Collaborazione Unito e Polito
Educational agreement for student exchange programme with the Politecnico di Torino
2018-2019 a. y. Call

The Università degli Studi di Torino and the Politecnico di Torino mutually offer its bachelor and master students who request it on time and following information in the Call online, the opportunity to attend single courses and to take the exams by the end of the academic year, before the end date given by the host University.

The possibility of attending courses and taking exams in the host University concerns only courses defined as free credits ( optional exam – TAF D). For the 2018-2019 a.y. it will be given to a maximum of 50 students, of which 3 for each course.

Only students who are regularly attending a Bachelor, Master or a Full-cycle Degree Programme in the Università degli Studi di Torino.

Applications must be submitted online from July 27 to September 14, 2018, following instructions in the agreement document (documento di accordo).

The call includes all detailed information on the programme, as well as the course list of the Politecnico, which can be chosen and put in one’s own course list.

Applications will be accepted according to their chronological order.

The list of selected students will be published on October 5, 2018 on the University website.

For further information, please write to