All posts tagged politecnico di torino

Like every year, also for the academic year 2024/2025, the University has launched a Competition Announcement for thesis on abroad proposal, a special opportunity to obtain a scholarship to do the final paper in a different country.


The mobility will concern the development of one’s master’s degree thesis at a host organization abroad. The research of an adequate thesis project is a student’s responsibility, who must personally and independently contact the host organization. The host organization may be a university, a company or a research or training center in any country excluding Italy.

The applicant must propose the organization at which to carry out the thesis activity, upon agreement with the Politecnico di Torino supervisor and the host organization tutor. The mobility period should be continuous and should last a minimum of one calendar month and a maximum of six months.


The application must be finalized by 11.59 p.m. (Italian time) on the closing day of each time window.


First application window deadline: October 4, 2024
Second application window deadline: January 17, 2025
Third application window deadline: June 6, 2025


The announcement, which should be read entirely andcarefully, is available for consultation in the attachments and for more information related to prerequisites, deadlines and periods for developing the thesis abroad are available on the dedicated page.

The launch of the PhD in “expert of customised projects to carry out the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD)” is scheduled for March 2024 and has been set up by the Philosophy and
Education Sciences department of the University of Turin.

It is the first university PhD in Italy aimed at educating experts in customised projects in support of people with disabilities, which observes the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
(CRPD). The new study path, 60 credits (CFUs) and lasting 18 months, has 35 positions and is financed by the association Time2, which has been founded by Antonella and Manuela Lavazza. The PhD will cost € 2,700, € 2,000 of which are guaranteed by the association.

The PhD was launched after the approval of the law 227/21, entitled “Delegation of powers to the government in the matter of disability”, which promises a significant turn towards the conquest of the full citizenship by people with disabilities. By means of this law, Italy is preparing itself to launch a deep reform of services addressed to people with disabilities, which aims to successfully overcome the welfare culture, conservation and institutionalisation and to allow people to exercise the rights described in the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD).

This morning at the Politecnico di Torino the first graduates in the "Climate Change" orientation of the master’s degree course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering were announced. The first one is Vittorio Giordano, former graduate of the first level at the Politecnico di Torino, who discussed
a thesis on the future prospects of the water footprint of crops in the African continent, with the support as supervisors of engineer Marta Tuninetti and Professor Francesco Laio, currently Director of the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of the University.
The second one to be proclaimed is Yara Hammoud, a student from the Lebanese American
University, who discussed a thesis on the modeling of the role of the cryosphere in the definition of the
ground temperature in the Alpine area characterized by permafrost. Her supervisors were Professor
Jost von Hardenberg and two external supervisors from ARPA Piemonte, Dr. Christian Ronchi and Dr.
Luca Paro.

The master's degree course in Engineering for the Environment and the Territory of the
Politecnico di Torino trains future engineers able to address environmental challenges involving the
interaction between natural components (air, water, soil, biosphere) and humans and to develop
sustainable solutions for human activities. From the academic year 2019/2020, alongside the existing
orientations in Environmental Protection, Natural Hazards and Civil Protection and Geo-Engineering, a
new orientation dedicated to &Change" has been activated. The orientation, is entirely
offered in English, thus becoming the first engineering course in Europe dedicated to climate change,
with the aim of preparing a new generation of environmental engineers capable of responding to the
environmental and social challenges arising from climate change, and to seize the opportunities of the
future labor market.
"Improving the quantity and quality of agricultural production, ensuring sustainable adaptation to climate
change, is one of the major global challenges to facilitate the ecological transition – explains engineer
Marta Tuninetti with reference to Giordano's thesis. While, in relation to Hammoud's thesis,
Professor Jost von Hardenberg notes, "Permafrost degradation represents one of the most significant
impacts in the Alpine area of ongoing climate change, and numerical snowpack modeling represents a
fundamental tool for understanding the phenomenon and developing future scenario projections.

Tools of monitoring and intervention strategies which can reduce time of restoration of damaged infrastructures are now a priority for experts, institutions and economic system.

Wednesday 21st November 2018 – 9.00 am
Salone d’Onore del Castello del Valentino – Viale Mattioli, 39 – Torino


The collapse of the Morandi bridge in Geona, such as – barely a month after – the crashing of the viaduct in Calcutta (fortunately without victims), are just some of the examples that put on the spotlight the urgency of monitoring the resiliency of public infrastructures, subjected to the violence of unpredictable natural events, always more frequent.

Besides the consequences in terms of victims, the interruption of a transport net causes, in developed societies, a paralysis which has repercussions, in the long term, on the whole economic and productive system. It is crucial to improve the ability of intervention and restoration in the short term.

Besides the sharing of different experiences, the aim of this international seminar is to create a periodic forum, which can value and promote more efficient tools in the management of structural monitoring.

codice fiscale
A desk for foreign students


From today, September 3rd, to September 21st will be set up the temporary desk for the issue of the fiscal code to foreign students, who are arriving for the new academic year. Thanks to an agreement between the university and the Italian Agency of Revenue (Agenzia delle Entrate), also in 2018 newly enrolled foreign students will be able to integrate in Italy more easily.

In this way, in fact, foreign citizens who arrive in Turin for studying, teaching or research will be able to get the fiscal code straight in Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, at the enrolment office of the Politecnico di Torino, without going to the Italian Agency of Revenue. This is the second year the students have been given this opportunity, thanks to the good results of last year: in 2017, in fact, during 12 days in which the desk was open, 480 people used this service.

Getting a fiscal code is essential for a stay in Italy: not only is it the first step to enrol in university, but it is also useful for other practical aspects such as signing a rental contract, purchase of a SIM card for you telephone and much more.

The temporary desk will be open until 21st September 2018, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Collaborazione Unito e Polito
Educational agreement for student exchange programme with the Politecnico di Torino
2018-2019 a. y. Call

The Università degli Studi di Torino and the Politecnico di Torino mutually offer its bachelor and master students who request it on time and following information in the Call online, the opportunity to attend single courses and to take the exams by the end of the academic year, before the end date given by the host University.

The possibility of attending courses and taking exams in the host University concerns only courses defined as free credits ( optional exam – TAF D). For the 2018-2019 a.y. it will be given to a maximum of 50 students, of which 3 for each course.

Only students who are regularly attending a Bachelor, Master or a Full-cycle Degree Programme in the Università degli Studi di Torino.

Applications must be submitted online from July 27 to September 14, 2018, following instructions in the agreement document (documento di accordo).

The call includes all detailed information on the programme, as well as the course list of the Politecnico, which can be chosen and put in one’s own course list.

Applications will be accepted according to their chronological order.

The list of selected students will be published on October 5, 2018 on the University website.

For further information, please write to

BREAK/CUPS: I bicchierini da caffè Bibo reinventati dagli studenti del Politecnico

Break/Cups has been an Open Innovation project organised by the Innovation Design Lab (IDLab) for Bibo, the leading company in the production of disposable plastic for the food market.


The workshop involved 28 2nd and 3rd year-students of the bachelor’s degree in Design and Visual Communication and students of the master degree in Systemic Design of the Polytech of Turin (Politecnico di Torino) with the aim to develop a new and modern concept of the disposable coffee cups, trying to innovate the product, its communication and the services for its distribution and employ.


Starting from the needs , the problems and the productive limits, the lab guided the team from the definition of an analysis of the canvas and the pertinent guidelines up to the design of the final concepts.


The project teams developed 7 concepts on the theme of the research. These letter brought to the prototypal development of 3 disposable cups for vending machines, which currently are in an engineering phase for the beginning of the production, where team members succeeded in adding value and innovating different aspects which ranges from gestures, to spreading contents up to giving value to the consumed drink.


The results of the workshop can be seen in an exposition, opened from 10th to 12th May, at the Sala delle Colonne of the Castle of Valentino



10th May 2018, 11.00 a.m.

Sala della Caccia, Castle of Valentino, , Viale Mattioli 39, Torino


Paolo Tamborrini,   Coordinator of the Design Curriculum
Paola Villa, Head of Marketing for Bibo Italia S.p.A.
Roberto Dal Zotto, Sales Manager Vendng e Dairy
Paolo Di Santo,CEO Bibo Italia S.p.A.

Students of the Design Curriculum will be present.

Bambini e bambine studenti al Politecnico per un giorno

The initiative “Girls and Boys, a day as university students” is back

Also this year, the initiative “Girls and Boys, a day as university students” sponsored by the Municipality of Turin and the Universities of Turin will take place at the Polytech (Politecnico). Children will be involved in some activities inside the University in order to discover the world of the scientific and technological research. The project is sponsored by the Department of Education of the Municipality of Turin through the Turinese Institution for a Responsible Education (ITER).

From 7th to 9th May, some fourth-and fifth-grades classes of the primary school of Turin will be welcomed at the Polytech with a series of activities the purpose of which is to show to the children the research of the Polytech. Today, 8th May, at 9 a.m. children will be welcomed by the Dean Guido Saracco.

Then, they will get into the earth of the activity:

Vision and color

The laboratory proposes the culture of the vision as training stage of the children and of their personality; the activity allows children to experience vision and colour, measure and proportion with simple supports created ad hoc

Origami and shapes
The activity guides the children through the identification of simple shapes hidden in manufactured ones through a process of recognition and abstraction of significant elements. Their paper modelling allows to understand the theoretical geometrical fundamentals and to learn them in a simple and practical way


Children will have the chance to see a rover model in motion. In the coming years, the model will be brought to the Moon by the ITALIA team, a consortium of Italian companies and universities participating in the international competition Google Lunar X-Prize. The purpose of the vehicle is to cover at least 500m and to send to the Earth high-resolution images of an Apollo moon-landing site or of the ones of previous moon missions.

The suspended ball

Children will have the chance to make a bizarre experiment. Everyone knows that taking a little ball made with an iron sheet and letting it go, it will fall to the ground.

We also know that if we take a magnet, there is a magnetic force that attracts the balls and so the little ball will remain attached to the magnet.

But what if the magnetic force of the magnet is the same as the force that makes the ball fall?

It may seem a spell, but in this case the ball remains suspended in the space. Making an object levitate means maintain it lifted up in a stable position without touching it, like some illusionists do in their spectacles.

Inverse pendulum

If you put a pen upright on the palm of your hand, will you be able to make it stand just like a juggler would do? It isn’t that easy, but we could succeed in doing it for some seconds.

Lego Mindstorm

Here’s something you are more familiar with: the Lego bricks. But what do the Lego do at the Polytech?

In the Lego Mindstorm series there are not only bricks for building objects but also a little computer which can be programmed for making little engine move or for reading some sensors (which are contained in the bricks).

For example, we can build a toy-car that in front of a barrier can move back and steer, trying to bypass it.

In short, we only need a bit of fantasy and we can really invent lots of funny projects. During the activity, children will see in motion little Lego robots previously built.

Chemistry turns into electricity

The idea is to show how the science can be applied and obtain technological solution that we use daily. Also an apparently tough and difficult subject as the chemistry can become funny and magical.

So, some activities that can be realises directly by children are proposed:

  • realising a simple battery with everyday things ( copper and zinc in a lemon and measuring some electrical parameter or lighting a led)
  • split the water in hydrogen and oxygen using a solution of water and bicarbonate, two drawing pencils … and a battery

finally there will be an only demonstrative activity: variation of the volume of gas contained in balloons due to the lowering of the temperature with the employ of liquid nitrogen, or production of carbon dioxide due to the decomposition of calcium carbonate with an acid.

Team H2politO

It will be explained the functioning of an hybrid vehicle, with an electrical a thermal engine, which allows to consume less fuel. The vehicle has been projected for participating in student competitions of low consumes, where all the vehicles are devised and realised by student s who want to conceive the mobility in the city in a “greener” way.

Team racing

The Team Racing (Squadra Corse) is a student team of the Polytech of Turin which was created in the winter 2010 from the idea of 10 students who loved engineering and motorsport.

The aim is to project a competition single-seat car every year in order to take part in the Formula SAE Championship for students from the best Universities worldwide. The Championship was created in 1981 from the idea of the Society of Automotive Engineers.


Are you curious about knowing which is the fastest bike of the world and why isn’t it used at the Giro d’Italia? Do you want to discover what a velomobile is?

The student team Policumbent studies, design and realises human-powered vehicles in order to face the sporty and the everyday mobility challenges. A research which is something in between science, engineering and sport for exploring the limits of human skills. Some of the realised prototypes and new projects will be exposed and presented and, with a bit of luck, there will be the chance to do a little pedalling.


It will be presented the scale model of the roof of the Castle of Valentino and there will be a little introduction of the story of the architecture of the Royal House of Savoy

PoliTo scala le classifiche dei ranking

The path recorded in recent years by the Polytechnic of Turin in international rankings is a path that is constantly growing. The University is also among the best technical universities in the world in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018, one of the most accredited international rankings, which highlights the areas of excellence in training and research. The ranking, which is already at the seventh edition, analyzes over 1100 universities and scientific institutions around the world: among these, the Polythecnic ranks 33rd university in the world for the macro-area Engineering & Technology.

An evident growth in the last three years: in 2016, in the Engineering & Technology area, the Polytechnic ranked 66th and the following year it registered already a significant improvement reaching the 52nd place; in 2018, then, a leap forward of almost twenty positions, up to the 33rd, which follows the excellent world ranking in the ranking, again of the QS agency, Graduate Employability Ranking of last September, which saw the Polytechnic at 1st place in the world for Graduate Employment Rate.

In the Ranking presented on 28th February  2018, the University confirms excellent placings in all its business secrtors, ranking among the “Top Universities” of the world in 10 subjects and 3 of the thematic areas (Engineering & Technology, Natural Sciences and Arts & Humanities) present in the QS World University ranking. The parameters taken into consideration concern the Academic Reputation and Employer Reputation, estimated through a statistical survey conducted by QS, the number of quotes present in scientific publications and some bibliometric indexes including the H-index. The performance of the Polytechnic of Turin has significantly improved in particular in the Employer Reputation, where the University earns 10 points, confirming the increased international consideration among companies and factories.

As for the individual areas, the Polytechnic improves its ranking in all three disciplines in which it is part of the Top 50 universities of the world: for Civil & Strucutural Engineering it ranks 34th in the world, gaining a position with respect to the last year; for Architecture / Built Environment moves to position 41 from the 46th in which it was in the 2017 ranking; finally, for Electrical Engineering it earns the 50th place, while in 2017 it was more than in the 50th position. Even in History of Art, a subject introduced in the ranking only this year, the Polytechnic obtained an excellent result, ranking 24th, thanks to its high performance in the Academic Reputation.

Good results also in Computer Science & Information Systems, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences, in which the University ranks among the 100 best Universities in the world; and in Art & Design, Chemical Engineering and Mathematics, which find the University ranked in the group of the best 150. The other discipline in which the University ranks among the 200 best Universities in the world is Physics & Astronomy.

“I am extremely satisfied with these results, which confirm how in recent years our University has consolidated and considerably increased its international reputation”, underlines dean Marco Gilli, who continues: “The fact that a serious agency as QS has one more time given such gratifying recognition to our Polytecnnic, after the excellent result on the employment status of the graduates who saw us first in the world, confirms that by now the quality of our research and training activities is recognized and appreciated in all our fields of activity , from Engineering, to Architecture and Design “.

"M'illumino di meno", le iniziative del Politecnico

This year the Polytechnic of Turin will participate again at “M’illumino di meno”, the initiative of the broadcast of Radio Rai “Caterpillar” to promote the energy saving and the virtuous behaviours in the field of environmental sustainability, that has already reached the 14th edition.

The two scheduled meetings are part of the actions promoted by the Green Team of the Polytechnic of Turin an organization born at the Polytechnic to promote activities of promotion of virtuous behaviours by the point of view of sustainability and to take a shared path of validation of the institute as a sustainable campus.

The following two are the initiatives promoted by the Polytechnic:

Today, Thursday 22nd February, at 7 pm

“Caccia al kWh” in Italian Universities

On 22nd February the Green Team of the Polytechnic of Turin will promote the “Caccia al kWh”, a flash mob during which students and staff will turn off the lights after the time of use in the rooms of the headquarter of the University, but they will also close windows and doors that entail a waste of electricity or heat energy for heating: a symbolic act to show the right use of energy. The results of the campaign will be monitored live in the Living LAB, by measuring the reduction of energy consumption of the University. The event will end with a refreshment by candlelight for all the participants.

This year the initiatives of “M’illumino di meno” are promoted in the field of the Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (RUS), that gathers together 55 Italian Universities. On 22nd February from 6pm to 9pm, the “Caccia al kWh” will take place simultaneously in different universities, in order to involve a bigger audience for the actions of research on the waste of energy in the headquarters of the universities. The main goal is to sensitise people of the universities towards an individual contribution that everyone of us can offer on the topic of energy-saving, becoming with little inattentions, that all together can have a significant impact on the energy consumption of the universities.


7 pm: gathering in the courtyard of the Rectorship

After that: formation of groups and campaign of light out and reduction of energy waste

At the end: refreshment by candlelight for all the participants in the atrium of the Sala Consiglio di Facoltà.



23rd February 2018, 10 am – Auditorium Energy Centre 

M’illumino con meno. Un anno dopo” seminar

On 23rd February the Green Team organizes the event “M’illumino con meno. Un anno dopo”, focused on the topic of energy efficiency in the lighting. A year ago, on the occasion of the “M’Illumino di meno 2017”, the Polytechnic had started an experimentation on the use of intelligent LED lighting with the involvement of some professionals of the sector. The conference will be the perfect opportunity to present the results of the campaigns carried out in the Living LAB, before and after the replacement operation. The data show significant savings, by highlighting the effect achieved with the addition of occupancy and light sensors. The experimentation carried out in some rooms of the headquarter (some offices, a hallway and a technical room) will give some useful information for the planning of more extended interventions in universities. The issue is topical for the Public Administration, also in relation to the offered possibilities of the current incentives.


  • 10 am: institutional greetings
  • 10:10 am: introduction

Giovanni Vincenzo Fracastoro | GreenTeam of the Polytechnic of Turin , Energy Manager
Alberto Poggio | Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo sostenibile (RUS), Coordinator of the Energy working group

  • 10:40 am: M’illumino con meno: the development of the experimentation       and the first results

Giulio Cerino Abdin | GreenTeam of the Polytechnic of Turin, Manager of the Energy working group

Chiara Aghemo | Energy Department “Galileo Ferraris”, Environmental and Technical Physicist .

Rossella Taraglio, Gabriele Piccablotto | Architecture and Design Department , Laboratory of Analysis and Modelling of Environmental Systems (LAMSA).

Fabrizio Tondaroc | Construction and Logistic of the Polytechnic of Turin

11:40 M’illumino con meno: the point of view of operators.

Round table discussion with the representatives of the industrial workers involved in the experimentation..

12:10 Questions and debate.
