The Torino Chamber of Commerce offers 115 Scholarships to students in financial difficulty due to the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic.
The goal is to support the new generations, namely those who belong to vulnerable social groups, as they continue their studies. These scholarships will ease the financial burden on families, as their economic difficulties risk to affect the possibility of the young generations to continue their
The call for scholarships is both for university students and ITS (Higher Technical Institutes) students.
Specifically, these scholarships are reserved to:
Students regularly enrolled or enrolled in the first year of a degree program at Università or Politecnico di Torino for the a.y. 2020/2021 – 90 scholarships;
How to apply: email your application to with the subject “Domanda Borsa di studio Camera di commercio di Torino 2021– Surname and Name of the applicant”, by July 30, 2021 (12 a.m. Italian time).
Requirements to apply:
1) must be enrolled in one of the following courses for a.y. 2020/2021: Bachelor’s degree, Master
Degree, Single Cycle Degree Program, including the new Higher Education degrees in Art and
2) must be under the age of 31;
3) must reside in the Metropolitan City of Turin;
4) must have ISEE value no higher than €25,000;
5) must have obtained at least half the CFU credits allocated for each academic year completed.
Students enrolled in the first year of one of the above-mentioned degree courses are not expected
to meet this requirement;
6) must be facing economic hardship as defined in art. 3 of this Call.
B) Students attending ITS (Higher Technical Institute) degree courses in the a.y. 2020/2021 n. 25
The economic difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the possibility to continue the studies, are due to:
– job loss or work suspension (i.e. furlough – suspension of employment) affecting one parent or the household income earner in 2020 or in the period between January-April 2021;
– revenue loss of 30% in 2020 (compared to the previous year) for one parent/household income earner (self-employed worker or owner of a business);
– death of a parent/household income earner (self-employed worker or owner of a business) due to COVID-19
Such financial difficulties must be well documented; in case a parent/houselhold income earner
died, you must provide the self-declaration affidavit (in accordance with article 46 T.U. – D.P.R. no.
445- 28.12.2000), together with a document certifying COVID-19 as cause of death.