Tools of monitoring and intervention strategies which can reduce time of restoration of damaged infrastructures are now a priority for experts, institutions and economic system.

Wednesday 21st November 2018 – 9.00 am
Salone d’Onore del Castello del Valentino – Viale Mattioli, 39 – Torino


The collapse of the Morandi bridge in Geona, such as – barely a month after – the crashing of the viaduct in Calcutta (fortunately without victims), are just some of the examples that put on the spotlight the urgency of monitoring the resiliency of public infrastructures, subjected to the violence of unpredictable natural events, always more frequent.

Besides the consequences in terms of victims, the interruption of a transport net causes, in developed societies, a paralysis which has repercussions, in the long term, on the whole economic and productive system. It is crucial to improve the ability of intervention and restoration in the short term.

Besides the sharing of different experiences, the aim of this international seminar is to create a periodic forum, which can value and promote more efficient tools in the management of structural monitoring.