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Primo master italiano in Sport Engineering

The II level Master in Sport Engineering will be devoted to creating a new generation of technicians and managers for the European sport industry, in cooperation with the Sport School of the CONI, the Città Studi Biella and the il Johan Cruyff Institute.



4th may 2018, 12 a.m.

Sala Consiglio di Facoltà, Turin Polytech – Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Turin

In order to achieve extraordinary performances, an athlete cannot rely only on their performances but needs the contribution of an entire team and of the most innovative technologies: this is the spirit of the new Ii level Master in Sport Engineering of the Turin Polytech, in cooperation with the Sport School of the CONI and Città Studi Biella, certified by the Johan Cryuff Institute and structured to train the members of a team that is more and more often made also by technology experts.

The Master will be an occasion for confrontation between professionals with multidisciplinary skills: a post-graduation program which has been created from the understanding of the skills, both in the training and in the research, offered by the Turin Polytech in different fields which are linked or useful to sport and which are part of Sport Engineering. This is a discipline composed by different aspects and which requires skills in different fields: from materials science to meteorology, from ICT to biomechanics, from sensors’ development to statistics, from nutrition to sport medicine.

It will start in September 2018 with a deadline for enrolments the 15th June. The Master will be held at Biella in the Modern Città Studi campus, designed by the famous architect Gae Aulenti: the ideal environmental and social context for sport practise with easy access to ski slopes, lakes and trekking or mountain bike paths. A natural theatre in the Pre-Alps of Biella, important for its top-quality textile industry.

The Master will train a new generation of technicians and manager for the European sport industry through a wide training offer in English: 10 courses for a total of 400 hours, based on a modern didactic with a learning-by-doing approach, which will include  activities in the field an in lab; a week in the Olympic preparation centre “Giulio Onesti” of Acqua Acetosa with CONI’s technicians, 550 hours of stage for put into practise the acquired skills, an online-course lasting 60 hours about  “Sport Management Fundamentals”, certified by the Johan Cryuff Institute and 4 top seminar with exceptional testimonials.

At the end of this training, the sport engineer will have developed competences for what regards the equipment, the choice and the development of innovative technical materials, from clothing to sport instrument, in order to enhance the performance of the athletes improving also the safety aspect. Moreover, they will be able to project systems for analysing and managing data in order to help managers, trainers and athletes with better training systems.

The master will be presented the 4th May 2018 at 12 a.m. at the Turin Polytech (Sala Consiglio di Facoltà). The theme “Sport Engineering between didactics and innovation” will be discussed by:

The Sport Delegate of the Turun Polytech Dean Marco Barla

The Director of the Master School Carlo Rafele

The Sport Councillor of the Municipality of Turin Roberto Finardi

The Director of Sport School CONI Rossana Ciuffetti

The President of Città Studi Biella Pier Ettore Pellerey

L’e-learning Director Johann Cruyff Institute, Victor Jordan

The Vice-Director of the Sport Engineering Master Ada Ferri


Sport Engineering between performance analysis and materials development 

Marco Galiazo, Olympic champion of Archery (the athlete’s point of view)

Rossano Galtarossa, Olympic champion of Canoeing (the athlete’s point of view)

Marco Iazzetta, performance analyser- Italian Sailing national-Italian Sailing Federation (the technician point of view)

Alessandro Poggio, international arbiter of Foil and Fencing Trainer of the Italian Fencing Federation (the arbiter-judge pov)

Matteo Moncalero, person in charge for Research and Development of Equipment (the materials’s technician pov)


The event will be moderated by Alessandro Pezzoli, coordinator of the Sport Engineering Master and Meterologist and Environmental Analyser of the Sweden Olympic Comitee-Olympic Swedish Sailing National

Digital Education, quando lo Storytelling è parte della cura

The convention: Digital Education: a new paradigm for the future challenges that took place in April in the Auditorium Cavallerizza Reale of the University of Turin emphasised the potential of Storytelling. In the age of Big Data, the narration has been rediscovered as important means for organising the chaos, the big numbers and the large amount of information that we find on the Web… but not only. In fact, the narration becomes fundamental also in the fields of public health and education.

The Storytelling, a British term that means both narrative and narration understood as act of telling a story, emerges in today’s world with a new vitality, even if it has very long-standing roots: since ancient times, narration has been the instrument through which humankind structured reality. It has always been the most practical, socially adaptable, immediate and direct form to structure human experience. The novel and the short story offer what is not visible for essays and academic writings, they expand the kingdom of what can be told, they dive in particulars but at the same time they underline the universality of some human condition.

Lo Storytelling si fa Digital

The Digital Storytelling, the digitalised form of the short story that combines the potentialities of the digital medium with the value of  narrative, applies today to many disciplines: creative writing, sociology, psychology and medicine. One of the assets of the DS, in fact, is the ability to involve both at cognitive and emotional level. On the occasion of the convention Digital Education: a new paradigm for the future challenges and of the workshop leaded by Barbara Bruschi and Vincenzo Alatra, these particular abilities of Digital Storytelling have been discussed. The digital narration becomes a new instrument for those who operate in the field of Public Health and Education.

Barbara Bruschi , professor for Education and Learning technologies at the University of Turin underlined that narration, integrated with the use of voice, pictures and an audio support, are particularly important in the treatment of a patient. In fact, Digital Storytelling allows to highlight one’s fears, by showing them to the other and to oneself.

Benefits deriving from Digital Storytelling are not limited to patients but involve also health workers and educators. As Bruschi explains: “With 15 educators from the education services of the City of Turin we gave a new sense of the educational profession. People that had completely forgotten 40 years of professional life could find again the dimension of professional resistance also thanks to the pictures”.

Laureati: occupati sì, ma a quale prezzo?

Okay, graduates work, but at what price? AlmaLaurea, the interacademic group which carries out statistics and tries to make offer meet demand through the publication of the CVs of just graduate students and of the job place offered by companies, found out that graduates are employed, but they remain poor.

The last survey, which has involved 71 Universities and 620 thousand graduates from 2011 onwards, produced the following data: three years after graduation, the employment rate is 82% for those with a five-year degree and 83% for those with a two-year one. However, data regarding the remuneration graduates earn a year after having been employed are not so positive: 1.110 euro net monthly. Five years after graduation, wages increase but remain inferior to 1.400 euro net monthly.

But what is the situation in Piedmont like? The picture that emerges from the data published by the newspaper L’Espresso about the situation of young people a year after graduation does not look very good. The situation of the six sectors in which appear data about Universities of Piedmont is the following:


Legal Sciences 

For three-year and master degrees (not single-cycled ones) in legal sciences and services, the percentage of employed graduates is 26,3% of the total, with an average wage of 965 euro monthly.

Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies

In Turin, 86% of graduates in this discipline are employed a year after degree and earn an average wage of 1239 euro.

The University of Eastern Piedmont has the same percentage of employed graduates but with a slightly inferior wage of 1090 euro monthly.

Biology and Geology

The University in Vercelli records 50% of employed students a year after degree with an average wage of 976 euro.


Physics, Informatics and Mathematics

58.1% of graduates in scientific disciplines at the University of Turin is employed a year after degree, with an average remuneration of 1100 euro monthly.

Agricultural, Food, Zootechnical and Veterinary Sciences

As regard the University of Collegno, for three-year and master degree, the average employment rate a year after degree is 73,5% with an average retribution of 1128 euro. Worrying data emerges for single-cycled five-year degrees in Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences: the employment rate is 69.2% with a wage of only 774 euro monthly.


The Turin Polytech (Politecnico di Torino) was in charge of the Italian stand at the Shenzhen Design Week, the most important event about design organised in China, of which, this year, Italy was the guest of honour. The Municipality of Turin was present at the opening


The Shenzhen Design Week of this year came as an Italian edition, with a significant presence of the city of Turin. The exposition, entirely devoted to design, took place from 20th to 30th of April in the Chinese city internationally recognised as capital of design and innovation and twinned with the city of Turin.

After all, Turin was promoted as World Design Capital already in 2008 and, in 2014, was the only Italian city to be included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, to which belong 26 cities worldwide, like Berlin, Saint-Étienne, Helsinki, Montreal, Shanghai and Singapore. All these cities are committed to developing and exchanging competences at an international level with the aim of strengthen the participation in design issues.

Far from being merely a strategic means for urban policies configuration, design is for Turin one of the keys for economic and social development, in close connection with the values of sustainability and decision-sharing, which have become pivotal for creating new opportunities of economic and social growth. That was the reason of the turinese institutional presence in the Asiatic city.

At its second edition, the Sherzhen Design Week is considered one of the most important events about design organised in China and this year Italy has been the guest of honour.

The Italian participation has been developed throughout the whole week through conferences, seminars and workshops that took place in the about 1300m2-large Italian stand. The setting up has been designed by the Italian Designers Association (IDA) and the Department of Architecture and Design of the Turin Polytech and can be visited up to the 4th of May.

The activity has been carried out through the base that was opened in this area by the  Polytech in 2015, the “South China- Torino Collaboration Lab”, born out of the collaboration between the Polytech with the prestigious South China University of Technology (SCUT).


From micro to macro: Italian designers in the South of China

The project which has been brought to China this year illustrated the project of a spoon as well as those of contemporary cities. The stand wanted to offer a completely Italian perspective of design, aiming at improving the projects of micro objects which could be interactive and inserted in a wider system. The projects, all made by Italian designers, have been developed according to different scales and are divided into four categories: Object & Fashion, Interiors & Furniture, Architecture and Urban & Territorial Planning.

Moreover, the event aimed at emphasising the significant presence of Italian designers in China.

The stand and the event have been opened by the Italian Ambassador in China Ettore Sequi , with the presence of Marco Giusta, president of the GAI (Italian Young Artists), Councillor for Policies of Support to Turin University City and  for Youth Policy of the Municipality of Turin, twinned with the city of Shenzhen and of Emilio Agagliati, Director of the Culture Department of the City of Turin.

The Turin Polytech has been represented by Michele Bonino, delegate of the Dean for Relationships with China and by Paolo Mellano, Director of the Department of Architecture and Design.

The 22nd of April, took place the Italian day, a day devoted to a reflection about Italian design and its relationships with China: organised by the Polytech of Turin, the event involved also Ole Bouman, a worldwide famous architecture and design critic.

The close cooperation between Turin and China has been also underlined by the Italian day of Research, which took place at the South China University of Technology of Guangzhou.

At the Wushan Campus, the Turin Polytech and the ScUT-South China University of Technology signed the Letter of Intentions for a new Co-Run Program in Urban Desig,

Supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education.

It is anticipated that the second edition of “Torino Design of the City 2018 –  Verso una città accessibile (towards an accessible city” will took place in Turin from the 12th to the 21st October. The international event counted last year by 113 appointments, 53 locations in the whole city, 60 speakers from 40 different countries, 170 delegates of the

World Design Organization (WDO)™ and more than 14 thousand participants.


Timetable changes

Monday 30th April 2018 some offices or structures of the University will close or change the hours in which there are usually opened to the public.

In particular, the following offices will remain close all the day:

  • the Students’ Offices (Segreterie studenti) of the different universities
  • the Section Right to Education (Fees) (Sezione Diritto allo Studio (Tasse) Vicolo Benevello, 3/A – Torino
  • the Office for Disabled and SLD students (Ufficio Studenti con disabilità e DSA) Via Po, 31 – Via Po, 29 students’ entrance – Torino
  • the Office State Examinations (Ufficio Esami di Stato) Vicolo Benevello, 3/A – third floor – Torino
  • the Infopoint Palazzo degli Stemmi, Via Po, 29 – Torino
  • the Offices of Personnel Management
  • the Offices of International Activities Management, Organisation, Quality and Evaluation
  • the Offices of Building and Logistical Management


it is also recalled that Tuesday 1st May 2018 will be public holiday.

Sicilia Coast to Coast

There is a week’s time left in order to enrol on the Summer School “Sicilia coast to coast: camminare in territori vulnerabili” (Summer School “Sicilia coast to coast: walking in vulnerable areas”).

The initiative will bring to Sicily, in the period from 19th to 29th August 2018, 30 students and researchers for a fascinating walking tour. The itinerary, from Mazara del Vallo to Palermo, will serve to study closely the areas marked by fires, reflecting on the policies which have been adopted and the consequences of the disaster.

Mazara, Selinunte, Salemi, Segesta, Monreale, Palermo. They are only some of the cities through which students will walk during the coast to coast promoted by the Laboratorio del Cammino (Ldc) (Laboratory of the Walking) a network of students and researchers born in 2017 in the context of didactics and research promoted by the Dipartimento di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio (DIST) del Politecnico di Torino (Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning).

The Laboratory of the Walking conceives the travel of the pedestrian as a stimulating experience, able to grasp the profiles and the hidden clues of the areas. The pedestrian observes, crosses and listen to the city from below and investigates the daily modalities of attendance and use of the spaces.

In order to participate, please send a mail by Monday 30th April 2018 with your curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation to:


Career day PoliTo

Yesterday, Thursday 19th April, more than 90 companies have met grad students and graduates from the Polytech. Moreover, a CV Corner has been created, in order to help students to improve the writing of their CV

The ability to guarantee a direct collocation in the labour market has always been one of the plus offered by the Turin Polytech (Politecnico di Torino), as testified also by the international ranking Graduate Employability Rankings 2018, published last fall by the prestigious British institute QS. According to the ranking, the Turin Polytech is the first University in the world as regards guaranteeing job offerings to its graduates as it is at the first place in the world for the indicator Graduate Employment Rate, which is calculated as the ratio between the occupation rate of the graduates (94%) and the average of the examined Italian universities (76,2%).

Against this excellent background, the Career Day of the Polytech, which has been awaited by graduates in order to meet the representatives of the world of work, returns today as final appointment of the event Orientati al futuro (Towards the future).

The number of the companies taking part at the event and interested in employing graduates from Turin Polytech or inserting them into stages is increasing (this year the event involved more than 90 companies, among which there were lots of new entries) and that testifies the fact that graduates from Turin Polytech are much sought after by companies’ HR.

During the Career Day, beyond meeting recruiters from both national and international companies, graduates and grad students will have the opportunity to participate in specific company presentations.

The event and the challenge which the Turin Polytech is ready to take has been commented by Alumni and the mentor Carla Chiasserini “ the traditional quality of training provided by our University continues guaranteeing excellent jobs offering to our graduates, as testified by data regarding their entry in the world of work but also by the success of initiatives like our Career Day. The challenge we are facing is to ensure that the profiles of our graduates meet the demands of the companies, above all of the small and medium ones which are the driving force of the area and which need innovation now more than ever. For this reason, we will try to create ad hoc meeting moments between the SME and our graduates and to open an even more direct channel between the Polytech and the companies, for the carrying out of dissertations and stage projects and, finally, the employment of our graduates












Lovers, Visioni LGBTQI con DAMS, IAAD e Vittoria

Lovers, the LGBTQI film festival of Turin begins today. This year, the edition of the festival will be devoted to Marielle Franco, city councillor of the Municipal Chamber of Rio de Janeiro and human rights activist, who had been killed the 15th March. This is a tribute that recalls “Oh rights!”, the claim of the demonstration. Love and rights, different kinds of love and law: all these elements are linked together in a society which aims to become more and more inclusive and to listen to different voices, not only the most eminent ones but also the youngest ones. For these reasons, Lovers renews its partnership with the University of Turin and some other Institutes of the area, like Vittoria, High School for Language Mediators and IAAD, Institute of Applied Art and Design.

Students from  DAMS, under the leading of Massimiliano Quirico, will become a fully-fledged international jury. The section Future Lovers will award the winner with the prize Fotogrammi Sovversivi (Insurgent Frames). The partnership with the DAMS will continue with Serial Lovers (by Elisa Cuter)., a workshop devoted to the history of TV series. With less restrictions and different uses of the narration, the TV has been competing for a long time with the cinema, as regards the representation of the LGBTQI identity. From its origin (QueerasFolks, Will & Grace), to the new productions and queer themes(Sense8, Transparent), up to the self production on the Web (G&T, Re(l)azioni a catena), together with critics, experts and film directors.

Also the IAAD gave an important contribution to the festival! We are talking about the guiding image, realised by students from the 2nd year of the Department of Communication Design, leaded by Giorgio Calandri, professor for Art Direction. Translations and subtitles will be entrusted to another institute of excellence of the city, the Vittoria, which will allow its students to cooperate on the festival from behind the scenes.

Enjoy the festival!



Soluzioni abitative temporanee, brevi soggiorni

For those who would like to visit Turin, for those who need to stay in the city only for a few months or even for those who are searching for a definitive solution, it is possible to find temporary solutions in residences which accommodate, at affordable costs, transfer students, workers and tourists.

Are you planning a vacation? Shall you come in Turin in order to do an exam? Or do you have a work commitment, the chance of lifetime which has to be seized? For all those needs, the city of Turin makes available temporary lodging.

Here some examples.


Over recent years, EDISU implemented the service Casa Per Ferie which allows those who come to Turin for working reasons or simply on holiday to comfortably sojourn in university accommodations (in single or double-room) at affordable costs, depending upon the availability of bed places at the time of reservation.

The university accommodations provided by the service Holiday Houses are located in Turin, in close proximity to the city centre and the Universities.

The service is targeted at:

  • professors, researchers, post-doctorate students and participants in projects and initiatives of cultural and scientific exchange promoted by Piedmont’s universities
  • students participating in Masters, Summer Schools, internships and Erasmus projects
  • students’ families
  • individuals, bodies and associations

Please, consult the regulation of the service (regolamento).

In order to verify availability and reserve your accommodation, please contact:

Tel: + 39 011 6531063 – 1042

Fax: + 39 011 6531161


Luoghi Comuni is a temporary residence located in Porta Palazzo, in the hearth of the city, which offers hospitableness and living arrangements at tiered prices, from 1 day up to 18 months.

Specifically, the service is targeted for:

  • Workers and trainees from out of Turin, for whom the temporary residence stands for an accommodation during the period of time they spend in the city or a temporary solution while they look for a lodging meeting their needs
  • People who come to Turin in order to visit the city or to use its services, to whom the temporary residence offers a residential solution at affordable costs, a wide range of services and activities and the opportunity to discover the area of Porta Palazzo
  • People under housing stress, namely people who need another residential solution (due to a separation, an eviction, a change job, a reduction of the income, etc…) and, while looking for it, can use the temporary residence as a bridge between the old and the new house
  • People under housing emergency, who need a residential solution as soon as possible while waiting for a stable new one provided by the local institutions

There is the possibility to choose between one-room and two-room apartments, furnished, modern and provided with bathroom and kitchen.

The rents of the temporary residence are inferior to the ones of the market and expenditure on housing is very low thanks to the introduction of innovative systems in order to reduce costs.

Please, see the website (sito web) in order to be better informed about the apartments, the tariffs and the provided services.

The residence is located in Via Clemente Damiano Priocca 3 –Turin

For further information and booking, please contact:

Tel: 0110881132
Fax: 0110881180

DORHO – Don Orione Housing

Dorho, a development of the project Sis.Te.R. – Temporary residential solution, is a co-housing service located in the centre of Turin in order to meet the demand of those who are looking for a temporary residential solution.

It is provided with 40 fully-furnished rooms differing in size for small families, students and individuals. It has also common spaces (laundry, kitchen, study hall, rec rooms and chapel)

It originated in an idea of the diocesan Caritas of Turin, in cooperation with the cooperative Synergica and the Municipality of Turin.

The residence is located in Corso Principe Oddone 22- Turin

For further information and booking, please contact:


Tel: 388 32 54 331



SM'Art disegna il tavolo!

SM’Art, a furniture company based in Orbassano, launched yesterday the first edition of the contest “SM’art projects” (Progetti SM’art) for young creative designers who had attended design classes and art schools of the region. The task is to make a project of a furniture table, entirely realised with the materials produced by the company.

The contest is open to Italian and foreign under 30 architects and designers and to the students of the following Universities and Institutes of Piedmont:

  • Turin Polytech (DAD Department of Architecture and Design)
  • IED European Institute Design of Turin (students from the courses of Product Design and Interior Design)
  • IAAD Institute of Applied Art and Design of Turin (students from the courses of Product Design and Interior Design)
  • Fine Arts Academy of Cuneo (students from the courses of Product Design and Interior Design)

Participants in the contest must be 18 or older.


The jury, composed of highly skilled members from the sector of decorative panels and semifinished products for the furniture industry, will choose three winners in three different categories:

  • Best idea in the whole
  • Best colour idea
  • Best concept

The contest is open to individuals and small groups (up to 3 members). The draft, which must be original und unpublished, pain of exclusion from the contest, shall be accompanied by a short presentation of the project. Participants will be showed SM’art’s materials on the holding, an executive will be at their disposal for the technical details and for the provision of useful samples.

Registrations within 30th June through form.

Delivery of the prototypes within 15th October.

Further information is available on the notice of competition (bando).
