Polito ChinaDay

Learn Today, China Tomorrow

It is called PoliTO ChinaDay (Learn Today, China Tomorrow) and it is the biggest Italian- Chinese event scheduled at the Polytechnic of Turin, tomorrow, 7th March 2018 at the Sala Consiglio di Facoltà and Aula Magna (at 10 am). The Association CSSA Polito (Association of the students and Chinese students of the Polytechnic of Turin), which is the organizing body, has organized a rich program of initiatives and meetings dedicated to the Chinese culture and the topic of internationalization.

The new Silk Road

The day is part of the “New Silk Road” (Belt and Road Initiative , BRI), a strategic plan of China for improving the links and the cooperation between the countries in Eurasia. The land routes, that cross the Asian continent, and the sea ones, that from Indochina pass through Africa and then reach the Mediterranean, are part of the new Silk Road. The aim of the meeting will be to disseminate and make China better known to Polytechnic students, professors and researchers. The research possibilities and educational offers of Chinese universities will also be presented.

For the Polytechnic of Turin, which ha some relations with the most important Chinese universities, will be the perfect opportunity for sharing and for cultural and academic exchange, the day will also include artistic performances and cultural ceremonies, such as the Tea ceremony.

Schedule of the day

10 am – 10.40 am China, a look at the future. Curated by Pan Zuoke, vice president
of the CSSA association
10.40am – 11pm PoliEtnico Choir Exhibition
11 am – 11.40 am PoliTO in China, challenges and opportunities. Organized by the Area
11.50 am – 12.30 pm Tea ceremony. Organized by the Confucius Institute
12.30 pm – 1 pm Study in China, testimonies and experiences
1 pm – 2 pm LUNCH (Catering offered by CSSA) at the Sala
Consiglio di Facoltà
2 pm – 2.20 pm China, a look at the future. Cured by Pan Zuoke
2.20 pm – 3.20 pm Issue of visas for China. Speech of the Consulate
Chinese in Italy
3.15 pm – 4.05 pm Exhibition of Tai Ji. Organized by the Confucius Institute
Musical performances. Chinese students of the Conservatory
4.10 pm – 4.30 pm Living in China. Speech by the Students Associations
4.30 pm- 5.00 pm Conclusion done by CSSA

Information material will be available at the Hall of the Sala Consiglio di Facoltà
about the most important Chinese universities and on the various mobility opportunities e
collaboration with China.