The letter of application to the Ministry for Sport to put forward Torino and Piedmont as candidates to host the 2025 Winter World University Games has been sent. The decision was carried out by a rather illustrious team, consisting of: Regione Piemonte, Città di Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Edisu Piemonte e Centro Universitario Sportivo di Torino.

The application was carried through, despite the complicated times we are living in shelving all decisions regarding the future of international sport events, due to the never-dwindling enthusiasm for the nomination of Torino and Piedmont as hosts of the 2025 Winter World University Games. The general hope is that the Games could prove themselves an extraordinary way to implement a strategic development of the city that will further improve the
reputation of its universities.

After the suspension of all international activities due to COVID19 containment measures, the official announcement of the host selected by FISU (the International University Sports Federation) was postponed until December 2020. An estimated budget will have to be presented to the Minister for Sport and Youth Policy, Vincenzo Spadafora, within the end of July, according to the principles of maximum reduction of expenses. The budget will have to detail all planned contributions to the project by the institutions, the universities and the Region itself. Meanwhile, the technical departments of the involved universities are calculating the exact capital costs for the building of the Athletes Village, which will be turned into university student housings once the University Games are over. The structure will be built according to the most up-to-date criteria of accessibility, so that it will also be fit to house athletes with disabilities who will take part in the Paralympic University Games and in the Special Olympics, which should be held in Torino in the weeks following the University Games.