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Lost (but then found) properties!

Have you ever studied in one of the study rooms of Edisu and forgot a personal object? Don’t worry, you can recover it!

You just have to ask at the reception of the study room in which the object has been found, or visit the website of Edisu.

Here the last objects lost in the study room, which have been found:

If you can’t recover them, they will be kept in the Sala studio Michelangelo Buonarroti 17/BIS , in the office Prestito testi universitari for about 6 months.

Remember that during the first 15 days from finding, the object remains in the reception of the study room where it has been found, but, if you don’t remember where you may have lost it, you can follow updates on the website or on Edisu social media channels and then you can go and take it at the Prestito testi universitari!

Challenge Conservazione del cibo e sostenibilità
Dear student/graduate of any subject, do you think you know how to reduce food waste from houses? Do you want to contribute in the realization of a new, flexible and sustainable domestic scenario, linked to preparation and conservation of food? THIS CHALLENGE IS WHAT YOU NEED!

Food waste, caused by the great availability of food at home, is not only a problem of economic resources being wasted, but it also affects natural and energy resources, used is every process of the food chain. Food waste is becoming an always more emerging problem and solutions are close to 0.

This challenge wants to find new and more efficient ways for the conservation of food: ways specially designed for every food and to value the impact on domestic habits.

The fridge is an important part of a paradigm based on speed of preparation and meal consumption, which encourages the spread of pre-cooked foods, leading to the problem of the disposal of the packaging. To which scenarios can lead the introduction of new food conservation methods?

Conservazione del cibo e sostenibilità.
Social dynamics and digital behaviour about the conservation and use of food. A day with a fridge. In collaboration with Fablab and Kynerion.
The call is open to all graduates, master’s degree students and PhD students of the Politecnico di Torino and the Università di Torino.
You can sign in till Monday 29th October 2018, 12.00 am.

Application must be done via Apply (

In order to put it the application, click on “Registrazione” and fill in your personal information in order to create an account. Remember you will need your fiscal code and ID card.

Once you have received the access details follow these steps:

  • click on “scegli percorso, Aggiungi iscrizione, LABORATORI, Clab Workshop”
  • Click on “Laboratori” on the sidebar, then select the current challenge Clab.
  • Requested attachments are the CV, motivational letter and an optional attachment to best introduce yourself.

Selected students will take part in an interview (modalities will be communicated on 29th).

The challenge will take place
  • from 5th to 8th November 2018 at the Clab, Cortile del Rettorato dell’Università di Torino in via Verdi n°8;
  • on 9th November : the venue has to be decided yet;
  • from 12th to 16th November at the FabLab, in via Egeo n°16

Final pitches will be presented on 19th November in the Aula Clab .(Via Verdi 8)
For more information visit the site.

For further information write to

Or call 0116702028-2029-2063

What is “C.Lab – Torino” – Contamination Lab?

C.Lab is the first Italian Contamination Lab as the result of the collaboration of two universities



A space for students and PhD students of the Politecnico and Università di Torino to discover new learning models and develop innovative projects. C.Lab TORINO – Contamination Lab Torino in promoted and financed by the MIUR: it is the first and only one in Italy to be the result of the collaboration of two universities.

A place where students and PhD students of different subjects can meet and where contamination and intersection of knowledge and points of view enables to try new learning models and to develop innovative entrepreneurial or social projects, with a strong connection with the territory. This is the idea that inspired the Contamination Labs: places created inside universities in order to give students “a stimulating environment for the development of innovative entrepreneurial projects”, as the guidelines of the MIUR, which promotes the initiative, explain.

C.Lab TORINO will offer to students of the Università di Torino and Politecnico an informal and creative environment, where they can follow innovative extracurricular university courses, in order to get new skills and propose innovative solutions to the emerging challenges of the territory and markets.

C.Lab TORINO was created to find solutions to the challenges that society, companies and institutions will issue to the 100,000 students of “Torino Città Universitaria”. Through the contamination of different skills , students and PhD students, to which the project is addressed, will receive useful tools to face the labour market from the entrepreneurial point of view, by finding innovative solutions, with the possibility to set up new start ups.

From the educational point of view, C.Lab TORINO proposes labs on computer “challenges”, based on three main policies: proposals of students and PhD students, in a bottom-up logic; proposals of universities, on significant themes for development of territories; proposals of companies, public and private institutions, to face critical themes.

The project C.Lab TORINO is part of the prospect of the Entrepreneurship Education, with the aim of creating social value and promote entrepreneurship culture, innovation and sustainability.

The C.lab TORINO wants to give an important contribution to the development of the city and the territory, expanding the action of universities in Turin, favouring citizens and the local reality.

The conditions of this collaboration between the two universities are the incentive to start productive relations between the main actors of the area, for the sharing of knowledge and skills, aimed at achieving a bigger competitiveness on the international and national market.

With a total funding of about 900,000 euros (of which 300,000 euros from the MIUR and almost 600,000 euros from the Politecnico and Università), C.Lab TORINO is among the 16 winning projects selected among 68 candidates from universities from all over Italy.


The astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, protagonist of the missione Futura of the Italian Space Agency, on the occasion of the publication of her new book “Diario di un’apprendista astronauta”, will present her professional and human experience, the long journey that took her to the International Space Station.
The proceeds will be entirely given to UNICEF Italia by the author.

Where and when:

Politecnico di Torino

Aula Magna, Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – Torino

Saturday 27 October 2018 – 5.00 pm

When the racket engines were started up, I fulfilled the biggest dream of my life.” For almost 7 months Samantha Cristoforetti has been into orbit around the Earth on the International Space Station. In her book “Diario di un’apprendista astronauta” (Diary of an apprentice astronaut), she tells the busy life on board, with the amazed eyes of who becomes, day after day, a space human being: from science to repairing the toilet, from the arrival of cargo spacecrafts to walks in the space with the colleagues, from alarms to routine, from big events to little discoveries, from  rites to cutting hair. The journey which took her up there was long. Years of absolute dedication from her childhood dream, years spent with suitcases in the hand through three continents, through occasional meetings and  strongly wanted encounters, through languages and cultures, nature and technology, efforts and long waits, joys and sorrows: all in order to learn how to become an astronaut. Samantha Cristoforetti will tell the story of the long journey, which took her to the launching pad and the days she spent on board the Space Station.

Samantha Cristoforetti was born in Milan in 1977 and she grew up in Malé (Trento). She got the master’s degree in Mechanical and Aerospsace Engineering  at the Technical University of Munich, after an Erasmus in Toulouse and an year in Moscow, for the research thesis. From 2001 she attended the Accademia Areonautica (the Italian Air Force Academy), getting a degree in aeronautical science. She got the licence of military pilot in the US and then she was allocated in the 51° Storno di Istrana, on a AM-X aircraft. She is officer of the Areonautica Militare, with the rank of captain. In 2009 she entered the Astronaut Corps of the European Space Agency and in 2012 she was detailed to the Expedition 42/43 on the International Space Station, a long-term mission at the disposal of the Italian Space Agency. The launching of the spacecraft Soyuz took place on 23rd November 2014 from the cosmodrome Baikonur, in Kazakhstan. Samantha spent 200 days in space, sharing her experience trough her logbook and on Twitter (@Astrosamantha).


The meeting is organized by the Politecnico di Torino and Unione Industriale di Torino, in collaboration with ASI, ESA and the publishing house La nave di Teseo. Moderator: Michele Bellone, scientific journalist.

Reserved seats in the Aula Magna are sold out, but you can follow the event in the adjacent rooms (Aula 3, Aula 5) and in streaming on Facebook.

For organizational matters, it is compulsory to give a credit by 12.00 am of 26th October to


Invitation to the initiative

Olivetti Design Contest

It’s called Olivetti Design Contest, the Industrial Design competition promoted by Olivetti, the famous company of Ivrea, protagonist of an age-old history of research and innovation and operating still today in the ICT sector. The contest, which takes place this year for the third time, is addressed to students of some of the most prestigious Italian and international institutes. Among the ones of Turin there are the IAAD – Istituto d’Arte Applicata e Design and the DAD, il Dipartimento di Architettura e Design del Politecnico di Torino.

The contest will award a prize to the projects that will present an original contribution to the realization of a smart chair and/or a fiscal printer. The jury will examine the projects, considering conceptual elements of the work, the quality of the realization and the possibility of development from the commercial point of view, taking of course into account the values of Olivetti: guidance to the client, innovation, experience, excellence and proactivity.

There will be three winning projects, to which, for each one of the two topics will be given a prize of € 2,000 (first place), €1,500 (second place) and €1,000 (third place).

The participation to the contest is free, and it is possible to participate for the design of both topics or just one. All participants have to be students enrolled in the universities and academies pointed out in the 2nd point of the current regulations at the moment of the first sending of materials.

If the project is developed by more than a student, all the team will participate in the contest.

Digital works will have to be sent by email, at the email address

Download  here the public note for all the details.

Test di ammissione per l’a.a. 2019/20 in Cile, Brasile e Perù

The Politecnico di Torino has started the program “TOPoliTO: attracting international Top students at the Politecnico di Torino” , in order to recruit high-quality international students for the inclusion in courses of bachelor’s and master’s degree. The presence of a relevant number of international students in the university is a cultural value for the university and an opportunity for the region and its economic system.

In an always more competitive European and global framework (also from the educational point of view), the program wants to strengthen the ability of attracting talented international students, who can gain access to bachelor’s and master’s degree courses of the university and who will profit from the Italian culture and scientific tradition.

According to the program, in October and November will take place admission tests for the bachelor’s degree courses of Engineering (the candidate can decide to take the test in English or Italian), of Design and Visual Communication (test in Italian) and of Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning (test in Italian), for the academic year 2019/2020 in Chile, Brazil and Peru.

In particular, on 19th October there will be the tests in Santiago, in the Italian School “Vittorio Montiglio”, on 26th October in Valparaiso in the Italian School “Arturo dell’Oro”, on 27th October in São Paulo in the “Colégio Dante Alighieri” and on 9th November in Lima in the Italian school “Antonio Raimondi”.

To sign up for the admission test, interested candidates have to register in the website of the university “Apply@POLITO” and follow instructions on the degree course for which they want to take the test, selecting date and place of the test.

In addition, according to the project TOPoliTO, soon the public note for scholarships for candidates who will take the TIL-I, TIL-D e TIL-P in Chile, Brazil and Peru will be published.

In addition, according to the project TOPoliTO, soon the public note for scholarships for candidates who will take the TIL-I, TIL-D e TIL-P in Chile, Brazil and Peru will be published.

For all the details visit this link

WebPages for international students with foreign degree 

Educational offer

For further information write to: 

Prepararsi al futuro, the speaking tour conceived by Piero Angela from the awareness of the central role that the science is acquiring today, both in the global and the daily context, will take place once again next Thursday with a new event on the scientific method.

The events of “Prepararsi al futuro”, scheduled from 11th October 2018 to 26th February 2019, in collaboration with Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione per la Scuola, Politecnico di Torino and Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, propose to students an accurate analysis of the present, together with visions and predictions of the future. Through science and research of scientists, sociologist, demographers, doctors and entrepreneurs, the protagonists of the present will try to tell the future.

In the event of Thursday 11th October at 11.30 am, “IL METODO DELLA SCIENZA – Sapere quello che si sa e non sapere quello che non si sa” (THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD – knowing what we know and not knowing what we don’t know”) will take part:

Piero Angela, journalist and writer

Francesco Profumo, President of the Compagnia di San Paolo

Guido Saracco, Rector of the Politecnico di Torino

Fabrizio Manca, General Director of the Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Piemonte

Ludovico Albert, President of the Fondazione per la Scuola

Juan Carlos De Martin, rector delegate for culture and communication of the Politecnico di Torino

Piero Bianucci, journalist

Sala Giunta del Rettorato del Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24

Immatricolazioni tardive

Did you know that it is possible to enroll late? From today, 8th October, till next 12th November , the University of Turin allows new enrolments, paying a surcharge for late payment.

Together with enrolment, you will have to sign up for the TARM too. You can sign up until 15th October 2018 for bachelor’s degree and master’s degree courses in Italian concerning the Scuola di Management ed Economia (School of Management and Economics), the Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche (School of Human sciences)  and the Scuola di Scienze Giuridiche, Politiche ed Economico-Sociali (School of law and political, economic and social sciences).

As regards the courses in English, you can sign up for the TARM till 12th October (by 12.30 am). The test will take place on 23rd October 2018 in the Aula Magna of the Campus Luigi Einaudi (Lungo Dora Siena, 100a – Torino).

For further details visit the page of Unito.


Collegno too will have its university
: it’s Primary Education Sciences, that the Università degli studi di Torino opened yesterday, 15th October 2018, in the Certosa di Collegno.  250 first-year students will start their academic courses within the walls of the Certosa, with the expectation to double the number of students in 2019 and increase it even more in 2020.

The university will occupy an area of about 2230 square metres. On the ground floor there will be main accesses, 4 classroom for 35 students, one classroom for 200 students, an office, a reception, a control room and a room with electrical panels. On the upper floor there will be offices and rooms for welcoming.

“University means young people and more presence in life. The future of the metropolitan area is growing here and this is a good sign, which strengthens the attractiveness” said Sergio Chiamparino, who took part in the inauguration together with the mayor Francesco Casciano, the rector Gianmaria Ajani and the general director of the Asl To 3 Flavio Boraso, the landlord.

The event sanctioned the return of the University in Collegno, and, at the same time, the reutilisation of an extraordinary place: the Certosa. The complex, situated inside the Parco Generale della Chiesa di Collegno, is not only the hospital of the Smemorato di Collegno by Totò, but it is also a great example of Carthusian monastery, wanted by Christine of France and part of the spectacular project of the Theatrum Sabaudiae.


If you have followed one of the online courses of the project and you have just enrolled in UniTo, you can sign up for the exceptional exam Star@Unito.

Starting from 15th October 2018, it is in fact possible to take the exam of online courses, made available by the project Start@Unito.

The exam must be taken in person in the University, after enrolment and after

  1. having finished all courses and passed the final exam;
  2. having filled out the career plan on MyUnito;
  3. having  signed up for the exam on MyUnito.

During the exam, you must bring ID card and the certificate of attendance, obtained at the end of the online course.

But let’s take a step back… Do you know the Start@Unito project?
Whatever may be the degree course you are interested in, UniTo makes available free online teaching, that you can follow even if you are not a university student yet. You can study at you rhythm, practice with self-assessment tests and take the exam as soon as you have enrolled.
Signing up is simple: you just have to visit the platform Start@UniTO and choose the courses you like. You log in with a click, also by using access details of social networks and you can immediately start your new courses.
Start@UniTO  allows you to start university on the right foot: not only does it help you in choosing the right courses for you, but it also allows you to obtain, from the very beginning of your university career, an exam already passed!


This initiative starts as part of the strategies for the improving in quality and efficiency of didactics, in order to promote and make the transition between high school and university easier, throughout the realization and spreading of a series of teaching, entirely online, to get closer to the university system. This allowed students attending the last year of high school (school year 2017-2018) to check their university choice.

Besides evident relapses in terms of orientation, this projects wants to be a tool for facilitation, motivation and support at the beginning of university, considering relapses as a positive sign to reduce the rate of retreat and dispersal.

The project led to the realization of 20 open online courses (usable by all users, who have personal access details in order to grant a simple monitoring of accesses), on wide and general topics, which are preparatory for the university courses of the first year.

At the end of the courses, students will be given a certificate stating the acquired knowledge, that will be necessary to students enrolled in UniTO in the academic year 2018-2019 (bachelor’s or master’s degree) to immediately take the exam. In this way students can get their learning credits in advance compared to the standard degree course.

In addition, the fact that the teaching is open and accessible by everyone will make the project more open to the audience, meaning also people who are not future UniTO students, in accordance with the purposes of “terza missione” and “public engagement” of the university.

Here the list of courses, divided in departments


Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società (department of Culture, Politics and Society)

  • Lessico delle scienze politiche, sociali e internazionali (lexis of political, social and international sciences)


Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione (department of Philosophy and Educational sciences)

  • Cos’è la filosofia (what is philosophy)
  • Elementi di sociologia e ricerca sociale (elements of sociology and social research)

Dipartimento di Fisica (department of Physics)

  • Fisica (physics)

Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza (department of Law)

  • Diritto alla salute (right to health)
  • Europa: istituzioni e diritti (Europe: institutions and rights)
  • Legge e giustizia (law and justice)

Dipartimento di Informatica (department of IT)

  • Informatica e pensiero computazionale per le scienze della natura (IT and computational thinking for natural sciences)
  • Informatica e pensiero computazionale per le scienze umane (IT and computational thinking for human sciences)

Dipartimento Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne (department of Foreign languages, literatures and cultures)

  • Antropologia culturale (modern anthropology)
  • Didattica delle lingue moderne (didactics of modern languages)

Dipartimento di Management (department of Management)

  • Economia e azienda (economics and business)

Dipartimento di Matematica “Giuseppe Peano” (department of Mathematics)

  • Elementi di logica matematica (elements of mathematical logic)
  • Elementi di matematica e storia delle scienze (elements of mathematics and history of sciences)
  • Matematica in e-learning (mathematics in e-learning)

Dipartimento di Psicologia (department of Psychology)

  • Storia della Psicologia (history of psychology)

Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco (department of Drug Sciences and Technology)

  • Come nasce e come funziona un farmaco? (how is a drug created and how does it work?

Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi (department of Sciences of Life and Systems Biology)

  • Zoologia generale (general zoology)

Dipartimento di Studi Storici (department of Historical Sciences)

  • Storia contemporanea (contemporary history)

Dipartimento Studi Umanistici (department of Human Studies)

  • Media e comunicazione (media and communication)

Visit the platform Start@UniTO

Progetto EIT Food: 5 MOOC di UniTO sul cibo
EIT FOOD project: 5 MOOCs on food by UniTo

On Monday 22nd October the first two of the five thematic online courses on food will start. MOOCs –Massive Online Open Courses are free courses for distance learning for a large amount of people and they have been developed by the University of Turin in collaboration with the University of Reading (UK), the University of Helnsinki (FI), the University of Hohenheim (DE), the Queen’s University Belfast (UK) and the University of Warsaw (PL).


All MOOCs will be soon available for free on the online platform Future Learn, where you can already submit and book your participation. First courses will start on Monday 22nd October 2018. Join now to receive assistance from the tutors.

The 5 MOOCs are the result of the UniTo participation in the EIT FOOD project. In fact, the University of Turin is the only Italian academic partner of the EIT Knowledge & Innovation Communities “EIT FOOD”, one of the major initiative on international level, focused on agricultural and food innovation. EIT FOOD connects corporate and academic partners, research institutes and centres of 13 European countries throughout the entire food chain. EIT FOOD activities include the support to projects of innovation, education, communication and creation of innovative enterprises.


Topics of the MOOCs

In the course called “Trust in the Food we eat”, will be examined the challenges and responsibilities of different people in the food system; in particular the role of the consumer in influencing the system to produce food we trust. Available information for consumers will be evaluated and there will be a debate on innovative methods to improve the trust of consumers in food products. How much do you trust your food? Find out the systems of food supply, security, sustainability, nutrition and quality.

The course will start on Monday 22nd October 2018. Join now to receive assistance from the tutors.

Link al corso su Future Learn

The course  “Understanding Different Diets: Mediterranean, Baltic sea, and Okinawa” will help participants to know the health benefits of the Mediterrean, the Baltic sea and the Okinawa diets, based on updated scientific basis. At the end of the course, participants will be able to know features and benefits of these three diets; identify food properties; develop a comprehension of healthy food consumption and learn how to prepare healthy recipes.

Link diretto al corso su Future Learn

The MOOC “Food for thought – the interaction between food and brain”, will examine the interaction between intestine and brain. In fact, organs which are apparently unrelated, are actually interconnected. Through biology, psychology and neurosciences, the correlation between brain, thoughts, emotions and food will be examined.

Link diretto al corso su Future Learn

The course  “Fork2Farm: Sustainable agriculture in a changing environment” will focus on threats to global food security and will consider the main challenges that have to be faced in order to maintain healthy and sustainable food supply for the well-being of consumers in both developing and developed countries. In fact, global chains of food supply are encountering always more significant problems, which affect security and sustainability of the food industry and reduce faith of consumers.

The course “Superfoods: myths and truths” will bring to the discovery of superfoods, such as Goji berries, amaranth and quinoa. Through biology, cognitive sciences and nutrition, positive and negative aspects of this kind of food will be highlighted, with particular attention to super features of traditional food.

For all information about MOOCs, you can contact the Ateneo Unito EIT Food Staff – Direzione Ricerca e Terza Missione, writing an email to

