All posts tagged test

The TIL (Test in Laib) to enroll in the 2020/2021 academic year at the Engineering degree courses at the Polytechnic of Turin will be held remotely and will therefore be supported from home, following a specific protocol that will be made known as soon as possible. The next scheduled date is Thursday 21 May but all seats are already sold out. The university announces that shortly the possibility of enrolling on another additional date will be open. Click here to stay updated

admissions tests

July 24 marked the end date of the application for the entrance tests for Medicine, Dentistry, Architecture and Veterinary Medicine. Miur (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) has recently published a report on its website showing the number of applicants. Here’s some data: there are 83,127 overall applicants, of which 67,005 aspiring Medicine and Dentistry students (66,907 in 2017). There are 7.986 applicants for the Architecture exam, while there were 9,340 last year. There are 8,136 applicants for the Veterinary Medicine exam, slightly fewer than in 2017 (8,431). The number of applicants for the Medicine (fully taught in English) exams was 7,660, while in 2017  it was 7,021.

We can see the number of applicants for Medicine has increased, while it has decreased for Architecture. As for Veterinary Medicine, numbers remained constant.
The maximum number of available places has also increased:

  • 9,779 for Medicine (9,100 last year)
  • 1,096 for Dentistry (908 in 2017)
  • 759 for Veterinary Medicine (655 in 2017)
  • 7,211 for Architecture (6,873 in 2017)

As observed by the daily newspaper Sole24Ore, 1 out of 6 applicants will be admitted to Medicine and Dentistry, 1 out of 10 to Veterinary Medicine, while for Architecture the number of applications and of available places are almost the same: 7,986 applications and 7,211 available places. Compared to last year, there are better chances for aspiring architects, doctors and dentists, while it will be worse for aspiring veterinarians.

The exam dates are the following:

  • Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Prosthetic Dentistry – September 4;
  • Veterinary Medicine, September 5;
  • Architecture, September 6;
  • Health Care, September 12;
  • Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Prosthetic Dentistry (taught in English), September 13;
  • Primary Teacher Education, September 14;

Health Care (Master’s Degree), October 26.

Test di ammissione Polito

All degree courses of the Politecnico di Torino require an admission test, and only a limited number of students who obtain the best scores can enrol.

The test is compulsory and different for each candidate. It consists of a set of questions, which are automatically and randomly selected by a computer. Each test has the same level of difficulty. It takes place in the Computer Labs of Politecnico’s main building or in previously-chosen venues in Italy or abroad.

Below are the next dates for the admission tests

For the Politecnico’s degree courses, followed by the initial and final date for enrolment


·         Admission tests for Bachelor courses in Engineering

Bando di selezione per l’area dell’Ingegneria.(Call for admission to Engineering courses)

Tuesday, July 17, and Wednesday, July 18, 2018

On July 17 the test can be taken in Vèrres as well, and on July 18, it can also be taken in Biella.


From Monday, April 16,

to Monday, July 16, 2018 at 12 PM

Thursday, August 30, and Friday, August 31, 2018

On August 30 the test can be taken in Vèrres as well, and on August 31, it can also be taken in Biella.


From Friday, May 18

To Tuesday, August 28 at 12 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2018 – TIL session, for non-EU students living abroad From Friday, May 18

To Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 12 PM


·         Admission tests for the Bachelor course in Architecture

Call for admission to the Bachelor course in Architecture will be published after the decree from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).

Thursday, September 6, 2018 (in aggiornamento)(updating)



·         Admission tests for Bachelor course in Design and visual communication

Bando di selezione per Design e comunicazione visiva.(Call for Admission to Design and visual communication)

Tuesday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 18, 2018 From Monday, April 16 to Monday, July 16, 2018 at 12 PM
Thursday, August 30 and Friday, August 31, 2018 From Friday, May 18 to Tuesday, August 28 at 12 PM



·         Admission tests for Bachelor courses in Territorial, urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning

Bando di selezione per Pianificazione territoriale, urbanistica e paesaggistico ambientale. (Call for Admission to Territorial, urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning)

Tuesday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 18, 2018 From Monday, April 16 to Monday, July 16, 2018 at 12 PM
Thursday, August 30 and Friday, August 31, 2018 From Friday, May 18 to Tuesday, August 28 at 12 PM



(prove di ammissione ) Admission tests from past years are available online.

Further information on required knowledge(conoscenze richieste), minimum scores for admission and/or how to apply for admission tests can be found in the specific section (sezione) of the website.

If you are finishing high school and still have doubts on which course to attend next year, StudyinTorino encourages you to read 2018/2019 course catalogue and the orientation page in the Politecnico website.



Admission Tests Test di ammissione

The Miur website, the portal of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, has published the dates of the admission tests for degree courses with restricted access at national level. The timetable for the academic year 2018/2019 starts on 4th September with Medicine and Surgery.

You can see the dates of the admission tests below:
  • Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, 4th September;
  • Veterinary Medicine, 5th  September;
  • Architecture, 6th September;
  • Health Professions, 12th September;
  • Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics in English, 13th September;
  • Primary Education Sciences, 14th September;
  • Health Professions (Master’s degree), 26th October.


admissions tests

You can find online the dates for the Politecnico admission tests for the academic year 2018-2019.

  • 13th March 2018
  • 18th April 2018
  • 17th May 2018
  • 17th/18 th July 2018
  • 30th/31st August 2018
  • 13th September 2018 (for non-EU students living abroad with foreign licence)

The procedure for the test registration, that at the moment allows only the enrolment, will be available from mid-February approximately. For the registration you have to login to Apply Polito.

The first registration is necessay to:

  • enroll in the admission test (please consult the webpage Iscrizione al primo anno to have all the necessary information);
  • have acces to all the general information related to the courses;
  •  find educational material and practice tests;
  • consult the FAQ and the updates about the procedures to follow to become a student at the Politecnico of Turin.