July 24 marked the end date of the application for the entrance tests for Medicine, Dentistry, Architecture and Veterinary Medicine. Miur (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) has recently published a report on its website showing the number of applicants. Here’s some data: there are 83,127 overall applicants, of which 67,005 aspiring Medicine and Dentistry students (66,907 in 2017). There are 7.986 applicants for the Architecture exam, while there were 9,340 last year. There are 8,136 applicants for the Veterinary Medicine exam, slightly fewer than in 2017 (8,431). The number of applicants for the Medicine (fully taught in English) exams was 7,660, while in 2017 it was 7,021.
We can see the number of applicants for Medicine has increased, while it has decreased for Architecture. As for Veterinary Medicine, numbers remained constant.
The maximum number of available places has also increased:
- 9,779 for Medicine (9,100 last year)
- 1,096 for Dentistry (908 in 2017)
- 759 for Veterinary Medicine (655 in 2017)
- 7,211 for Architecture (6,873 in 2017)
As observed by the daily newspaper Sole24Ore, 1 out of 6 applicants will be admitted to Medicine and Dentistry, 1 out of 10 to Veterinary Medicine, while for Architecture the number of applications and of available places are almost the same: 7,986 applications and 7,211 available places. Compared to last year, there are better chances for aspiring architects, doctors and dentists, while it will be worse for aspiring veterinarians.
The exam dates are the following:
- Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Prosthetic Dentistry – September 4;
- Veterinary Medicine, September 5;
- Architecture, September 6;
- Health Care, September 12;
- Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Prosthetic Dentistry (taught in English), September 13;
- Primary Teacher Education, September 14;
Health Care (Master’s Degree), October 26.
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