Scuola Holden - Test di ammissione

Scuola Holden, the “school for narrators”, was open in Turin in 1994 thanks to the idea of the current partners Alessandro Baricco, writer, Carlo Feltrinelli, publisher, Oscar Farinetti, inventor of Eataly, Andrea Guerra, manager and Savina Neirotti, current CEO.

At the Holden school you will the thought mainly seven subjects: business narrative, cinema, digital storytelling, journalism, seriality, TV and writing. The colleges for the years 2018-2020 are seven:

  • Brand New. Capitale Umano e Narrazione d’Impresa (Human capital and Business narrative)
  • Cinema. Sceneggiatura, Regia & Produzione (Screenplay, Direction and Production)
  • Digital. Crossmedia & Interactive Storytelling
  • Reporting. Giornalismo, New Media & Real World (Journalism, New Media and Real World)
  • Serialità & TV. Format & Narrazioni infinite (Format and Infinite storytelling)
  • Scrivere. Racconto, Romanzo & Tutto il resto (Story, Novel and Everything in Between)
  • Storytelling. Writing, Filmmaking & Everything in Between


The Holden school lasts two years, it has 170 places available and costs 10,000 euros per year. For the years 2018-2020 there will be 20 scholarship grants and 45 education loans. The courses are taught in Italian and in English and students must be between 18 and 30 years old.

To enroll it is necessary to take an admission test. Tests will be from April to September, mainly in Turin, at the Holden school (usually on Friday or Saturday).

Next tests will take place on 8th September at the school and on 22nd September in Rome, Padua and Palermo and you can already book your test here.

Further information on the tests and results can be found here.

To get further information you can:

visit their Facebook page

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Visit their website