Posts by Michele Covolan

urban nature

Urban Nature is ready to spread all over Italian cities and parks. In 2018 the event will take place on Sunday 7th October and will be entirely about urban nature. With this event, WWF Italy wants to invite citizens to explore the cities they live in, getting to know and “rebuilding” the biodiversity of Italian big cities.

On the side of the little ones

This year the event wants to point out the effects of an artificialized lifestyle on children, starting also from the proposals of young people, which want to give value to the urban biodiversity and conceive solutions to be proposed to managers, communities, citizens, companies, universities and schools.

The topic of Urban Nature 2018 comes from an alarming observation: our cities are not designed for children. About 80% of urban public space is occupied by car traffic and this isolates children in city parks, the only areas that are protected and suitable for them, even though they are often too little and badly-kept.

It’s exactly very young citizens, especially the more underprivileged ones, who need a constant contact with nature. In fact, there are many studies which demonstrate how the presence of green areas in residential districts is fundamental to ensure the psycho-physical well-being of children and the way they relate to others. Therefore, improving from this point of view means improving the quality of childhood in cities.

Citizens are the main characters

The section of the website of WWF Italy about Urban Nature shows the initiatives and activities which want to make citizens the main characters of this big festival of urban biodiversity: In fact, each of us can do something for the nature in the city every day. Find out how to contribute, starting from the building of a little birdhouse!

Urban Nature in Turin

Sunday 7th October, also Turin will invite all the citizens to the biodiversity festival. WWF YOUng, a community of young people between 18 and 35 years old who have nature and a sustainable future at heart, invite everyone at the Parco del Valentino (Viale Mattioli) for the event of WWF Urban Nature in Turin. The scheduled activities are rich and biodiverse. From 2 to 6 pm will take place the market of aromatic plants and educational laboratories for children. From 3pm, with the kids of WWF YOUng, will start a cleaning marathon of the Parco del Valentino, followed by the “Guerrilla Gardening” with seed bombs.

politecnico di torino

The Politecnico di Torino is celebrating today, 1st October 2018, the beginning of lessons of the new academic year and there will also be a special moment for new students. Today, on the day of the beginning of lessons,  in order to greet new students enrolled in the first year, the rector Guido Saracco will meet and welcome the students in the yard of the dell’ Aula Magna “G. Agnelli”, in Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 at 1.30 pm. In case of bad weather, the ceremony will take place in the Aula Magna.


During the event the Coro PoliEtnico, the choir of the university, will play some pieces from its repertoire.


In the end, students enrolled in the first year will be given the sustainable water-bottles #MyPoliTObottle: a tangible sign of welcome in a campus, which is always more sustainable.





The Fondazione ISTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIORE PER LE TECNOLOGIE DELL’INFORMAZIONE E DELLA COMUNICAZIONE  starts the selection of the students for the years 2018/2020, for the courses:

  • Interaction & Visual Design
  • Web & Mobile App Development
  • Integrated Backend Services
  • ICT Security Specialist

The courses will be given in via Durandi 10, Torino

The courses are addressed to people who completed high school and last two years (for a total amount of 1800 hours, which include 560 of internship). Lessons are given during the day and are fully financed by the Ministero and Regione Piemonte.

Next open day will be 3rd October at 3pm in PIAZZA DEI MESTIERI 2, Via Durandi 10 – Torino.

Selections will be open till 8th October 2018, 12.00 am.

On the public notice you will find delivery methods and assessment criteria.

The Fondazione ISTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIORE PER LE TECNOLOGIE DELL’INFORMAZIONE E DELLA COMUNICAZIONE  starts the selection of the students for the years 2018/2020, for the courses:

  • Tourism Product Manager in Via Massena 20, Torino.
  • Technical course for the management of tourists accommodations in Piazza Giolitti 8, Bra (CN)

The courses are addressed to people who completed high school and last two years (for a total amount of 1800 hours, which include 600 of internship). Lessons are given during the day and are fully financed by the Ministero andRegione Piemonte.

The next open days will be:

  • 24/09 at  3.00 pm –  ASCOMFORMA Via Avogadro, 32 – Cuneo
  • 27/09 at 3.00 pm – SAVIGLIANO FORMAZIONE Via Mabellini, 2/1 – Savigliano
  • 02/10 at 11.00 am, ALPITOUR, Via Lugaro 15 a Torino

Selections will be open till 5th October 2018

On the public notice you will find delivery methods and assessment criteria.


Poster competition - Mobilità sostenibile, innovazione tecnica

On 15th and 16th November, at the Campus Luigi Einaudi in Turin, there will be the third Forum Ferdinando Rossi, on the topic of the sustainable mobility, called “Via di mezzo, mobilità sostenibile e territori“. (“Middle course, sustainable mobility and territories”)

Program of the event

The first day, on 15th November, is called “Best practices e prospettive future”(best practices and future perspectives) and there will be some academic meetings, which will examine the topic trough different fields: from ecology to public health, from economics to social sciences, from transport planning to technological innovation and this will allow an interdisciplinary approach.

The second day, on 16th November, is called “Politiche del territorio” (policies of the territory) and there will be a round-table conference, where will be present university students enrolled in Scuole di Studi Superiori or Collegi di merito and it will be coordinated by an expert of the topic.

The Poster Competition

At the event there will be a Poster Competition “Innovazione tecnica”, addressed to Piedmontese startups, PhD students, researchers and master’s student of Piedmontese universities.

With “sustainable mobility” we mean means of transport which reduce the environmental, social, physics and economical impact produced by means of transport. The subject is very topical and always more central. It is also highly interdisciplinary thanks to its relevance in different fields: from ecology to public health, from economics to mathematical models, from urban anthropology to social sciences, from transport planning to technological innovation.

Early in the afternoon of the second day, the winner will have the opportunity to present its work.

In the public notice you will find the details on how to participate

To get further information:

Visit the facebook page

Write to

Visit the section avvisi of the website of Scuola di Studi Superiori Ferdinando Rossi dell’Università degli Studi di Torino.




Scuola Holden - Test di ammissione

Scuola Holden, the “school for narrators”, was open in Turin in 1994 thanks to the idea of the current partners Alessandro Baricco, writer, Carlo Feltrinelli, publisher, Oscar Farinetti, inventor of Eataly, Andrea Guerra, manager and Savina Neirotti, current CEO.

At the Holden school you will the thought mainly seven subjects: business narrative, cinema, digital storytelling, journalism, seriality, TV and writing. The colleges for the years 2018-2020 are seven:

  • Brand New. Capitale Umano e Narrazione d’Impresa (Human capital and Business narrative)
  • Cinema. Sceneggiatura, Regia & Produzione (Screenplay, Direction and Production)
  • Digital. Crossmedia & Interactive Storytelling
  • Reporting. Giornalismo, New Media & Real World (Journalism, New Media and Real World)
  • Serialità & TV. Format & Narrazioni infinite (Format and Infinite storytelling)
  • Scrivere. Racconto, Romanzo & Tutto il resto (Story, Novel and Everything in Between)
  • Storytelling. Writing, Filmmaking & Everything in Between


The Holden school lasts two years, it has 170 places available and costs 10,000 euros per year. For the years 2018-2020 there will be 20 scholarship grants and 45 education loans. The courses are taught in Italian and in English and students must be between 18 and 30 years old.

To enroll it is necessary to take an admission test. Tests will be from April to September, mainly in Turin, at the Holden school (usually on Friday or Saturday).

Next tests will take place on 8th September at the school and on 22nd September in Rome, Padua and Palermo and you can already book your test here.

Further information on the tests and results can be found here.

To get further information you can:

visit their Facebook page

write to

Visit their website

Artissima 2018

“Artissima Experimental Academy” is now open: it is a new educational project, developed in collaboration with COMBO. The project will be open in Turin, Milan, Bologna and Venice in 2019. Artissima Experimental Academy will live longer than the 4 days of the event and it will propose, during the year, some events for art professionals.

The first event of “Artissima Experimental Academy” will take place in the fair from 1st to 4th November 2018 with the project DAF Struttura.

DAF Struttura is a free and experimental school, an environment full of lights and sounds, designed and built by Jan St. Werner, composer and co-founder, in 1993, of the electronic music group Mouse On Mars, in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts of Nuremberg, where he teaches Interactive Media / Dynamic Acoustic Research. DAF Struttura, run by Zasha Colah, will be a stage, a sound performance, a space of work, the right place for intellectual thoughts, an archive, a radio station and a gallery and it will host international speakers, researchers, artists, and, above all, 25 students.

This traveling school-facility, modular and experimental and made of corrugated cardboard, will travel on the road till Turin and will be built again at Artissima by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Nuremberg. Together with Jan St. Werner there will be two others teachers, Yael Solomonowitz and Marc Matter. There will also be some robotic and light installations, created by Moritz Simon Geist e Matthias Singer.

The teachers and artists collective will explore idiosyncratic methods of production, examine the basic principles of the acusmatic music and of the experimental research and invent new strategies for the presentation and the perception of the sound.

Jan St Werner is an artist and compositor of electronic music in Berlin. Better known as part of his electronic duo Mouse on Mars, Werner has also begun a career as a soloist, publishing, among others, Lithops, Noisemashinetapes e Neuter River. In 2013, St. Werner published Blaze Color Burn, the first of a series of experimental recordings with Fiepblatter and the Thrill Jockey Records, in Chicago. He cooperated with orchestras and groups such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Musikfabrik Köln, the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop and the Ensemble neoN of Norway. During the 2000s, he has been artistic director of the Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music (STEIM) in Amsterdam. Werner has also been guest lecturer at the department ACT of Arts Culture and Technology of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT. He is currently teacher of Interactive Media/ Dynamic Acoustic Research at the Academy of Fine Arts of Nuremberg and he has directed a new field of studies on the future of record production for the New York University of Berlin.


If you want to take part in the selection of the 25 students who will be able to take part in this project, send a text, preferably in English at

In the text there must be:

  1. a presentation of you and your education (4 sentences)
  2. The reasons why you would like to take part in the project DAF Struttura.
  3. The meaning you give to the concept of sound.
  4. In your opinion, how can the individual imagination be shared and become a collective reality? Which is your approach to collaboration?

Applications for the temporary experimental school DAF Struttura are open to all participants from any country and field of study who have already turned eighteen.

Lessons will be in English.

The deadline for submission is 5th October 2018.

Info: thanks to the collaboration with COMBO, students will be given free accommodation in the fair area. Further expenses, such as travels, movements and meals will not be reimbursed and will be at the student’s expense.



How is the brain organized from the hierarchical point of view and how complex is its functioning? What is the link between the mind and the brain and where do our thoughts come from? Modern neurosciences propose a multi-line approach in order to answer these questions. This approach involves the molecular aspects, but also the psychological, psychiatric and pharmacological ones.

The Summer School “Brain and Gut Neuroscience: From Molecules to Mood”, organized by the Research Institute for Quantitative and Quantum Dynamics of Living Organisms – Center for Medicine, Mathematics & Philosophy Studies together with Bromatech, Politecnico di Torino, Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, wants to present a complete vision of the human brain from both the hierarchical and the functional point of view.

The hypotheses of the cognitive neuroscience use theoretic suppositions of the physics of the XIX century. Specifically, the neural net models of the “emerging conscious experience” are based on analogies with the relationships between crystal molecules, fluids and gases and use chemical hypotheses about the appearance of thoughts, states of mind and perceptions starting from the chemical modulation of the synaptic interaction in neurons.

However, the science of the XX and XXI centuries offers probabilistic perspectives from where to study the link between the mind and the brain. The quantum mechanics and the quantum field theory gave the physicists more “degrees of freedom”.  Relatively new derivations of the quantum physics are the quantum information theory, the quantum cryptography and the quantum computing that, together with the so-called quantum biology, pave the way for new cognitive paradigm and a new psychological literature.

The study of these theories can offer new perspectives for the research on the genesis and the nature of mental illnesses.

The course will be given at the Politecnico, from 26th to 31st August  and 50 doctors from all over Italy and about 15 students of technical and physical subjects will come to Turin. They will be discussing this topic with 15 international speakers. Among them there will be Ted Dinan (Ireland), Gustav Bernroider (Austria), Paavo Pylkkanen (Finland), Mark Rasenick (Chicago, USA) and Italian lecturers Massimo Cocchi , Francesco Cappello, Giuseppe Vitiello and Alessandro Vercelli.

The Mobility Group of UniToGO, during the European mobility week, is happy to invite you on 20th September 2018 at the Campus Luigi Einaudi to the day Università è mobilità sostenibile.

 Everyone who is going to go to the Campus Einaudi in the morning by bike will be able to take part in Bike to work – Giretto d’Italia 2018, organized together with Legambiente and CNH Industrial, the national initiative which promotes the use of the bike. Participating in simple: you just have to go to the Campus Einaudi by bike, stop at the check point in the bike parking (D4), take a photo on the bike with the special frame of the Giretto and share the picture on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter profile with the hashtag #Giretto2018. You can win a wonderful electric folding bike New Holland!

The Main Hall of the Campus will house all day long the photography exhibition “Passeggiando in bicicletta” by Cosimo Cardea.

In the afternoon, from 2:30 pm, there will be a seminar where will be presented both the actions by UniTo to improve sustainable mobility as per services, research and didactics and the activities of the Mobility Group of the “Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo sostenibile”. The new framework law on cycling mobility, recently approved, will also be a topic of the conference.

The day will end with the pedalata universitaria Unibike (university bike ride), organized together with the associations Greento, EcoPoli Green Team Students, Bike Pride-Fiab and CUS Torino. The ride bike will start at 5:30 pm in the bike parking (D4) and the route will go on in the city centre, till the Politecnico di Torino.


Program of the day

08.00/10.00 – Bike to work Giretto d’Italia

check point at the bike parking (D4)
with Legambiente e CNH Industrial

14.30/16.30 – Seminar (aula F3)

Università e mobilità sostenibile: services, didactics, research, nets and the framework law on cycling mobility between institutions and associations

17.30/19.00 – Unibike pedalata universitaria

Departure from the bike parking (D4)
with Greento, EcoPoli Green Team Students, Cus Torino, Bike Pride Fiab Torino

The academic year starts again for the Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo. The university has always promoted and managed, besides academic courses, training and guidance activities by organizing thematic events. To keep informed visit News e Eventi on the website IUSTO.

Here the next events

Cyberbullismo, ragazzi al centro (Cyberbullying, kids at the centre)

When: Saturday 22nd September, from 9 am to 1 pm.
Where: Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo – IUSTO. Piazza Conti di Rebaudengo, 22 Torino.
Free entry event

How to act, risks that must be avoided, new opportunities for our kids. This event has been organized together with the Associazione Centro Studi di informatica Giuridica di Ivrea Torino (Csig Ivrea Torino) and it is addressed to teachers, school directors, lawyers, parents and university students. Everyone can participate. Among the participants there will be Senator Elena Ferrara, first signee of the law to protect minors and for the prevention and contrast against cyberbullying.

The event has been credited by the Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Torino for constant professional training. 2 credits will be credited.

Free entry if previously confirmed online. You will find further information and the accurate program of the event here.

Poster Cyberbullismo, ragazzi al centro.

Follow the event on Facebook.

Per una trasformAzione Sociale, partecipa al corso di politica (For a Social transformaCtion., take part in the politics course)
When: the course starts with a conference on 5th October, from 9am to 1pm, “Orientare ed educare i giovani alla politica”. It will then go on for three/four Thursdays per month until December, from 4pm to 6pm.
Where: Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo – IUSTO. Piazza Conti di Rebaudengo, 22 Torino.
The conference of 5th October , “Orientare ed educare i giovani alla politica” will be free and everyone can participate.
The following events cost €60 for all ten lessons, € 50 for IUSTO students, university students or ex IUSTO students, or € 10 for the single lesson.

Under many activities, IUSTO wants to offer its students, and also other young people of Turin, a space for the understanding of politics.
In fact, it is quite common to see how not only don’t the latest generations commit in politics, but they also detach themselves from the political commitment in the city and for the city. This is the reason why it has been decided to hold ten events for university students, starting from October till December 2018. Every event will last two hours and they will be on key concepts of politics, such as: revolution, conservatism, reaction, resurgence; freedom, authority, power; State, religion and civil religion; ideology and reality; science and politics beyond positivism, masses and ruling classes; Europe and nations; change and progress; information and manipulation. In short an actual course on the basis of politics.

All participants have to be confirmed online. You will find further information and the accurate program with the dates of the lessons here.

Poster Corso di formazione politica – Per una trasformAzione Sociale.
Follow the event on Facebook.

Poster Orientare ed educare i giovani al lavoro e alla politica.
Follow the event on Facebook.

This week will officially start again the academic year 2018/2019 for ESCP Europe Business School.

Friday 14th September the Campus ESCP Europe in Turin will celebrate the beginning of the new academic year, the 15th in Italy.

The event will take place at 4:00 pm in the Aula Jona of the Scuola di Management ed Economia, Unione Sovietica 218bis – Torino.

In order to welcome the new students, the president of the Italian campus Francesco Profumo and the director Francesco Rattalino will present the courses and the teachers of our international programs:

– ESCP Europe: Bachelor in Management
– BSc – ESCP Europe: Master in Management
– ESCP Europe: Master in International Food & Beverage Management
– ESCP Europe MBA in International Management

The strong relationship between ESCP Europe and the business community is consolidated by the participation of important personalities of the economic sector, who will be sponsor for the students of the Master. Among them there will be Jérome Salemi, General Manager per East Mediterranean Air France-KLM and sponsor of the Bachelor in Management; Carlo Ghirardo, President of Motion Technologies-ITT, sponsor of the students of ESCP Europe MBA in International Management, and Cristina Nonino, Chief Executive Officer of “Nonino distillatori” and sponsor of ESCP Europe: Master In International Food & Beverage Management.

After the opening ceremony all the guests are invited to celebrate together at the Bamboo Club Torino, in Corso Moncalieri 145 – Torino.

Follow the event on Facebook.

From this year the Miur has recognized the Business School as Foreign University in Italy.

During the opening of the new academic year in Turin, ESCP Europe is very happy to celebrate the recognition as “Foreign University in Italy”, which was received by the Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca – MIUR.

The meeting with the press will take place Friday 14th September 2018, at 11:00 am, at the Aula Londra of the Campus ESCP Europe di Torino in Corso Unione Sovietica, 218bis – Torino.

With this new accreditation, ESCP Europe – together with Università degli Studi di Torino and the Politecnico di Torino – will indeed become the third university center in Turin.

In the event will take part

• Francesco Profumo, President – Campus ESCP Europe Torino
• Francesco Rattalino, Dean – ESCP Europe Torino Campus
• Léon Laulusa, Executive Vice-President, Dean per gli affari accademici e Relazioni Internazionali – ESCP Europe
• Cyrille ROGEAU, Console Generale di Francia a Milano
• Emanuele Chieli, Console honoraire di Torino
• Daniele Livon, director of the Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della ricerca – MIUR

Here the poster of the event.
