All posts tagged university of turin

Laureati: occupati sì, ma a quale prezzo?

Okay, graduates work, but at what price? AlmaLaurea, the interacademic group which carries out statistics and tries to make offer meet demand through the publication of the CVs of just graduate students and of the job place offered by companies, found out that graduates are employed, but they remain poor.

The last survey, which has involved 71 Universities and 620 thousand graduates from 2011 onwards, produced the following data: three years after graduation, the employment rate is 82% for those with a five-year degree and 83% for those with a two-year one. However, data regarding the remuneration graduates earn a year after having been employed are not so positive: 1.110 euro net monthly. Five years after graduation, wages increase but remain inferior to 1.400 euro net monthly.

But what is the situation in Piedmont like? The picture that emerges from the data published by the newspaper L’Espresso about the situation of young people a year after graduation does not look very good. The situation of the six sectors in which appear data about Universities of Piedmont is the following:


Legal Sciences 

For three-year and master degrees (not single-cycled ones) in legal sciences and services, the percentage of employed graduates is 26,3% of the total, with an average wage of 965 euro monthly.

Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies

In Turin, 86% of graduates in this discipline are employed a year after degree and earn an average wage of 1239 euro.

The University of Eastern Piedmont has the same percentage of employed graduates but with a slightly inferior wage of 1090 euro monthly.

Biology and Geology

The University in Vercelli records 50% of employed students a year after degree with an average wage of 976 euro.


Physics, Informatics and Mathematics

58.1% of graduates in scientific disciplines at the University of Turin is employed a year after degree, with an average remuneration of 1100 euro monthly.

Agricultural, Food, Zootechnical and Veterinary Sciences

As regard the University of Collegno, for three-year and master degree, the average employment rate a year after degree is 73,5% with an average retribution of 1128 euro. Worrying data emerges for single-cycled five-year degrees in Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences: the employment rate is 69.2% with a wage of only 774 euro monthly.


Timetable changes

Monday 30th April 2018 some offices or structures of the University will close or change the hours in which there are usually opened to the public.

In particular, the following offices will remain close all the day:

  • the Students’ Offices (Segreterie studenti) of the different universities
  • the Section Right to Education (Fees) (Sezione Diritto allo Studio (Tasse) Vicolo Benevello, 3/A – Torino
  • the Office for Disabled and SLD students (Ufficio Studenti con disabilità e DSA) Via Po, 31 – Via Po, 29 students’ entrance – Torino
  • the Office State Examinations (Ufficio Esami di Stato) Vicolo Benevello, 3/A – third floor – Torino
  • the Infopoint Palazzo degli Stemmi, Via Po, 29 – Torino
  • the Offices of Personnel Management
  • the Offices of International Activities Management, Organisation, Quality and Evaluation
  • the Offices of Building and Logistical Management


it is also recalled that Tuesday 1st May 2018 will be public holiday.

Lovers, Visioni LGBTQI con DAMS, IAAD e Vittoria

Lovers, the LGBTQI film festival of Turin begins today. This year, the edition of the festival will be devoted to Marielle Franco, city councillor of the Municipal Chamber of Rio de Janeiro and human rights activist, who had been killed the 15th March. This is a tribute that recalls “Oh rights!”, the claim of the demonstration. Love and rights, different kinds of love and law: all these elements are linked together in a society which aims to become more and more inclusive and to listen to different voices, not only the most eminent ones but also the youngest ones. For these reasons, Lovers renews its partnership with the University of Turin and some other Institutes of the area, like Vittoria, High School for Language Mediators and IAAD, Institute of Applied Art and Design.

Students from  DAMS, under the leading of Massimiliano Quirico, will become a fully-fledged international jury. The section Future Lovers will award the winner with the prize Fotogrammi Sovversivi (Insurgent Frames). The partnership with the DAMS will continue with Serial Lovers (by Elisa Cuter)., a workshop devoted to the history of TV series. With less restrictions and different uses of the narration, the TV has been competing for a long time with the cinema, as regards the representation of the LGBTQI identity. From its origin (QueerasFolks, Will & Grace), to the new productions and queer themes(Sense8, Transparent), up to the self production on the Web (G&T, Re(l)azioni a catena), together with critics, experts and film directors.

Also the IAAD gave an important contribution to the festival! We are talking about the guiding image, realised by students from the 2nd year of the Department of Communication Design, leaded by Giorgio Calandri, professor for Art Direction. Translations and subtitles will be entrusted to another institute of excellence of the city, the Vittoria, which will allow its students to cooperate on the festival from behind the scenes.

Enjoy the festival!



international student Studenti internazionali Unito

If you have a qualification obtained abroad and you want to enrol for the first time for a degree course at the University of Turin (Università degli Studi di Torino), you have to apply in advance through the application on line Apply@UniTo, no later than 30th April 2018.

The application must be filled in personally and the included data, as well as the attached documents, must be true.

Starting from the registration for the academic year 2017-2018, the University of Turin deems suitable for registration only foreign qualifications obtained after a school period of at least 12 years and released after having attended at least two years of course of the foreign school system.

Further information is available on the Internationality section (Internazionalità) of UniTo portal.

We suggest to go to the University Infopoint in order to receive further detail and to control the documentation required for the enrolment.

Address: Palazzo degli Stemmi, Via Po, 29 – 10124 Torino

Tel: (+39) 011 6703020-3021

Infopoint’s opening hours:

Monday and Friday: from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: from 9.00 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Moreover, the University makes available a contact point for international students (sportello per studenti internazionali) having a foreign qualification.

Address: vicolo Benevello 3A (I floor)  – 10124 Torino

Tel: (+39) 011 6704498-4499

Fax: (+39) 011 6704494



The contact point for international students has the following opening hours:

From Monday to Friday: 9.00-11.00 a.m.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday also: 1.30 p.m.-3 p.m.

Warning: students can access the contact point only once they have  got  one of the tickets with progressive numbers distributed by the Totem in the entry hall. It is clarified that the distribution of tickets is limited to 50 people a day.

Scadenza pagamento terza rata unito

Are you attending the University of Turin (Università degli Studi di Torino)? You have until 4 p.m. of Friday 6th April to pay the third university fee, which will cover the remaining part of the contribution.

In order to pay, you have to log in to your personal page MyUniTo with your credentials and print the MAV (payment by advice) module, which will be available under the section “fees”.

For further information, please consult the section “fees” (Tasse) of the university portal and the Regulation about fees and contributions for the academic year 2017/2018.

That of Turin is the leading University of the project CAPuS – Conservation of Art in Public Spaces, which involves 7 universities, 4 companies, 1 association, 1 museum, 1 research centre and 2 municipalities throughout Europe. Totally, there are 16 European partners, located in Italy, Germany, Croatia, Poland and Spain. A further one is located in the USA.

The project, developed within Erasmus+ “Knowledge alliances”, has been financed by the European Commission and aims at establishing a preservative protocol for urban art, a precious way for regenerating the city. Somewhere in between the spontaneity and the commissioning, urban artworks are becoming more and more important on city walls. However, because of their nature and of the prolonged exposure to adverse weather conditions, this artworks are more likely to deteriorate and their preservation causes some problems.

With the collaboration of companies, universities, art restorers and artist, CaPus will map the deterioration, identifying the suitable products and preservation methods (like the creation of digital archives). Moreover, in order to define a shared operational protocol, CaPus will afect also the courses on offer at University: it will be proposed a lesson plan to be inserted into the academic records and an international master on the subject. In addition, students will be actively involved in the activities of the project, thanks to internships in the partner companies.

Partners of the project will actively analyse alteration processes, define preservation strategies and deal with project communication. Also the Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale (centre for the preservation and the restoration La Venaria Reale) will play an important role, particularly as to regards the analytical part of characterisation of the materials of the artworks, offering a leading contribution to the creation of a training module on the preservation of the urban art. The Italian group is completed by the University of Parma, which will supervise the quality, and Medhiartis ,a communication agency which will curating the visual identity and manage the socials. The Municipality of Reggio Emilia and the Municipality of Turin are associated partners and will cooperate on identification and enhancement of the artworks chosen for the experimentation.

“The CaPus project” says Dominique Scalarone, professor of Materials for preservation and Restoration at the University of Turin and project manager of the whole project “is a unique occasion for facing in an organic, multidisciplinary and innovative way the open question about the preservation of the urban art. Starting with the creation of an international and heterogeneous by vocation partnership, totally in line with the Europeans guidelines in the field of higher education, the project aims at enhancing the cooperation between Universities and private companies in order to develop new knowledge, working opportunities and innovative products. It also aims at raising the awareness of Institutions and general public about the need of enhancing and preserving public artworks. The analysis of the materials which the artists use to realise their works, the study on their deterioration, the characterisation of the products which can be used for their restoration will be important phases of the project, functional to the achievement of the two main goals, that is the definition of a preservation protocol specific for urban artworks and the realisation of a multidisciplinary and innovative training module for university students and art restorers, also available on a digital platform”

Ilaria Saccani, president of CESMAR7, says that :”the ambition of the project is to create permanent alliances within the partnership, in order to combine the experience of art restorers and analytical groups with the knowledge of constituent materials and restoring products of companies involved in the definition of an operational innovative protocol for the preservation of urban art. This will converge into the activation of a training module in the Universities and Academy involved in the project. In this way, the contents and the project methods will enrich and innovate the courses on offer, making them more updated on the new needs of the preservation. Ultimately, the CaPus projects strives for raising the awareness of the institution, but above all of general public, about the sensitive issue of the preservation of urban art: the project will start with the involvement of the artists, in order to clear the borders of the ethic of preservation of an art which in lots of its various forms has an evanescent nature as intrinsic feature”.

Hangar Lab - le professioni del futuro

What are the professional profiles requested today by the cultural business, and what skills do they need to have? New specializations linked to the world of music, cinema, theatre and performing arts in general, that represents an opportunity for those who want to work in this area, but that today are still not well known by those who start a course of studies.

Hangar Lab – laboratory promoted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Piedmont Region and by the Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo together with the DAMS of the University of Turin – organizes a cycle of ten free meetings. In every meeting a different protagonist, a different representative of the cultural professions will share their own experience and their own journey.

The cultural business, or the (almost) Business, quoting the title of the new text cured by Hangar, today has 1,5 million employees and a turnover of almost 90 billion euro (the 6% of the national GDP – Symbola-Unioncamere 2017 data). These are numbers that can keep growing and offer further employment opportunities especially to young people: main innovators of the cultural system.

The meeting will take place at the Media Lab “Guido Quazza” of Palazzo Nuovo, in Via Sant’Ottavio. The first three meeting are scheduled for February.


Wednesday, 14th February (11 o’clock) guest Matteo Negrin, manager of the Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo. Designer and manager of the culture, and expert in the development of innovative devices for the involvement of new people in the production and use of the cultural product.


Wednesday 21st February (11 o’clock) guest Gianluca Gozzi, creator and artistic director of the TODAYS festival of the Città di Torino. Producer of several events and international independent concerts, he has also been the creator, founder and factotum first of the sPAZIO211 and then of the BLAH BLAH club.


Wednesday 28th February (11 o’clock) guest Olga Gambari, independent curator and journalist. She works with La Repubblica and with Flash Art. She is the artistic director of the project and of the festival on independent production


For enrollment and more info: |   |

Admission Tests Test di ammissione

The Miur website, the portal of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, has published the dates of the admission tests for degree courses with restricted access at national level. The timetable for the academic year 2018/2019 starts on 4th September with Medicine and Surgery.

You can see the dates of the admission tests below:
  • Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, 4th September;
  • Veterinary Medicine, 5th  September;
  • Architecture, 6th September;
  • Health Professions, 12th September;
  • Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics in English, 13th September;
  • Primary Education Sciences, 14th September;
  • Health Professions (Master’s degree), 26th October.



Do you have to take an admission test or a test of minimum requirements at any University?

To start your studies in the best way possible the University of Turin offers you a very useful tool: it is called  Orient@mente, it is an online platform that enables you to do several tests of biology, chemistry, physics, logic and mathematics with automatic evaluation.

Orient@mente is also useful to review, not only in preparation for an admission test, but also for ongoing exams. If you want to review, increase or integrate your basic knowledge throughout secondary school, you can try the Corsi di Riallineamento  (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics).

If you are a foreign student who wants to attend an Italian university or a student interested in Erasmus, the cathegory Internazionalizzazione will offer you language courses, statistics and information on international mobility.

Orientation Days

The first edition of the Orientation Days 2018, will take place from Monday 19th February to Friday 23rd February at Campus Luigi Einaudi (CLE) , in Lungo Dora Siena 100/A – Turin.

The event foresees the presentation of the academic offerings. The meetings will have a free entrance without reservation. During the entire duration of the meetings students will also be able to visit the stands of the Schools and of some student services.

Furthermore, it is also possible to see the orientation guide online.

More information is available in the dedicated section of the School website.
