All posts tagged courses

The call for applications for this year’s housing services and scholarships, which you can find here, has recently been issued by the Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario del Piemonte – Edisu (Regional Body for the Right to University Education of Piedmont). From 9.30 am, on July 21 st , it will be possible to apply for these services online.

Remember that in addition to the SPID (digital ID) you must meet the criteria of the ISEE (an indicator of the economic conditions of families seeking financial aid from the government) valid for the right to university study. The ISEE must not exceed € 23,626 and it takes into account the income of the applicant in the year 2020 and his/her assets as of 31/12/2020.

What is the scholarship?

It is a sum of money, split into two instalments, which is awarded to the winner of a public competitive exam among university students who are enrolled full-time or part-time at universities in the Piedmont region and meet the economic criteria indicated in the announcement to qualify for the exam.

What are the housing services?
The housing services consist of supplying students with an apartment, assigned by the Edisu body, in one of the university halls of residence in Turin or in other cities in the Piedmont region where university courses take place. The apartment cannot be chosen by students.
The requirements for applying for the scholarship and the housing services are the same. On the other hand, the deadlines for submitting your application and the dates of publication of the rankings are

SCHOLARSHIP AND ACCOMMODATION APPLICATION: 2 September 2022 at 12 pm (Italian time)
SCHOLARSHIP ONLY APPLICATION: 30 September 2022 at 12 pm (Italian time)

The Politecnico di Torino has achieved an excellent result in the QS World University Rankings, one of the world’s most  famous international rankings published every year by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds. In fact, the Politecnico ranked in the top 25% of the best universities in the world, going from the top 25.7% to the top 22.9%, and thus consolidating the upward trend of the past few years.

The Politecnico moved up 9 positions in the world ranking, going from 334 th place to 325th. This result was achieved in spite of the fact that 124 new universities, which were not listed last year, entered the ranking for the first time. This ranking has highlighted, among other positives, the constant improvement of the Politecnico in the Citation per Faculty score, which is a measure of the quality of research being done at an institute. This score is based on the number of citations in scientific publications written by the researchers at a particular university. The Citation per Faculty score puts
the Politecnico in 236th place; this means that the university has moved up 23 places compared to last year.

The Politecnico also moved up 17 places in the ranking of foreign students, confirming its international appeal, and as far as the academic reputation is concerned, it moved up another

This morning at the Politecnico di Torino the first graduates in the "Climate Change" orientation of the master’s degree course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering were announced. The first one is Vittorio Giordano, former graduate of the first level at the Politecnico di Torino, who discussed
a thesis on the future prospects of the water footprint of crops in the African continent, with the support as supervisors of engineer Marta Tuninetti and Professor Francesco Laio, currently Director of the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of the University.
The second one to be proclaimed is Yara Hammoud, a student from the Lebanese American
University, who discussed a thesis on the modeling of the role of the cryosphere in the definition of the
ground temperature in the Alpine area characterized by permafrost. Her supervisors were Professor
Jost von Hardenberg and two external supervisors from ARPA Piemonte, Dr. Christian Ronchi and Dr.
Luca Paro.

The master's degree course in Engineering for the Environment and the Territory of the
Politecnico di Torino trains future engineers able to address environmental challenges involving the
interaction between natural components (air, water, soil, biosphere) and humans and to develop
sustainable solutions for human activities. From the academic year 2019/2020, alongside the existing
orientations in Environmental Protection, Natural Hazards and Civil Protection and Geo-Engineering, a
new orientation dedicated to &Change" has been activated. The orientation, is entirely
offered in English, thus becoming the first engineering course in Europe dedicated to climate change,
with the aim of preparing a new generation of environmental engineers capable of responding to the
environmental and social challenges arising from climate change, and to seize the opportunities of the
future labor market.
"Improving the quantity and quality of agricultural production, ensuring sustainable adaptation to climate
change, is one of the major global challenges to facilitate the ecological transition – explains engineer
Marta Tuninetti with reference to Giordano's thesis. While, in relation to Hammoud's thesis,
Professor Jost von Hardenberg notes, "Permafrost degradation represents one of the most significant
impacts in the Alpine area of ongoing climate change, and numerical snowpack modeling represents a
fundamental tool for understanding the phenomenon and developing future scenario projections.

Applications for the third edition of the First Level University Master degree in “Planning, communication and management of cultural tourism”, activated by Università degli Study in Turin (Department of Cultures, Politics and Society – leader; Department of Informatics; Department of Management) are open.

The master degree, which will be presented with a webinar on October 7, aims at providing a specific and targeted preparation to operate in the world of cultural tourism in a wide range, providing technical and managing skills to train professionals, both in the public and private sectors.
The Master is addressed to graduates with any kind of degree of the old and new system (I and II level) who are interested and passionate about culture and tourism, as well as workers interested in a professionalizing course.
Visit the website to have more information about the master degree presentation and detailed programme.

It is possible to access libraries in Università degli Studi in Turin following some rules.
 You can access libraries to use/borrow library material and to use other services (interlibrary borrowing,
document delivery and research)
 It is not possible to stay in the library to study using personal material
 Booking is compulsory. You can book using the link accessing the personal page through
your personal credentials and choose the library you are interested in. Click on “Prenota” to choose the day and
the time.

Remember that starting from 1st September you can access university rooms only under the following four

1. You have a valid Green Pass (COVID-19 green certification) to show if requested (read “Misure in vigore dal 1°
settembre 2021 per le attività universitarie” – regulations effective from 1 st September 2021 for university activities)

2. You can state that:
– you have no symptoms linked to breathing system, loss of smell or taste and/or body temperature above 37.5°C in the
last 14 days and, in case of suspect or positive case of SARS-COv2, you can state that you followed the regulations
provided by the Ministry of Health
– you are not in quarantine or self-isolation
– you had, as far as you know, no contacts with people who tested positive to COVID-19 tests in the last 14 days
– you followed the instructions given by Regione Piemonte in case you have just returned from abroad

3. You wear a surgical mask (or a mask with higher protection)

4. You track your presence by scanning the QR-code at every entrance point

The anonymous results of the 76000 candidates who took the difficult medicine entrance test on 3 rd September are online. You just have to access the restricted area on Universitaly website using your own personal code to
see how you ranked.

Candidates will be able to see their own test, score and personal details on Universality restricted area on 24 th September. The national ranking with names will be published on 28 th September.
The anonymous ranking of the entrance test to medicine degree course has been published online. The highest score among the 55.116 candidates (82,4) was recorded at Università degli studi di Insubria in Varese-Como. There are
13.154 spots available for medicine and dentistry in public universities in 2021/2022 and at least 37.3 points are required to reach that position (in 2020 there were 12.362 spots and the minimum score was 39,9).
The minimum score required to access the medicine degree course the first time is 36,9.

A new master’s degree programme in Psychology applied to digital innovation will be launched from 2021/2022 academic year at the Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Torino (IUSTO), in cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Centre.

This is the first degree course in Italy that will train professionals whose role will be to make the human being the main focus of innovative and technological processes, so to ensure that innovation always comes with the respect of certain ethical values.

The subjects of the course include both practical and theoretical study of the relationship between psychology and innovation, artificial intelligence, user experience, machine learning, programming e designing of sustainable products and services that focus on human well-being and social inclusion.
To know more about it, join the online open day on 7 July at 2:30 p.m. 

Politecnico di Torino, Università di Torino, Università del Piemonte Oientale, Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste and Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo have recently signed an agreement for the reciprocity of library services.

The commitment is to guarantee reciprocal access to library facilities, in accordance with the rules in force in each university. Users will be identified by presenting their university ID card or “smart card”. Thanks to the agreement, therefore, students, teachers and technical staff of each university will be able, free of charge and under a reciprocal regime, to use many of the services offered by all the libraries of the signatory universities: from home loan to
photocopying and printing services from the Internet – in compliance with the regulations in force – to inter-library services, that is the possibility of receiving at one own library volumes and copies of articles or parts of volumes owned by other libraries. Users from all the universities will also be guaranteed access to the bibliographic and documentary heritage of the universities, with the proviso that users will only be able to access electronic resources from the computer workstations available on the premises of the libraries hosting them.

It will also be possible to use the computer workstations and surf the web to carry out bibliographic research and access documentary resources, selected in line with the mission and objectives of study, research and documentation of the libraries.
The universities also undertake to cooperate in organising refresher and training initiatives for staff and in implementing further joint inter-library projects.
In this way, the foundations are laid for the implementation of projects aimed at innovating strategies and practices concerning both digital library services and the promotion of open access to cultural and scientific resources.

Finally, in the medium and long term, the wish of the promoting universities is to collaborate in the construction and enhancement of knowledge through the culture of books – paper and/or digital – in order to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the territory, thus favouring the achievement of common objectives in the field of Third Mission.

The GARR Conference will take place from the 7 th to the 15 th of June 2021! It will focus on
Sustainability and the digital system.

The main topic will be digital sustainability, which means both the sustainable processes for a
technological development and the models through which digital technologies can be used to
produce positive impacts and effects on the environment, society and economy (with reference to
the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda).

The topic will be dealt with while focusing at the same time on the features of the GARR
community, which is multidisciplinary. The conference will therefore be the occasion to promote
innovation and thought-provoking experiences for the University, research, school, biomedical
research and culture world.

You can apply as speaker till April 16 th 2021! Digital sustainability will be the main topic, with a
particular focus on the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda.
For further information :

The CIFIS (Inter-athenaeum center for higher education teacher training) has started the fourth edition of the training course 2020-2021 to earn the 24 credits required to teach in secondary schools.

The course is aimed at graduates from any university and at students enrolled at the University of Turin, the Polytechnic University of Turin and the University of Piemonte Orientale.
We inform you that you can enroll for:
request for credit recognition: from 9.30 a.m. of 16 December 2020 to 3.00
p.m. of 15 January 2021
entire course 24 CFU (university credits): from 9.30 a.m. of 18 January 2021 to
3.00 p.m. of 5 February 2021.
ALSO: those who already possess the 24 CFU can request the single certification
from 9.30 a.m. of 16 December 2020 to 3.00 p.m. of 15 January 2020.
