Do you know Fondo Rotativo Edisu Piemonte?
Fondo Rotativo is reserved for off-site students applying for scholarships and housing service, who result eligible in the accommodation definitive ranking list and and not assigned as a result of expression of interest.
The application for Edisu Fondo Rotativo for Rent Deposit has been online since 2 October 2020.
What is Fondo Rotativo?
Fondo rotativo is an economic support to cover the payment of the security deposit required at the time of stipulating a lease as an advance payment of the scholarship, reserved for off-site students applying for scholarships and housing service who result eligible in the accommodation definitive ranking list and not assigned as a result of expression of interest.
The amount paid is equal to the one needed for two months and will be fully recognized or in part according to the number of holders, however within the maximum limit set for each contract and cannot exceed € 800,00. This amount is intended as an advance on the scholarship.
For more info go on the Edisu Call but remember that you can submit the application online since 2 October 2020.
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