All posts tagged opportunities

Laureati: occupati sì, ma a quale prezzo?

Okay, graduates work, but at what price? AlmaLaurea, the interacademic group which carries out statistics and tries to make offer meet demand through the publication of the CVs of just graduate students and of the job place offered by companies, found out that graduates are employed, but they remain poor.

The last survey, which has involved 71 Universities and 620 thousand graduates from 2011 onwards, produced the following data: three years after graduation, the employment rate is 82% for those with a five-year degree and 83% for those with a two-year one. However, data regarding the remuneration graduates earn a year after having been employed are not so positive: 1.110 euro net monthly. Five years after graduation, wages increase but remain inferior to 1.400 euro net monthly.

But what is the situation in Piedmont like? The picture that emerges from the data published by the newspaper L’Espresso about the situation of young people a year after graduation does not look very good. The situation of the six sectors in which appear data about Universities of Piedmont is the following:


Legal Sciences 

For three-year and master degrees (not single-cycled ones) in legal sciences and services, the percentage of employed graduates is 26,3% of the total, with an average wage of 965 euro monthly.

Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies

In Turin, 86% of graduates in this discipline are employed a year after degree and earn an average wage of 1239 euro.

The University of Eastern Piedmont has the same percentage of employed graduates but with a slightly inferior wage of 1090 euro monthly.

Biology and Geology

The University in Vercelli records 50% of employed students a year after degree with an average wage of 976 euro.


Physics, Informatics and Mathematics

58.1% of graduates in scientific disciplines at the University of Turin is employed a year after degree, with an average remuneration of 1100 euro monthly.

Agricultural, Food, Zootechnical and Veterinary Sciences

As regard the University of Collegno, for three-year and master degree, the average employment rate a year after degree is 73,5% with an average retribution of 1128 euro. Worrying data emerges for single-cycled five-year degrees in Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences: the employment rate is 69.2% with a wage of only 774 euro monthly.


Sicilia Coast to Coast

There is a week’s time left in order to enrol on the Summer School “Sicilia coast to coast: camminare in territori vulnerabili” (Summer School “Sicilia coast to coast: walking in vulnerable areas”).

The initiative will bring to Sicily, in the period from 19th to 29th August 2018, 30 students and researchers for a fascinating walking tour. The itinerary, from Mazara del Vallo to Palermo, will serve to study closely the areas marked by fires, reflecting on the policies which have been adopted and the consequences of the disaster.

Mazara, Selinunte, Salemi, Segesta, Monreale, Palermo. They are only some of the cities through which students will walk during the coast to coast promoted by the Laboratorio del Cammino (Ldc) (Laboratory of the Walking) a network of students and researchers born in 2017 in the context of didactics and research promoted by the Dipartimento di Scienze, Progetto e Politiche del Territorio (DIST) del Politecnico di Torino (Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning).

The Laboratory of the Walking conceives the travel of the pedestrian as a stimulating experience, able to grasp the profiles and the hidden clues of the areas. The pedestrian observes, crosses and listen to the city from below and investigates the daily modalities of attendance and use of the spaces.

In order to participate, please send a mail by Monday 30th April 2018 with your curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation to:


Immagine campagna Museo Egizio di Torino

It’s not easy to escape from the stereotypes of Valentine’s Day! There are the traditional celebrations, picture-perfect: those by candlelight, with roses, chocolate and kisses. Every Valentine’s Day the question is the same: how can we still surprise our loved ones?

The Museums of Turin offer you the possibility to spend an alternative Valentine’s Day, with discounts and offers conceived for couples.


Egyptian Museum: Basta essere in 2

The Egyptian Museum, for example, started the offer Basta essere in 2: all those who will come as a couple will have the opportunity to visit the museum with a single ticket. The offer is valid only on a full price ticket.


Fondazione Torino Musei,celebrate Valentine’s Day with art!

Even the Fondazione Torino Musei offers the possibility to divide into two the cost of the entry tickets. Throughout today, Wednesday, 14th February, all couples that will go to the GAM, to the Palazzo Madama or to the MAO will be able to enter the museums paying only one ticked instead of two.


“Valentine’s Day Special” At the National Cinema Museum

The National Cinema Museum celebrates Valentine’s Day in the romantic location of the Mole, even here a convenient 2×1: all visitors that will come as a couple will pay only one entrance ticket. Even by purchasing online, one ticket will be worth for two.

Furthermore the guided tour I LOVE CINEMA is scheduled at 6 pm. I is a tour dedicated to love told and experienced by the greatest protagonists of the seventh art, characters narrated through anecdotes, photos and unforgettable sequences. Prices: € 6,00 + Reduced price; Duration: 1 hour and 30. Compulsory reservation at the e-mail – Info: 011- 8138564/65.

Digital Transformation

What’s the job of the future? What skills will be needed tomorrow? How will the world of work change? Claudio Fumaroli, expert of human resources, will answer all this and other questions, during the Digital Transformation: what’s the job of the future?, a meeting dedicated to the digital world and to the web economy into the working world.

The event is part of the LABOR, a cycle of meetings promoted by  Informagiovani to discover the different aspects that caracterize the world of work: from web reputation to agreements, from professions of the future to selection interviews.

The meeting will take place on Monday, 5th February at 6.30 pm, at the Informagiovani, in Via Garibaldi, 25 – Turin.

Free admission, but the seats are limited. Confirm you participation by filling in the online form.

Main Hall Campus Einaudi

“Become entrepreneurs” is an entrepreneurship introduction course addressed to students, graduate students and doctoral students.

It is an introductory course, (9 classes), minded to stimulate and to increase the entrepreneurial attitudes of the participants. It is also useful to introduce the places of innovation of the university and of the territory, where it is possible to develop entrepreneurial ideas. The aim of the course is to enhance the employment prospects motivating students to acquire an entrepreneurial mentality and the ability to put ideas into practice, providing skills.

The course is proposed in several editions during the academic year, reaching more than one science education areas of the University, in order to facilitate the students’ participation.

The second edition, mainly dedicated to the students of the Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine Courses began on 25th January. They are 9 meetings on a weekly basis: every Thursday from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Palazzina Aule-Direzioni – Aule A e C – Largo Braccini, 2 – Grugliasco (TO).

In the academic year 2017-2018, a third edition is scheduled, addressed to the University of Humanities and to the University CLE.

It will start on Thursday 5th April 2018, from 4 pm to 7 pm, it will still consist of 9 meetings that will take place at the Palazzina Einaudi – Aule 2 e 7 – Lungo Dora Siena, 68/A – Torino.

The course is free, the attendance is compulsory and it will give college credits.

For more information:

Direzione Ricerca e Terza Missione – Staff Progetti innovativi di Ateneo – 0116702420

All the information and the registration forms are available at the dedicated section of the University portal.

Here you can find the flier of presentation of the course.

The European Researchers’ Night comes back, simultaneously all around Europe, on September 29. It is a big event promoted by the European Commission to show the researchers’ work in an informal and fun context. Piedmont and Aosta Valley host the twelfth edition of the event thanks to the two-year project CLoSER- Cementing Links between Science&society toward Engagement and Responsibility, which in 2016 passed the selection carried out by the European Commission within the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizont 2020. The complete program can be found at the following link:

The World Usability Day (WUD) of Turin will take place in the Aula Magna of the Campus Luigi Einaudi of Turin University, on Thursday, November 10, 2016, from 9:00 am.

It is an annual event, promoted by the User Experience Professional Association (UXPA) and a community of professionals, who work in different fields to ensure that the technology works as a factor in the promotion of the people, the expression, the personal fulfillment and the active citizenship.

The theme of this edition is sustainability, or Green UX. Sustainability, regeneration and sharing are the three key words of the new economic, social and productive models. These have launched a conversion from consumption to re-use, from property to sharing and circularity. At the same time those, who design and offer products and services, are redefining the design in terms of sustainability, sharing and circularity of the future.

The WUD TO 2016 is an opportunity to try out the (re)design with and for people, and new ways to provide services and regenerated, sustainable, circular products, that are able to bridge the physical gap and to create physical a social impact .

The event is open to everyone, but you must be registrated.

For more information, visit this website

The Cultural Association Piemonte Mese organizes the 10th edition of the ‘Piemonte Mese Award’ – the youth describe the Piedmont region. It is open to young people aged between 18 and 35 years old and is only for unpublished articles, written in Italian.

These articles will have to present the region of Piedmont from 2 points of view:

  • Culture. Any topic that is related to history, literature, art and architecture, music, theatre, science, customs and traditions.
  • Economics, Tourism, Environment. Business, craftsmanship, innovation; typical products and productions; landscape, nature, ecology, food and wine.

The aim is to help train young students of the communication sciences and to promote the region of Piedmont, by highlighting how unique it is, in terms of culture, creativity and entrepreneurship.
The deadline for the presentation of the articles is 20th November 2016.

Free participation.

For the regulation and all details:

You can find online the call for participation for ‘Start Creation Lab 2017’ of the Business Club of the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de’ Martiis”.
The project has been realized in cooperation with the Collegio Universitario di Torino “Renato Einaudi” and  “La Stampa”, the media partner that will follow the whole initiative.

It is an initiative of the University of Turin that allows students to explore the world of start-ups and develop their own business idea. They will present their idea to national and international investors.

If you want to find out all the details, you can find the call on the website of the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis”.

You can send your application by 11.59 pm on Tuesday, 15 November 2016, by filling out the application form.

The following free courses will start in Turin at the offices of ‘Immaginazione e Lavoro’ in Via XX Settembre, 22, from the month of November 2016:

Participants must apply online or go to the help desk in Via XX Settembre, 22 / A, from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 18 pm.The courses, which are approved and financed by the Region of Piedmont, are aimed at unemployed applicants with a diploma or a degree and are intended to provide employment.

The courses will have a 300 hours duration, of which at least 30% should be dedicated to a curricular internship. The courses will take place in a computer lab, so that each participant will have his/her own computer.

For information and registration:

Immaginazione e Lavoro
Via XX Settembre, 22 / A – Turin
Telephone number: 011/5620017
Toll-free number: 800985384
Hours: Monday to Friday from 10 am to 18 pm
