All posts tagged announcement

Scadenza compilazione piano carriera UniTo: deadline for the compilation of the career plan

If you are a student of UniTo remember to fill out your career plan online within 28th February 2018!

To do this you have to access your MyUniTo page and to click on “Compilation of the career plan” in the “Career” menu

Until 28th February 2018 you can make online:

    • the choice of employment (full time/part time)
    • the presentation of the career plan

From 16th April to 18th May 2018 only the career plan can be modified; while the choice of employment can’t be changed anymore.

For more information you can visit the University portal page dedicated to the career plan.

You can also control your university career with Myscenario

UniTo offers its students the Myscenario service, in order to easily see your study plan and be constantly updated about your exam situation. Thanks to an intuitive graphical representation, Myscenario allows you to:

  • verify the educational activities included in the study plan in the years foreseen by the degree course;
  • see the possible alternatives to the choices that can still be modified;
  • see the all the exams taken with its code, date of the appeal, grade and course credits obtained.

The Erasmus announcement for the year 2018-2019 is online. It is dedicated to all the students that are interested to do, in the year 2018-1019, a period of studies of a minimum of three months and of a maximum of twelve months in another Institute of one of the foreign Countries that has signed a bilateral agreement in the field of the program Erasmus+ with the University of Turin.

The application form must be submitted by 1 pm of Wednesday, 31 January 2018. The application form is available only in electronic form.

The announcement and all the details are available in the dedicated section of the portal of the University.

More info:

Sezione Mobilità e Didattica internazionale – Direzione Attività Istituzionali, Programmazione, Qualità e Valutazione

Phone: (+39) 011 6704425


The Camplus Announcement (residence Lingotto and residence Madama Cristina) about housing for the academic year 2015/2016 has been published.
Camplus, created in 2007 is a network of ten university residences in Bologna, Catania, Milano, Roma and Torino; nowadays more than 800 students from all around Italy and from abroad live there.

In the announcements, attached in the footnote, you can find all the information related to the Camplus residence you are interested in.
To be admitted at Camplus you need to apply for it.
The application form, which can be filled in online only, consists of four main sections which aim at giving a synthetic but complete overview of the student’s general information, education, personal attitudes and family.


27th August 2015 at 10 am
3rd September 2015 at 10 am
9th September 2015 at 10 am

You must apply before: 24th August 2015 if you want to take the exam on August 27th 2015 (first call); 31th August 2015 if you want to take the exam on September 3rd 2015 (second call); 7th September 2015 if you want to take the exam on September 9th 2015 (third call).

Torino Camplus Lingotto Bando di Concorso 2015-2016
Torino Camplus Madama Bando di Concorso 2015-2016

The Admission Announcement for Scuola di Studi Superiori Ferdinando Rossi (Università degli Studi di Torino), has been published.
SSST Ferdinando Rossi is an institution of excellence and higher education for University Studies, which offers a solid interdisciplinary training, in order to give a global vision

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The new announcement for part-time collaborations was published on the website of UniTo, at the page Collaborazioni a tempo parziale. It is addressed to those students who want to offer support to disabled and pupils with learning disabilities .

The deadline to sign in is Friday, 19th June, at 12.

Here you can consult the announcement.