Posts by Luca Cipriani

The call for applications for this year’s housing services and scholarships, which you can find here, has recently been issued by the Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario del Piemonte – Edisu (Regional Body for the Right to University Education of Piedmont). From 9.30 am, on July 21 st , it will be possible to apply for these services online.

Remember that in addition to the SPID (digital ID) you must meet the criteria of the ISEE (an indicator of the economic conditions of families seeking financial aid from the government) valid for the right to university study. The ISEE must not exceed € 23,626 and it takes into account the income of the applicant in the year 2020 and his/her assets as of 31/12/2020.

What is the scholarship?

It is a sum of money, split into two instalments, which is awarded to the winner of a public competitive exam among university students who are enrolled full-time or part-time at universities in the Piedmont region and meet the economic criteria indicated in the announcement to qualify for the exam.

What are the housing services?
The housing services consist of supplying students with an apartment, assigned by the Edisu body, in one of the university halls of residence in Turin or in other cities in the Piedmont region where university courses take place. The apartment cannot be chosen by students.
The requirements for applying for the scholarship and the housing services are the same. On the other hand, the deadlines for submitting your application and the dates of publication of the rankings are

SCHOLARSHIP AND ACCOMMODATION APPLICATION: 2 September 2022 at 12 pm (Italian time)
SCHOLARSHIP ONLY APPLICATION: 30 September 2022 at 12 pm (Italian time)

10 agreements for discounts and price reductions on shared means of transport, which the University of Turin offers to its
students, have been signed.

These agreements are the result of the inclusive project Muoviti bene con UniTo (Move well with the University of Turin),
which was activated in 2021 to create an offer that tries as much as possible to meet the needs of the university community and
encourages a real change in students’ mobility habits towards sustainable transportation.

The Muoviti bene con Unito project comprised several phases: after the university had searched for the best urban transportation experts in Turin, it issued a call for tenders to ask transportation experts to come up with the best offer at a subsidized rate for the community of the university. After having received and analysed the proposals, the Green Office and the Mobility Manager wrote a questionnaire to identify those elements that the university community considered most relevant to encourage and increase the use of shared means of transport. Over 4,000 people, including students and university employees, expressed their preferences and the results of this questionnaire were the subject of a public meeting between universities and urban transportation experts, which led to the possibility for companies to present another offer that is even more specific to the needs of the university.

Several urban transportation experts have presented improvement proposals which have resulted in the creation of the agreements that are now active
The active agreements are:

and VOI;

The Politecnico di Torino has achieved an excellent result in the QS World University Rankings, one of the world’s most  famous international rankings published every year by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds. In fact, the Politecnico ranked in the top 25% of the best universities in the world, going from the top 25.7% to the top 22.9%, and thus consolidating the upward trend of the past few years.

The Politecnico moved up 9 positions in the world ranking, going from 334 th place to 325th. This result was achieved in spite of the fact that 124 new universities, which were not listed last year, entered the ranking for the first time. This ranking has highlighted, among other positives, the constant improvement of the Politecnico in the Citation per Faculty score, which is a measure of the quality of research being done at an institute. This score is based on the number of citations in scientific publications written by the researchers at a particular university. The Citation per Faculty score puts
the Politecnico in 236th place; this means that the university has moved up 23 places compared to last year.

The Politecnico also moved up 17 places in the ranking of foreign students, confirming its international appeal, and as far as the academic reputation is concerned, it moved up another

Torino is proud to offer the first ever Italian bachelor’s degree course in contemporary circus, thanks to the twenty-year work experience of Cirko Vertigo. This degree course, which is the evolution of the Professional Training Course for Contemporary Circus Artists created by the Foundation Cirko Vertigo, which has now become the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in arts, music and entertainment (DAMS), thanks to the Interministerial Commission.

This project is sponsored not only by the MIC (Ministry of Culture), but also the Regional government of Piedmont, the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, which has always tried to foster an educational model which supports those professions connected to cultural studies and which encourages the growth of
the entire sector. This project is also sponsored by the Fondazione CRT and the City of Grugliasco, in cooperation with blucinQue Nice Production Center, the DAMS university of Turin and the City of Turin.

The subjects that are studied during this course of study are more than 20, among which there are both theoretical subjects, such as history of circus, of theatre, of dance and of cinema, anatomy, biomechanics, sport psychology, communication, marketing and entertainment business economics, as well as practical subjects such as physical and acrobatic training, costume design, make-up techniques and specific circus techniques (from aerial techniques to
juggling and acrobatics), theatre, classical and contemporary dance.

After the Politecnico di Milano, the Politecnico di Torino has published its callfor application to the master's degree course in Architecture (in addition to the course in Italian, it is also possible to enrol in the course in English) for the academic year 2022/2023.

There are 500 spots available (85 of which are reserved for non-EU students lives abroad). The admission test (called TIL-A, which stands for Architecture
online entrance test) will take place on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, only remotely(in different time slots, as indicated in the call for application). Let's see what this exam consists of and how to prepare for it. The Architecture test at the Politecnico di Torino consists of 50 questions divided into 5 sections:

• Reading comprehension (10 questions)
• knowledge acquired during your studies, history, and general
knowledge (10 questions)
• logical reasoning (10 questions)
• drawing and representation (10 questions)
• physics and mathematics (10 questions)

The time limit for the TIL-A exam is 100 minutes.
In the event that, once all the candidates had been admitted to the course, there were still places available, the University reserves the right to schedule a second test for September 20, 2022.

For all the details on how to register for this exam, please consult the official call for application.

This morning at the Politecnico di Torino the first graduates in the "Climate Change" orientation of the master’s degree course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering were announced. The first one is Vittorio Giordano, former graduate of the first level at the Politecnico di Torino, who discussed
a thesis on the future prospects of the water footprint of crops in the African continent, with the support as supervisors of engineer Marta Tuninetti and Professor Francesco Laio, currently Director of the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of the University.
The second one to be proclaimed is Yara Hammoud, a student from the Lebanese American
University, who discussed a thesis on the modeling of the role of the cryosphere in the definition of the
ground temperature in the Alpine area characterized by permafrost. Her supervisors were Professor
Jost von Hardenberg and two external supervisors from ARPA Piemonte, Dr. Christian Ronchi and Dr.
Luca Paro.

The master's degree course in Engineering for the Environment and the Territory of the
Politecnico di Torino trains future engineers able to address environmental challenges involving the
interaction between natural components (air, water, soil, biosphere) and humans and to develop
sustainable solutions for human activities. From the academic year 2019/2020, alongside the existing
orientations in Environmental Protection, Natural Hazards and Civil Protection and Geo-Engineering, a
new orientation dedicated to &Change" has been activated. The orientation, is entirely
offered in English, thus becoming the first engineering course in Europe dedicated to climate change,
with the aim of preparing a new generation of environmental engineers capable of responding to the
environmental and social challenges arising from climate change, and to seize the opportunities of the
future labor market.
"Improving the quantity and quality of agricultural production, ensuring sustainable adaptation to climate
change, is one of the major global challenges to facilitate the ecological transition – explains engineer
Marta Tuninetti with reference to Giordano's thesis. While, in relation to Hammoud's thesis,
Professor Jost von Hardenberg notes, "Permafrost degradation represents one of the most significant
impacts in the Alpine area of ongoing climate change, and numerical snowpack modeling represents a
fundamental tool for understanding the phenomenon and developing future scenario projections.

The new Unito Erasmus call is online and it addresses students who want to spend a period of international mobility during their own university career.
Information about the publication of the destinations available for the academic year 2022-2023 and the date of the opening of the application form to be made through MyUniTo will be provided shortly.

In order to learn more about Erasmus Studio mobility it is possible to participate in the online information meetings during which
 the International Mobility and Didactics Section deepens and illustrates the contents of the
Erasmus call (destinations, courses, administrative requirements, suggestions, etc.)
 the "Polo Internationalization Services" offices, with the possible participation of teachers,
present the specifications provided by Appendix I of the Erasmus for Study call.
Starting from Monday, December 13 and divided by Department, there will be several information
meetings whose calendar you can find here.

The meetings will be held online on the Webex platform. To connect, simply access the link provided for your own department.
After clicking on the meeting link, it is recommended that you access the meeting by clicking on "Open
Cisco Webex Meeting" (do not access from the Browser). We kindly ask you to identify yourself with
your first and last name.
You will be able to access video conferencing from 5 minutes before the start of the meetings. To
facilitate the transmission of audio and video of those who are speaking at that time, all to facilitate the
transmission of audio and video of who is speaking at that moment, all participants must turn off the
microphone and video camera.

Conversation is a fundamental exercise in learning a foreign language, but it is often difficult to practice. By participating in language cafés you will have the opportunity to talk, share experiences, learn about a different culture and make
friends with students from all over the world.
The conversation groups organized by the Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo (CLA- UniTO) in different languages with native students in Erasmus mobility have
resumed. Ideal for practicing the language in small groups (maximum 6 people), in an informal context, improving comprehension and oral expression.
The language cafés are free and open to all UniTO students and are currently  available in English, French, Spanish and German.
However, it is advisable to have at least a pre-intermediate language level. The activities will take place at the CLA offices in the basement of Palazzo Nuovo, via Sant’;Ottavio 20, upon reservation.

“Lessico e Nuvole”- Lexicon and Clouds exhibition is inspired by the project “Lessico e nuvole: le parole del cambiamento climatico” – Lexicon and Clouds: climate change
After the preview at the Science Festival in Genoa, the exhibition will be held at Palazzo del Rettorato palace (Sala Athenaeum, Biblioteca Storica di Ateneo “Arturo Graf”- via Po 17, Torino) from 25 th November to 30 th December 2021.

The climate crisis affects us more and more frequently and more closely and while the news updates us on extreme events in distant regions and in our territories reporting the social, political and economic-financial impacts, we are witnessing an evolution of the language itself, which changes and adapts to accompany the study and communication of the phenomenon.

Starting from the contents of the guide on climate change published by the Università di Torino, the exhibition focuses on the fundamental mechanisms of language that contribute to the construction of the climate crisis in our imagination. It explores the multiple forms of communication adopted to represent it as well as the social and psychological processes through which we all, individually and collectively, process the information that reaches us.
The exhibition – unlike other exhibitions on the subject – is thus configured as a useful tool to raise awareness of all the linguistic and media aspects of such a dramatic and current
problem as climate change.
