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concorso the grand challenge

Competition of communication and creativity “Climate Change – the grand challenge” 2015 edition.

The association Shylock University Theater Center of Venice, in collaboration with the University Ca ‘Foscari of Venice, announces an international competition of communication and creativity for published and unpublished works, with the theme “Climate change”.

The competition is sponsored by the National Commission of UNESCO, Ministero per l’Ambiente Expo 2015, WWF Italia, Legambiente, CMCC (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici).

Deadline: April the 15th, 2015.

Admissible works: creative and journalistic pieces, art, music and entertainment, street art and so on. There are two thematic sections:

1. ClimateChance – Opportunities in change
2. WWW – When Water Wins: water and climate change

More info here:

New IED (European Institute of Design) Advanced Training Courses are about to start:

5 New IAAD Masters will start in April, 2015:

Transportation design
3D Digital Modelling for Transportation design
Urban Design – Progettazione sostenibile dello spazio pubblico
Interior Architecture – Nuove forme dell’abitare contemporaneo
From food to design – Designing everything around food
New media communication and interaction design

See more at

Do you have a training project and would like to make it happen? Are you a student registered at the Academy of Fine Arts, University, Higher Education Music School or Institutes of Higher Education in in the arts, film, music or cultural assets in Piedmont?

You can get a co-financing up to 70% applying to Willy Beck Scholarship!

The WILLY BECK SCHOLARSHIP , promoted by the friends to honor the memory of Professor Willy Beck and hosted by the Fondazione Merz, is for graduates who meet the following requirements:
a) passing the graduation exam with a score equal to or higher than 80/100 in the years 2010-2014;
b) be enrolled and attend courses at universities, fine arts academies, Higher Education Music School or Institutes of Higher Education in the arts, film, music or cultural heritage in Piedmont.

The scolarship co-finances projects such as internships, Summer school, study tour or similar experiences. The issue of work/study/research is free.

The total amount of co-financing will cover 70% of the documented expenses , up to € 1,500.
The application must be submitted by April the 16th, 2015.

For more information, read the announcement!

Adecco searching Staff for Expo 2015!

The Expo 2015 is a Universal Exposition which will take place from May 1 to October 31, 2015 in Milan.
The first Expo was in London in 1851 and its success has inspired other Nations to organize similar events, such as the Expo in Paris in 1889, well-known for the creation of the Eiffel Tower.

Each Expo is dedicated to a theme of universal interest, the event in 2015 is focused on: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life“.

Adecco is looking for people to work during the events held for Expo 2015 in Milan.

Open positions are:

Hostess and Steward
Cleaner operator
Hotel Waiters/Waitress 
Tourist guide
For Info:

120’ Video to promote

Torino as university city.

Join the contest “YouTo(o)”, you can win up to 1.000 € vouchers for technological and multimedia products, books, videos and music.

Turin city (“Torino Città Universitaria” project) rewards a prize for the best videos entitled “STUDYINTORINO”.
Make a video about StudyInTorino: Turin as a lively, young, university town, as an ideal place to study, Turin as an open and friendly city.

Upload the video (entitled STUDYINTORINO) on Youtube.
Within 2.00 pm on January 9th 2015 fill in the form with your personal data, send the link to your video and enter the contest.

A jury will select 15 videos and will award a prize for the best 3 videos (1° prize worth 1.000 €, 2° and 3° 250 €).
The best 15 videos will be voted on Facebook webpage of studyintorino: the 3 most clicked videos will win more prizes (1° prize worth 500 €, 2° and 3° 250 €)

What are you waiting for? Join the competition!
BUT BEFORE: don’t forget to read the contest terms and conditions, download here.
If you want to include in your video one of the studyintorino logos, you can find them here.



YouTo(o) is open to all students and PhD’Università degli Studi di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Accademia, Conservatorio, Ied, Iaad, Ssml Vittoria, Ssf Rebaudengo.


Discounted entrance  for all university students!

The exhibition is an iconographic journey through the most important stages in the career of the singer Vasco, from the beginning until the new album SONO INNOCENTE. More than 500 shots displayed over an area of 1,700 m2.

You are entitled to buy the discounted price of 7.50 euro to visit the exhibition by showing your Student card at the Ticket Office

The initiative is open to all the students of University of Turin, Politecnico, IED, Iaad, Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti, Conservatorio, Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche, Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Vittoria.

For info:

Are you looking for information on jobs, training, events and other initiatives for young people?
Go on the page of Torino Giovani, the website managed by the City of Turin, where you can discover opportunities and initiatives dedicated to you!

Torino Giovani is the website for the new generation that deals with the promotion, coordination, delivery of services and projects that include: information, volunteering opportunities, participation in thecity life, creative activities and  proposals of mobility in Europe.

Consult the website and stay updated!

The Museum Pass 2015 is available online or by the authorized dealers!
The card allows you to freely access in museums, royal residences, castles, gardens and fortresses, permanent collections and temporary exhibitions of Turin and Piedmont. This year it is valid for 365 days from the day of purchase, to give you the opportunity to fully enjoy its benefits, and in the new tariff plan you will find all the discounted categories.
Moreover, if you buy  the Museum Pass online, in December or January, you can activate free three-monthly subscription to La Stampa “Tutto Digitale”!

What are you waiting for? Consult the website of Abbonamento Musei and discover all the news!

Build with us the map to better Use your City
Suggest your favourite places and where you have fun to those coming to Torino.
Let them know your town, your habits and those of your friends.
Fill in the USE-IT questionnaire and show Torino to those arriving in town.
