Indagine AlmaLaurea 2018

Yesterday, 27th February 2018, the Administration Board of the Polytechnic has established the extension of the NO-TAX area, expanding the contributory bracket exempted from the payment of University fees. The decree will involve almost 4200 students, with a cost, by the Polytechnic, of more than one and a half million euros.

This measure has met the efforts of AlterPolis, the student representative list that brought this goal among the points of their electoral program. “The main suggestion on the topic of taxation was exactly the extension of the NO-TAX area”,  explain the students of AlterPolis, adding: “it is a political and social resolution of historical importance: with this measure more than 4 thousand students extra will be exempted from the payment of the fee to the Polytechnic”.

The Brackets  

The Isee brackets exempted from the payment will no longer be of 13500 euros but of 25500 euros. “The Administration Board today approved the proposal that gives a turning point compared to past trends” – explains Marco Rondina, member of the Cda for AlterPolis – “this is a one of a kind event in one of the European Countries where the highest University fees are registered”.

The political Debate

Yesterday, the topic of the right to education was also addressed in political terms: University students, in fact, organized a debate that involved the candidates in the upcoming elections. The debate on the problems and critical aspects of Italian Universities saw the positions of Forza Italia, Partito Democratico and Movimento 5 Stelle at odds with Liberi e Uguali and Potere al Popolo. The first ones have focused of issues such as meritocracy and utility and necessity of supporting school-work alternation system; while the second ones have underlined the risk of creating new generations of unpaid workers.