From 25 to 29 September the Polytechnic of Turin will host the “Open Education Training Week”, the week of training proposed in the field of the international project Erasmus + “OpenMed – Opening up Education in South-Mediterranean countries” coordinated by the Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo – UNIMED. Five European partners and nine University institutes from four different countries of the Southern Mediterranean are committed to the project, intended to stimulate and promote what are known as Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP), which are resources and open educational practices, teaching material in digital format made available with licenses enabling them to be reused, modified and distributed. The aim is to offer a growth opportunity to the higher education sector thanks to the sharing of knowledge and teaching tools in partner countries: Morocco, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan.
The week of meetings at the Polytechnic of Turin – partner of the project – will be focused on fundamentals and approaches to the “open” education. Educators, researches, teachers and students in training or just people that are interested in the subject can attend the meetings. Introductory classes, illustrations of basic principles and group works will provide information and will anticipate the second part of the training journey, which will be completed online in the coming months. In addition to the partner institutions of the project, eight more universities from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Lebanon, for a total of 80 people and 8 countries (3 EU countries and 5 countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean), will take part in the meetings of the week.
The Open Education Training Week represents the first stage of the “Open Education: fundamentals and approaches. A learning journey opening up Teaching in Higher Education” course. At the end of the week, the online stage of the course will begin, during which participants will be able to access the online teaching modules and develop their own project idea of Open Education.
The aim of the project OpenMed is to analyze the good practices with regard to the open education that have already been implemented in the Mediterranean region and to increase the adoption of these models in higher education, also through courses and workshops meant for trainers, like the one that will take place in Turin. The ultimate goal of the project is to protect education as a public good and fundamental human right and promote the role of universities as knowledge centers not only towards student but also beyond institutional limits, especially towards the weaker and disadvantaged groups of the society, such as low-income households, students with disabilities, inhabitants of rural areas and refugees.