All posts tagged piemonte

Culture and Tourism in the digital era: the challenge for university students from Politecnico and UniTo kicks off.

The 30 students that will participate in the challenge “Culture and Tourism in the digital era” issued by Contamination Lab of Turin with the collaboration of Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale” will try to answer questions that are very relevant today, such as “How will the digital change the mechanism to valorise identities and artistic heritage? How will the world of exhibitions and history of artworks change? What changes will the actors of the sector undergo?”

The aim is to come to interesting conclusions that combine culture and technology, two fields that are extremely interconnected today and can enhance
the other’s strengths.
Students will come up with solutions to innovate exhibition modalities and restoration to valorise our city’s cultural heritage. They will start from understanding the various factors relative to a specific ecosystem, always keeping in mind the “new normalcy” we are living in that influences our relationship with our cultural heritage. Thus, the aim is to develop idea to answer to the digitalization of culture and its effects.

Save the date! On Thursday, 8 October 2020 you have an appointment with Uni-To-Go – Eppur mi muovo.

Presentation of the data collected by a nationwide survey on home-university mobility.

We will talk about the new mobility habits of the students during the Covid-19 period.

In a university city like Turin, more than 100.000 people go to a university to either attend the lessons or work. When and how will the university community move during the Covid-19 period? What are the differences with the rest of Italy?

We will present for the first time UniTo’s results of the nationwide survey on home-university mobility, a survey promoted by the University Network for Sustainable Development and sponsored by the Rectors’ Conference of Italian Universities. The data will be compared with the mobility politics of the local institutions, Politecnico di Torino, Comitato Torino Respira and Assemblea Popolare.

Today, 28 September, the first courses at Unito started again. The courses will be held with a “mixed” mode: each professor will choose whether to give their
lecture in presence or remotely via the platform Webex. Regarding the lectures in presence, only a predetermined number of students will be admitted. Those students will have to reserve a seat through Student Booking and will follow specific access instructions.
What is Student Booking? You will need it to access UniTo lessons.
To access the lessons safely, you will need to reserve a seat in the classroom.
How? Go on “MyUniTo Studente” or “Futuro Studente” and reserve your seat with

the “Student Booking” service.
The service is for:
 students registered to a course with an uploaded study plan and attended
/ planned courses. Students with disabilities will have priority access
 freshmen without an uploaded study plan
 future students who registered on the university portal and completed the
registration process with their personal data

In accordance with the legislative decree “Rilancio”, subparagraph 1-bis of article 29, students from outside of Turin will receive a rent refund. 20 million euros
have been allocated for the fund for the locations. What do we know today regarding students' access to this fund?
 the access is limited to those whose ISEE does not exceed € 15,000
 the access is restricted when in conjunction with other aids to the studies
 students are entitled to the refund for the entire period of the State of
Emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic
 the calculation of the refund will be based on the contracts signed by
students whose place of residence is different than the one on the
For more details about the methods and timelines to access the fund, it is necessary to wait for a ministerial decree that will be issued by 17 October. So,
just a little more patience.

The 2nd level Master of “Energy efficiency and sustainability in the industry” aims to train professionals who are able to manage efficiently the energy. It is aimed at recent graduates in Engineering or in other academic technical-scientific disciplines and managers.

15 out of 80 applications were successful. The students selected come from Politecnico di Torino, Università La Sapienza di Roma e from the Universities of Bologna, Padova, Parma and of Calabria region, 14 of them will be awarded a scolarship.

The way in which we produce, provide and consume energy, affects the success of a company. For this reason, it is fundamental to train professionals who are able to use energy resources in an efficient way.

This 1-year Master, which consists of 500 lecture hours and 250 hours dedicated to an internship, will deal with all the technical, planning, management, price-related and normative aspects that the professionals of the Energy Management must be acquainted with, both from an efficient and sustainable point of view, together with a knowledge in the reduction of carbon-dioxide emissions.

The World Usability Day (WUD) of Turin will take place in the Aula Magna of the Campus Luigi Einaudi of Turin University, on Thursday, November 10, 2016, from 9:00 am.

It is an annual event, promoted by the User Experience Professional Association (UXPA) and a community of professionals, who work in different fields to ensure that the technology works as a factor in the promotion of the people, the expression, the personal fulfillment and the active citizenship.

The theme of this edition is sustainability, or Green UX. Sustainability, regeneration and sharing are the three key words of the new economic, social and productive models. These have launched a conversion from consumption to re-use, from property to sharing and circularity. At the same time those, who design and offer products and services, are redefining the design in terms of sustainability, sharing and circularity of the future.

The WUD TO 2016 is an opportunity to try out the (re)design with and for people, and new ways to provide services and regenerated, sustainable, circular products, that are able to bridge the physical gap and to create physical a social impact .

The event is open to everyone, but you must be registrated.

For more information, visit this website

The Cultural Association Piemonte Mese organizes the 10th edition of the ‘Piemonte Mese Award’ – the youth describe the Piedmont region. It is open to young people aged between 18 and 35 years old and is only for unpublished articles, written in Italian.

These articles will have to present the region of Piedmont from 2 points of view:

  • Culture. Any topic that is related to history, literature, art and architecture, music, theatre, science, customs and traditions.
  • Economics, Tourism, Environment. Business, craftsmanship, innovation; typical products and productions; landscape, nature, ecology, food and wine.

The aim is to help train young students of the communication sciences and to promote the region of Piedmont, by highlighting how unique it is, in terms of culture, creativity and entrepreneurship.
The deadline for the presentation of the articles is 20th November 2016.

Free participation.

For the regulation and all details:

Two years of study, an average employment rate of 88%. 50% of students find a job already during the internship.

These are the figures, certainly positive, that ITS Piedmont register thanks to their educational offerings.
There are four ITS courses in Turin: free two-year courses post high school diploma with a high level of specialisation, that will turn students into higher technicians who are able to fit in the strategic sectors of the economic-productive system:

  • Aerospace / Mechatronics
  • Information and communication technology
  • Agrifood – cereals and rice, beer and fruit and vegetable production
  • Tourism

About 540/600 hours out of a total of 1,800 hours of attendance are devoted to compulsory interships in companies, also foreign ones, and laboratory activities. You will get a degree of Higher Technician, with an indication of the technological area and the national reference figure, equivalent to V level of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).Source: ITS Piedmont