Seeyousound, un contest per il DAMS

Seeyousound, Turin’s musical film festival, starting on January 25, 2019 for its 6th time, announces a contest in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Torino. The contest involves students from  DAMS, Corso di Laurea in Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo (Degree course in Performing Arts) and aims to promote productions on the relation between images and sounds.

Contestants can submit musical videos, also known as “promotional videos”, or any production which give a new take on the relation between music and images. Videos can be recorded with any technique: with or without CGI; animated; etc. Maximum length is 5 minutes. Images and music must be original.
Each contestant may only submit one video.

Participation is free and may be in groups or individually.
The contest is exclusively for Performing Arts’ students from any city.

For the application, please fill out this form.
For further information, visit the Seeyousound Facebook page, or write to