Turin is to be discovered, not only in its urban fabric, but also in the metropolitan one. In the cities which surround Turin the culture is moving and leads to unique events. One of these is RiStory, a festival entirely centered on short stories, which will take place in Rivalta di Torino. RiStory lasts three days (from 5th to 7th October 2018) and wants to rediscover a literary genre, the one of short stories, which is often obscured by the large and popular fame of the novel.
The rooms of the library and the Castello di Rivalta, ancient castle on the Trebbia valley, will house this first festival, planned by the artistic director Alessandro Perissinotto, writer and university teacher in Turin.
With reading, meetings with school students and artistic contamination between music and narration, RiStory wants to become a place of national cultural debate, by restoring and conveying high values of literature, trough a genre that is popular and easy to reach.
The aim, said Nicoletta Cerrato, cultural councilor in Rivalta, is to create a permanent workshop on short stories, also thanks to the important partnerships with the Università degli Studi di Torino and the Teatro Stabile. In fact, together with the festival, will also start Lab, a literary monthly hothouse, whose audience, guided by writers and scholars, will be able to think about the writing of short stories.
The first guest of RiStory will be the writers Dario Voltolini and Maurizio De Giovanni, together with the president of the Ordine dei Giornalisti, Alberto Sinigallia, and the musicians Massimo Bubola and Boosta. Everyone of them has a great interest in short stories.
Friday 5th October – Castello degli Orsini di Rivalta, Biblioteca “Silvio Grimaldi”
5.30 pm: opening
6.30 pm : RiStory live, presentation and reading. Alberto Sinigaglia
9.30 pm: Gothic Night. Theatre reading of gothic stories inside the castle and the Ricetto. Obligatory reservation at the number 011 9045585/57.
Saturday 6th October – Castello degli Orsini/(Ala Piazza Bionda)
10.00 am: RiScoperte. (Castle). Great stories from the past. Reading-class on Italo Svevo!
3.30 pm: Kamishibai (castle). Animated reading for children. Obligatory reservation at the number 011 9045585/57.
9.30 pm: literary Dj-set with Boosta (Ala Piazza Bionda)
6.30 pm: RiFlettori. Maurizio De Giovanni, L’ultimo passo di tango, Rizzoli 2017 (Ala Piazza Bionda).
9.30 pm: literary Dj-set with Boosta (Ala Piazza Bionda)
Sunday 7th October Castello degli Orsini/(Ala Piazza Bionda)
11.00 am RiStory Lab: presentation of the permanent workshop on short stories and of the Premio Banca del Piemonte (Castle).
4.30 pm: RiCordi. Stories of the Great War. Massimo Bubola, Ballata senza nome, Frassinelli 2017 (Ala Piazza Bionda).
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