Posts by Michele Covolan


The 33rd Torino Film Festival will take place from Friday 20th to Saturday 28th of November and will be dedicated to Orson Welles, 100 years after his birth.

On the agenda: 150 feature films, 47 of which are debut films and second feature films, and 50 are world previews.
Guest Director of the year 2015 will be the Londoner director Julien Temple. The festival will be opened on 20th November at 9 pm in the “Giovanni Agnelli” Auditorium by Sarah Gavron’s “Suffragette” film.

More info on:

Event program

From Monday 9th November to Saturday 5th December 2015 in different places in Turin.

T DoR 2015

On the 20th November the whole world celebrates the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TdoR), the World Day in memory of the transsexual/transgender victims of violence.

For many years candles have been lighted in one of the main squares of Turin in order to commemorate the ones who lost their lives because of transphobic hatred and violence.
This year the event will also be celebrated by the local institutions and the Coordinamento Torino Pride LGBT with a wide program of initiatives that will end with a march on the 21th November, starting at 4.30 pm from piazza Vittorio Veneto, to defend the rights of transsexual and transgender people.


You can find online the selection announcement for economic contributions, up to a monthly gross value of 200 euros per person, for the curricular internships started in the academic years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 by the University of Turin.

The application form addressed to the job placement office of the School/Department that has started the internship, must be submitted following the terms of the announcement by 18th November 2015 at 12 am.


Friday, 13th November 2015 – from 8.30 am to 4 pm


The 7th edition of Scienza Attiva, the scientific citizenship project realised by the Interuniversity Centre Agorà Scienza, is officially starting on Friday 13th November 2015 at 8.30 am, in the Campus Luigi Einaudi lecture hall (lungo Dora Siena 100 – Turin).

The opening event will be an occasion for teachers and students from upper secondary schools and a first opportunity to get information about the topic that are going to be discussed during this edition: agriculture, food, sustainability.
In order to grant continuity to the debate arisen from EXPO 2015, Scienza Attiva is based on the challenges in the fields of food education, food culture as an identity value, of agro-technologies for food innovation and security, giving special attention to the cross-cutting theme of environmental, economic and social sustainability.

The 2015/1026 edition of Scienza Attiva is carried out with the support of the University of Turin and the cooperation of about 50 researchers from many Italian universities and Research Centres. Furthermore, this year the project involves the business world too, with the support of Iren S.p.A (Italian Regional Energy Supplier) and some experts from that group, who are already working in schools on many environmental education and sustainability initiatives.

The event will be broadcasted online on Unito Media. (

From Monday, 16th November 2015 at 2 pm to Saturday 5th December at 9 pm.

In occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25th November), the University of Turin and the Comitato Unico di Garanzia in cooperation with the Associazione Volontarie Telefono Rosa Piemonte of Turin and Teatro della Caduta are organizing meetings, lessons, a conference in Campus Luigi Einaudi and a theatre performance, taking place from 16th November to 5th December, on the topic chosen this year: “Violation and storytelling: male violence against women. Stop calling it “raptus”: misleading sterotypes and (dis)information”

Deadline: 15th November 2015

People attending the 4th or 5th year of high school, willing to enrol at university and whose income is lower than 25.000 euros, can receive up to 8000 euros from Percorsi for payments related to studies and training and cultural activities:

–         school and university fees,

–          book purchase,

–          transport seasonal tickets,

–          school canteens,

–          purchase of tablets or PCs, etc.
Grants are related to the money saved during the project period, which will last for a maximum of six years. The amount regularly allocated each month (even just 5 euros per month) will be doubled (for secondary schools) or quadrupled (for universities).
For a better use of the available founds, during this project ,training and consulting meetings addressed to you and your family will take place.
Residence in Turin or in Turin province.
Enrolment to the 4th or 5th year in a public or comprehensive Upper secondary school that must be officially recognised (technical institutes, professional institutes, high schools).
The income has to be lower or equal to 25000 euros. If you do not have an ISEE document (Equivalent Economic Situation Index) yet, it will take you at least 10 days to obtain it by the appointed office.

Regulations and application forms with all the mandatory documents must be sent exclusively online by 15th November 2015 upon registration on the Progetto Percorsi 2015-2016 website.

The Osservatorio sul Mutamento Sociale e Innovazione Culturale (MU.S.I.C.), created by the

Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società at Università di Torino is a project that offers meeting

and discussion occasions, analysis and spreading of ideas, studies and researches among students

who deal with human and social sciences.

The next planned meetings:

– 18th November at 5 pm – Campus Luigi Einaudi Lungo Dora Siena 100 – Aula 3D233

Seminar discussion of the book by Franco Rositi published by Liguori: I valori e le regole. I

termini della teoria sociologica.

The seminar is one of the activities promoted by the Osservatorio su Mutamento Sociale e

Innovazione Culturale (MU.S.I.C.).

People who will take part in the discussion with the writer: Nicola Negri, Rocco Sciarrone,

Loredana Sciolla


Appetizers and drinks will follow the seminar.

– 26th November at 2 pm – Campus Luigi Einaudi Lungo Dora Siena 100 – Aula C2

Seminar discussion of the book by Paola Torrioni published by Celid: Sportelli e servizi per

l’assistenza familiare. Sperimentazioni e prospettive di welfare mix nella provincia di Torino

The seminar is one of the activities promoted by the Corso di Laurea in Servizio Sociale with the

support of the Osservatorio su Mutamento Sociale e Innovazione Culturale (MU.S.I.C.)

People who will take part in the discussion with the writer: Cristina Mosso, Cristiana Pregno


The University of Turin is promoting a creative contest on Twitter (a free service of social networking and microblogging) about positive cheering.

The contest, which is starting on 29th October, is organized in the context of Turin 2015 on Campus, a project launched by University and Polytechnic of Turin, in cooperation with the Sports Department of Turin, for Turin 2015 Capital of sport.


The University of Turin has joined the Programa Nacional de Becas y Créditos Educativos “PRONABEC, a program launched by the Peruvian Government for the promotion of studies abroad.

The PRONABEC scholarships are reserved to deserving Peruvian students and to the ones who dont have the necessary financial means, for master and PhD degrees.

For further details: Borse per studenti internazionali 

THE IAAD (Institute of Applied Arts and Design) CONTEST – PARATISSIMA 2015

6TH November 2015 – 7 pm

Torino Esposizioni
Corso Massimo d’Azeglio, 15

On the occasion of the eleventh edition of Paratissima, IAAD presents the YOUNG CREATIVE TALENT NIGHT contest.

On Friday, 6th November 2015, from 7 pm to 9 pm, 10 young selected designers will face each other and compete presenting to the public a series of projects based on the theme of the event: “Order or Chaos?” .

Rather than give an answer, students are expected to analyse and understand the relationship between these two apparently opposite concepts. Without order there is no chaos and without chaos there would be no order: this connection is the basis of the universe and, even though on a small scale, it plays a key role in the creative process too.

This is what the talent of a designer is measured by: its ability to translate the chaos generated by the so-called brainstorming into something tangible, which can be used as a target and is therefore able to communicate.

The selected students will present ambitious ideas that do not choose between order and chaos, but who can summarize the chaotic principle of ideas translating it into an innovative project created outside the conventional schemes that can generate order.
And therefore chaos.
