All posts tagged culture

Applications for the third edition of the First Level University Master degree in “Planning, communication and management of cultural tourism”, activated by Università degli Study in Turin (Department of Cultures, Politics and Society – leader; Department of Informatics; Department of Management) are open.

The master degree, which will be presented with a webinar on October 7, aims at providing a specific and targeted preparation to operate in the world of cultural tourism in a wide range, providing technical and managing skills to train professionals, both in the public and private sectors.
The Master is addressed to graduates with any kind of degree of the old and new system (I and II level) who are interested and passionate about culture and tourism, as well as workers interested in a professionalizing course.
Visit the website to have more information about the master degree presentation and detailed programme.

It is possible to access libraries in Università degli Studi in Turin following some rules.
 You can access libraries to use/borrow library material and to use other services (interlibrary borrowing,
document delivery and research)
 It is not possible to stay in the library to study using personal material
 Booking is compulsory. You can book using the link accessing the personal page through
your personal credentials and choose the library you are interested in. Click on “Prenota” to choose the day and
the time.

Remember that starting from 1st September you can access university rooms only under the following four

1. You have a valid Green Pass (COVID-19 green certification) to show if requested (read “Misure in vigore dal 1°
settembre 2021 per le attività universitarie” – regulations effective from 1 st September 2021 for university activities)

2. You can state that:
– you have no symptoms linked to breathing system, loss of smell or taste and/or body temperature above 37.5°C in the
last 14 days and, in case of suspect or positive case of SARS-COv2, you can state that you followed the regulations
provided by the Ministry of Health
– you are not in quarantine or self-isolation
– you had, as far as you know, no contacts with people who tested positive to COVID-19 tests in the last 14 days
– you followed the instructions given by Regione Piemonte in case you have just returned from abroad

3. You wear a surgical mask (or a mask with higher protection)

4. You track your presence by scanning the QR-code at every entrance point

The TOLC test will be compulsory also for all degree courses at Università di Torino. In fact, the TOLC test has replaced the TARM test (Test di Accertamento dei Requisiti Minimi- a test to ascertain minimum requirements), which was used in previous years to enroll on open-access degree
courses at the university of Turin.

The TOLC test can be taken on the online platform provided by the CISIA Consortium.
Which TOLC should I choose?
It depends from the degree courses on which you would like to enroll

 The TOLC-E for the following courses: Business Administration, Economics and Statistics for Organisations; Social Innovation, Communication, New Technologies;
 The English TOLC-E for: Global law and transnational legal studies;
 The TOLC-SU for the following courses: Cultural Heritage; Intercultural Communication;
Labour Consultancy and Human Resources Management; Cultures and Literatures of the
Modern World; DAMS (Disciplines of Arts, Music and Performing Arts); Agri-food Law;
Law for Business and Institutions; Philosophy; Law; Humanities; Asian and African

Languages and Cultures; Languages and Cultures for Tourism; Modern Languages andLiteratures; Communication Sciences; Language Mediation Sciences; Digital Administration Sciences; International Development and Cooperation Sciences; Political and Social Sciences; Social Service (Biella campus); History.

 The TOLC-S for the following courses: Chemistry and Chemical Technology; Physics; Computer Science; Mathematics; Mathematics for Finance and Insurance; Farm and Wild Animal Production and Management; Materials Science and Technology; Agricultural Science and Technology; Forest and Environmental Science; Geological Sciences; Natural Sciences; Herbal Techniques.
When do I have to take the test?
The test has to be taken no later than 22 nd September 2021. Registration for the test on the Cisia website will close on 16 September 2021. However, you can only sign up for the test until all available places are filled; places are limited and change according to calendar

How much does it cost?
The test costs 30€.
If you do not take the TOLC in time, you compromise your chances of enrolling for the
2021/2022 academic year.


Starting from the next academic year, it will be possible to apply for the CUS Card during the registration process.
What is the CUS Card for?

The CUS Card is the membership card of the University Sports Centre of Turin and is compulsory
to access to the facilities. The CUS Card also allows:
 subscription to courses
 rental of beach volleyball, five-a-side football, seven-a-side football and tennis courts
 access to the convention circuit

The card is valid for one year, from 1 st September to 31 st August.
You can apply for the membership card here.

A new master’s degree programme in Psychology applied to digital innovation will be launched from 2021/2022 academic year at the Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Torino (IUSTO), in cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Centre.

This is the first degree course in Italy that will train professionals whose role will be to make the human being the main focus of innovative and technological processes, so to ensure that innovation always comes with the respect of certain ethical values.

The subjects of the course include both practical and theoretical study of the relationship between psychology and innovation, artificial intelligence, user experience, machine learning, programming e designing of sustainable products and services that focus on human well-being and social inclusion.
To know more about it, join the online open day on 7 July at 2:30 p.m. 

As every year, the call for applications for scholarships and accommodation servicesin EDISU halls of residences will soon be published.

The halls of residences of Turin, Grugliasco, Alessandria, Cuneo, Novara and Vercelli are safe and comfortable places. Accommodation is granted by competition: a public call is published every year and the assignment of the beds available takes into account the student’s position in the rankings.

Be ready to apply as soon as the call is published. From this year, not only you must request – from a CAF (Italian National Tax Office) or from the INPS website – the ISEE 2021 Certificate valid for university study allowances, but you also need SPID (Public Digital Identity System) credentials.

If do not own them yet, you have time to request your SPID credentials and ISEE Certificate while you wait for the call to be published.
Remember that Edisu has long activated a Ticketing Service

The Torino Chamber of Commerce offers 115 Scholarships to students in financial difficulty due to the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic.

The goal is to support the new generations, namely those who belong to vulnerable social groups, as they continue their studies. These scholarships will ease the financial burden on families, as their economic difficulties risk to affect the possibility of the young generations to continue their
The call for scholarships is both for university students and ITS (Higher Technical Institutes) students.

Specifically, these scholarships are reserved to:
Students regularly enrolled or enrolled in the first year of a degree program at Università or Politecnico di Torino for the a.y. 2020/2021 – 90 scholarships;
How to apply: email your application to with the subject “Domanda Borsa di studio Camera di commercio di Torino 2021– Surname and Name of the applicant”, by July 30, 2021 (12 a.m. Italian time).

Requirements to apply:
1) must be enrolled in one of the following courses for a.y. 2020/2021: Bachelor’s degree, Master
Degree, Single Cycle Degree Program, including the new Higher Education degrees in Art and
2) must be under the age of 31;
3) must reside in the Metropolitan City of Turin;

4) must have ISEE value no higher than €25,000;
5) must have obtained at least half the CFU credits allocated for each academic year completed.
Students enrolled in the first year of one of the above-mentioned degree courses are not expected
to meet this requirement;
6) must be facing economic hardship as defined in art. 3 of this Call.
B) Students attending ITS (Higher Technical Institute) degree courses in the a.y. 2020/2021 n. 25

The economic difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the possibility to continue the studies, are due to:
– job loss or work suspension (i.e. furlough – suspension of employment) affecting one parent or the household income earner in 2020 or in the period between January-April 2021;
– revenue loss of 30% in 2020 (compared to the previous year) for one parent/household income earner (self-employed worker or owner of a business);
– death of a parent/household income earner (self-employed worker or owner of a business) due to COVID-19

Such financial difficulties must be well documented; in case a parent/houselhold income earner
died, you must provide the self-declaration affidavit (in accordance with article 46 T.U. – D.P.R. no.
445- 28.12.2000), together with a document certifying COVID-19 as cause of death.

The first seminar on LGBTQ+ Rights was conducted on 10 May 2021 by the University of Turin, which systematically addressed the main topics connected to the LGBTQ+ community from a legal perspective.

The seminar was organized by Marco Pellissero, Professor of Criminal Law, and Antonio Vercellone, researcher in the field of Civil Law. 11 meetings took place, each of which dedicated to a particularly relevant topic for the LGBTQ+ community. Guests from all Italy were invited. Althought partecipation to the seminar was initially limited to students attending the fourth and fifth year of Law, after the first meetings the seminar was opened to the public.

The first meetings focused on topics that are dominating political debates, such as Civil Unions and Surrogacy. Alongside the legal topics, also interdisciplinary contributions, such as the historical excursus of Prof. Maya de Leo, and some speeches from LGBTQ+ rights activists
were made.

Politecnico di Torino, Università di Torino, Università del Piemonte Oientale, Università della Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste and Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo have recently signed an agreement for the reciprocity of library services.

The commitment is to guarantee reciprocal access to library facilities, in accordance with the rules in force in each university. Users will be identified by presenting their university ID card or “smart card”. Thanks to the agreement, therefore, students, teachers and technical staff of each university will be able, free of charge and under a reciprocal regime, to use many of the services offered by all the libraries of the signatory universities: from home loan to
photocopying and printing services from the Internet – in compliance with the regulations in force – to inter-library services, that is the possibility of receiving at one own library volumes and copies of articles or parts of volumes owned by other libraries. Users from all the universities will also be guaranteed access to the bibliographic and documentary heritage of the universities, with the proviso that users will only be able to access electronic resources from the computer workstations available on the premises of the libraries hosting them.

It will also be possible to use the computer workstations and surf the web to carry out bibliographic research and access documentary resources, selected in line with the mission and objectives of study, research and documentation of the libraries.
The universities also undertake to cooperate in organising refresher and training initiatives for staff and in implementing further joint inter-library projects.
In this way, the foundations are laid for the implementation of projects aimed at innovating strategies and practices concerning both digital library services and the promotion of open access to cultural and scientific resources.

Finally, in the medium and long term, the wish of the promoting universities is to collaborate in the construction and enhancement of knowledge through the culture of books – paper and/or digital – in order to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the territory, thus favouring the achievement of common objectives in the field of Third Mission.

There are three important news for those students who want to join the Erasmus+ program in the next years:


The Erasmus program has been renewed for the next 7 years. Yesterday the European Parliament gave the final green light to the project Erasmus+ for the
years 2021-2027. This program, dedicated to training, youth and sport, will see its funding doubled, going from 14.7 billion in the previous years, to more than 28 billion. In the final phases of the negotiation with the Council, deputies managed to obtain an additional amount of 1.7 billion euros. The new Erasmus+ will offer more instruments and resources that will support inclusiveness. The Commission and EU member states are to present action plans to improve access to learning and mobility for those people who always had fewer possibility to take part in the project.

This includes people with disabilities, people living in poverty or in a remote area or coming from an immigration context.
Subsidies will also be given to those unable to cover the first expenses, for example the purchase of travel tickets or the reservation for accommodation. Furthermore, those applications presenting higher costs due to measures to guarantee inclusiveness will not be rejected.

Compared to the previous Erasmus+, the new program will also be available to students attending adult education programs. This will help people of any age and background to acquire new work and life skills, so that they can better adapt to the changes related to the upcoming green and digital transitions, and to the post- pandemic age of Covid-19. The program, which has already been approved by the Council, will come into effect as soon as it is published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
