Break/Cups has been an Open Innovation project organised by the Innovation Design Lab (IDLab) for Bibo, the leading company in the production of disposable plastic for the food market.
The workshop involved 28 2nd and 3rd year-students of the bachelor’s degree in Design and Visual Communication and students of the master degree in Systemic Design of the Polytech of Turin (Politecnico di Torino) with the aim to develop a new and modern concept of the disposable coffee cups, trying to innovate the product, its communication and the services for its distribution and employ.
Starting from the needs , the problems and the productive limits, the lab guided the team from the definition of an analysis of the canvas and the pertinent guidelines up to the design of the final concepts.
The project teams developed 7 concepts on the theme of the research. These letter brought to the prototypal development of 3 disposable cups for vending machines, which currently are in an engineering phase for the beginning of the production, where team members succeeded in adding value and innovating different aspects which ranges from gestures, to spreading contents up to giving value to the consumed drink.
The results of the workshop can be seen in an exposition, opened from 10th to 12th May, at the Sala delle Colonne of the Castle of Valentino
10th May 2018, 11.00 a.m.
Sala della Caccia, Castle of Valentino, , Viale Mattioli 39, Torino
Paolo Tamborrini, Coordinator of the Design Curriculum
Paola Villa, Head of Marketing for Bibo Italia S.p.A.
Roberto Dal Zotto, Sales Manager Vendng e Dairy
Paolo Di Santo,CEO Bibo Italia S.p.A.
Students of the Design Curriculum will be present.