The World Usability Day (WUD) of Turin will take place in the Aula Magna of the Campus Luigi Einaudi of Turin University, on Thursday, November 10, 2016, from 9:00 am.
It is an annual event, promoted by the User Experience Professional Association (UXPA) and a community of professionals, who work in different fields to ensure that the technology works as a factor in the promotion of the people, the expression, the personal fulfillment and the active citizenship.
The theme of this edition is sustainability, or Green UX. Sustainability, regeneration and sharing are the three key words of the new economic, social and productive models. These have launched a conversion from consumption to re-use, from property to sharing and circularity. At the same time those, who design and offer products and services, are redefining the design in terms of sustainability, sharing and circularity of the future.
The WUD TO 2016 is an opportunity to try out the (re)design with and for people, and new ways to provide services and regenerated, sustainable, circular products, that are able to bridge the physical gap and to create physical a social impact .
The event is open to everyone, but you must be registrated.
For more information, visit this website
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