“Become entrepreneurs” is an entrepreneurship introduction course addressed to students, graduate students and doctoral students.
It is an introductory course, (9 classes), minded to stimulate and to increase the entrepreneurial attitudes of the participants. It is also useful to introduce the places of innovation of the university and of the territory, where it is possible to develop entrepreneurial ideas. The aim of the course is to enhance the employment prospects motivating students to acquire an entrepreneurial mentality and the ability to put ideas into practice, providing skills.
The course is proposed in several editions during the academic year, reaching more than one science education areas of the University, in order to facilitate the students’ participation.
The second edition, mainly dedicated to the students of the Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine Courses began on 25th January. They are 9 meetings on a weekly basis: every Thursday from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Palazzina Aule-Direzioni – Aule A e C – Largo Braccini, 2 – Grugliasco (TO).
In the academic year 2017-2018, a third edition is scheduled, addressed to the University of Humanities and to the University CLE.
It will start on Thursday 5th April 2018, from 4 pm to 7 pm, it will still consist of 9 meetings that will take place at the Palazzina Einaudi – Aule 2 e 7 – Lungo Dora Siena, 68/A – Torino.
The course is free, the attendance is compulsory and it will give college credits.
For more information:
Direzione Ricerca e Terza Missione – Staff Progetti innovativi di Ateneo
progettinnovativi.ricerca@unito.it – 0116702420
All the information and the registration forms are available at the dedicated section of the University portal.
Here you can find the flier of presentation of the course.
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