It’s called Olivetti Design Contest, the Industrial Design competition promoted by Olivetti, the famous company of Ivrea, protagonist of an age-old history of research and innovation and operating still today in the ICT sector. The contest, which takes place this year for the third time, is addressed to students of some of the most prestigious Italian and international institutes. Among the ones of Turin there are the IAAD – Istituto d’Arte Applicata e Design and the DAD, il Dipartimento di Architettura e Design del Politecnico di Torino.
The contest will award a prize to the projects that will present an original contribution to the realization of a smart chair and/or a fiscal printer. The jury will examine the projects, considering conceptual elements of the work, the quality of the realization and the possibility of development from the commercial point of view, taking of course into account the values of Olivetti: guidance to the client, innovation, experience, excellence and proactivity.
There will be three winning projects, to which, for each one of the two topics will be given a prize of € 2,000 (first place), €1,500 (second place) and €1,000 (third place).
The participation to the contest is free, and it is possible to participate for the design of both topics or just one. All participants have to be students enrolled in the universities and academies pointed out in the 2nd point of the current regulations at the moment of the first sending of materials.
If the project is developed by more than a student, all the team will participate in the contest.
Digital works will have to be sent by email, at the email address
Download here the public note for all the details.