As every year, the call for applications for scholarships and accommodation servicesin EDISU halls of residences will soon be published.

The halls of residences of Turin, Grugliasco, Alessandria, Cuneo, Novara and Vercelli are safe and comfortable places. Accommodation is granted by competition: a public call is published every year and the assignment of the beds available takes into account the student’s position in the rankings.

Be ready to apply as soon as the call is published. From this year, not only you must request – from a CAF (Italian National Tax Office) or from the INPS website – the ISEE 2021 Certificate valid for university study allowances, but you also need SPID (Public Digital Identity System) credentials.

If do not own them yet, you have time to request your SPID credentials and ISEE Certificate while you wait for the call to be published.
Remember that Edisu has long activated a Ticketing Service