in the field of design, many of which are former students of IAAD.

During the info day, the referees for guidance, professors and students will be available to give further information and clarifications on study programs, enrolment requirements, internships and job perspectives.

Last info day:
Friday, September 7

You can apply to participate here (link).

For further information, please contact  Ufficio Orientamento IAAD (IAAD Guidance Office):

+39 011 54 88 68


In order to apply for an IAAD entrance exam you must:

  • submit your application for the course/s you are interested in. You must send (by mail or e-mail), your CV, with a description of the studies you have completed and your past experiences, a statement of purpose and a small portfolio with your work, in case you have one.
    You will find the application form and further instructions on this link.
  • Pass the entrance exam. International students can have their interview and take the entrance exam via Skype.
    You can find further information on the entrance exam, and the application form on this link.
Last two dates available:
Thursday, September 20
Friday, October 5
BREAK/CUPS: I bicchierini da caffè Bibo reinventati dagli studenti del Politecnico

Break/Cups has been an Open Innovation project organised by the Innovation Design Lab (IDLab) for Bibo, the leading company in the production of disposable plastic for the food market.


The workshop involved 28 2nd and 3rd year-students of the bachelor’s degree in Design and Visual Communication and students of the master degree in Systemic Design of the Polytech of Turin (Politecnico di Torino) with the aim to develop a new and modern concept of the disposable coffee cups, trying to innovate the product, its communication and the services for its distribution and employ.


Starting from the needs , the problems and the productive limits, the lab guided the team from the definition of an analysis of the canvas and the pertinent guidelines up to the design of the final concepts.


The project teams developed 7 concepts on the theme of the research. These letter brought to the prototypal development of 3 disposable cups for vending machines, which currently are in an engineering phase for the beginning of the production, where team members succeeded in adding value and innovating different aspects which ranges from gestures, to spreading contents up to giving value to the consumed drink.


The results of the workshop can be seen in an exposition, opened from 10th to 12th May, at the Sala delle Colonne of the Castle of Valentino



10th May 2018, 11.00 a.m.

Sala della Caccia, Castle of Valentino, , Viale Mattioli 39, Torino


Paolo Tamborrini,   Coordinator of the Design Curriculum
Paola Villa, Head of Marketing for Bibo Italia S.p.A.
Roberto Dal Zotto, Sales Manager Vendng e Dairy
Paolo Di Santo,CEO Bibo Italia S.p.A.

Students of the Design Curriculum will be present.

SM'Art disegna il tavolo!

SM’Art, a furniture company based in Orbassano, launched yesterday the first edition of the contest “SM’art projects” (Progetti SM’art) for young creative designers who had attended design classes and art schools of the region. The task is to make a project of a furniture table, entirely realised with the materials produced by the company.

The contest is open to Italian and foreign under 30 architects and designers and to the students of the following Universities and Institutes of Piedmont:

  • Turin Polytech (DAD Department of Architecture and Design)
  • IED European Institute Design of Turin (students from the courses of Product Design and Interior Design)
  • IAAD Institute of Applied Art and Design of Turin (students from the courses of Product Design and Interior Design)
  • Fine Arts Academy of Cuneo (students from the courses of Product Design and Interior Design)

Participants in the contest must be 18 or older.


The jury, composed of highly skilled members from the sector of decorative panels and semifinished products for the furniture industry, will choose three winners in three different categories:

  • Best idea in the whole
  • Best colour idea
  • Best concept

The contest is open to individuals and small groups (up to 3 members). The draft, which must be original und unpublished, pain of exclusion from the contest, shall be accompanied by a short presentation of the project. Participants will be showed SM’art’s materials on the holding, an executive will be at their disposal for the technical details and for the provision of useful samples.

Registrations within 30th June through form.

Delivery of the prototypes within 15th October.

Further information is available on the notice of competition (bando).

INFO DAYS allo IAAD di Torino

Get to know IAAD

For the IAAD, Institute of Applied Art and Design of Turin, it’s orientation time. What better time than the Info Days to visit the new facilities and to get to know better the offered courses of studies?

The Info Days will be a precious opportunity to understand if the design path is the right one for you. Info Days is not only information, it is also dialogue and meeting: with professors, students and professionals of the design world. A moment to come in contact with the design made in IAAD, see the projects done by the students and the collaborations with partner companies.

During the Info Days, the representatives of the orientation, the professors and the students will be available to participants in order to give more information and explanation about the courses of studies, enrolment requirements, internship and job opportunities.

INFO DAYS Schedule:

  • Friday 2nd March
  • Wednesday 11th April
  • Friday 11th May
  • Wednesday 18th July
  • Friday 7th September


Book now your Info Day!

Fabriano has been appointed UNESCO Creative City, and in 2019 will host the 13th Annual Meeting of the Creative Cities Network, a network that brings together Bologna, Pesaro, Rome, Carrara, Milan, Turin, Parma and Alba. The project has been approved by the UNESCO, and it aims at creating connections and interchange between the cities that have made the cultural creativity a cornerstone of their economic development.

The Network operates on seven different cultural areas: Crafts, Arts and Folklore, Cinema, Design, Gastronomy, Literature, Media Arts and Music. Precisely on these topics, cities will be able to debate, share their own experiences and enhance their cultural products increasing their diffusion on the national and international markets.

In anticipation of the Annual Meeting UNESCO Creative Cities, in 2019, the Aristide Merloni Foundation, in cooperation with the Comune di Fabriano, has established a competition announcement for the design of the official logotype (coloured, free technique) for the event.

The logotype will be present on the notice, signage, editorial production, website and any other material that has the communicative intentions proposed in it.

It is possible to send your own project until 6th April 2018.

The regulation and more information are available on the website of the event, in the page dedicated to the details of the announcement.

New headquarters for the Fashion School

IED Torino recently inaugurated the new spaces for the Fashion School in a dedicated venue (Corso Matteotti, 11 – Turin).

The Academic Courses in Fashion Design and Jewelry and Accessories Design have been renewed with a focus on distinctive content and research areas.

The new cultural orientation today follows a path whose focus is research and innovation on materials and fabrics of the latest generation. The spaces, in addition to the new classrooms for front lectures, also include a tailoring workshop, fabric library and Cintiq classroom with 25 Dell Alienware and Wacom Cintiq 22HD workstations equipped with the latest generation software for Clo3D fashion design, useful in simulation and three-dimensional modeling.

The inaugurated spaces are IED Torino’s response to a growing need for the headquarters to have more and more avant-garde laboratories equipped to support collaborations with the most innovative companies in this sector.

IED Mobility-Lab

IED inaugurates in Turin IED mobility lab – a laboratory for innovation and development on the mobility of the future. The objective of the participatory research laboratory is to investigate the role of design in relation to different themes, such as the movement of people and things and the relationship between transport systems and cities.

At the head of IED mobility lab Luca Borgogno, Design Manager Pininfarina, an ex-student who has been working for years with the headquarters and whose professional experience, developed over twenty years of activity culminating in Pininfarina and Lamborghini, has always focused on research activities on the mobility of the future.

With the start of the IED mobility lab activities, the Turin office confirms for the 15th year the participation at the next International Motor Show in Geneva, presenting the latest concept car created by the historic Master in Transportation Design in collaboration with the European Design Center Hyundai.

The concept is also the result of the project participation initiated by the headquarters with a selection of leading international companies: Sila Group, project partner, Sabelt and Protocube Reply, technical partners.

For more info visit the IED Torino website.
