In accordance with the legislative decree “Rilancio”, subparagraph 1-bis of article 29, students from outside of Turin will receive a rent refund. 20 million euros
have been allocated for the fund for the locations. What do we know today regarding students' access to this fund?
 the access is limited to those whose ISEE does not exceed € 15,000
 the access is restricted when in conjunction with other aids to the studies
 students are entitled to the refund for the entire period of the State of
Emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic
 the calculation of the refund will be based on the contracts signed by
students whose place of residence is different than the one on the
For more details about the methods and timelines to access the fund, it is necessary to wait for a ministerial decree that will be issued by 17 October. So,
just a little more patience.