The University bets on the courses in English. Now there are six degree courses in English, but next year there will be 10 of them.

The greatest news is that you will be able to become a “doctor” thanks to the English degree course of medicine at the hospital San Luigi – Orbassano. This opportunity will be presented to the students of Capus Luigi Einaudi who attend the 4th or the 5th class at high school until Friday 24th during the “Orientation days”. This year the courses will be presented by professionals, notaries, advocates and social workers that will talk about the job perspectives.

The English language offers more possibilities. Another great piece of news is that until now the only courses in English had been the two-year specialising degrees. In September the first three-year course starts – Business and Management – and also the first five-year course begins – Medicine. The two specialising degrees that will start are European Legal Studies and Business Administration. There will be also an English curriculum of Philosophy. Last year «Stochastics and data Science» started: the number of subscriptions was 35 – not few for a specialising degree.