The Unito Management Board has definitively approved the fees regulations for the academic year 2020/2021. Here you will find some of the important changes they entail, a few of which we had previously disclosed.

– The NO TAX AREA will be expanded to all ISEE indexes lower than € 20,000, in accordance with the latest
ministerial provisions.
– A decrease in the fees assigned to ISEE indexes between € 20,000-26,000.
Part-time students will be able to enjoy a 20% reduction on their ISEE compared to the previous
regulations, no matter the value of their index. This way, part-time fees will amount only to 60% of full-time
fees, compared to 75% in previous years, becoming more proportionate to the maximum credit workload for
this kind of study plan (36).
– Students with an ISEE index lower than € 20,000 and an “inactive” study plan will see merit-based
distinctions reduced.
– It will be possible to produce the ISEE documentation for higher education reductions (ISEEU) after the
official November 20 th , 2020 deadline upon payment of arrears of 150 euros. Under those terms, the ISEEU
documentation will be accepted until March 22 nd , 2021. Current ISEE documentation will also be accepted until
the same date.
– Student fees will be divided into four installments instead of three.
Italian and foreign students who are not eligible to apply for higher education reductions will have the
choice to apply for a reduction to their overall university fees for the academic year 2020/2021 based either on
their officially recognized ISEE index or on the GDP per capita of their/their parents; country of residence,
adjusted according to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) rates.
A Taxation Help Centre (CAF) will be opened within the premises of the university in order to make the process of acquiring ISEEU documentation easier.