The new Residence Regulations of EDISU Piemonte have been approved after being revised with the delegates of the students of the residences.

These are the main changes:

·         unification of the rules of the residence life in one only Regulation , which includes the previous regulations and the rules of the internal services;

·         updating of the rule about what students should/shouldn’t bring inside the rooms and the residence (Art. 4);

·         prolonging of the visits time: guests can stay until 1 a.m.. This time could be further prolonged, providing they respect specific security rules in the rooms and in the common areas (Art. 6);

·         clearer punishment for those who go against the regulations: the article 13 introduces more steps of punishment (that include admonition and revocation of the benefits of EDISU) and defines the violations that have as response the letter of reprimand and its corresponding punishment.